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Posts posted by Fishyfish

  1. 53 minutes ago, Fishyfish said:

    I'm not sure I completely understand you, my apologies. I can do English and some Mandarin, but Russian? To google translate I go. 

    I haven't taken an deep look at the European side of the map. I suspect that maybe the devs have used a modern map to represent the in game map, I'm kinda a historical map fanatic. I'll load up a few campaigns and check some things and get back to you with what I find. 

    I checked the 1920 map aganist the 1940 map as there were some big changes historically, none happened. A side note it took 22 minutes to load a 1940 campaign.. 

    Anyways here's some brief notes. 



    In Europe the baltic states are independent, which is kinda correct - a lot of wars of independence going on as they fight aganist the red hoard pouring out of the east. Ukraine was independent in 1920, as it was in the middle of it's war of independence, Poland too has recently broken away with the Posnanian War of 1918-1919. so Europe looks semi-okay. 

    However Central Asia is a major incorrect mess, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan shouldn't exist yet as they're represented. There should be the Kara-Kirghiz Autonomous Oblast, the Bukharan People's Soviet Republic, Turkestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, and the Khorezm Peoples Soviet Republic. All of which came into being between 1918 and roughly 1924. I'm going to assume with the earlier start dates none of the preexisting countries like the Emirate of Bukhara are represented. 

    Further south Kashmir shouldn't be independent. And lol, much to my surprise I find that Pakistan and Bangladesh exist too independent of the Raj, which itself is just India. Woops. That's a No.

    A later jump to 1940 shows that Manchuko/The Empire of Great Manchuria doesn't exist, as Japan annexed Manchuria in 1932 although only El Salvador ever acknowledged it as it's own country (mostly as a big F-U to the US who in turn had refused to acknowledge the new fascist regime in El Salvador as legitimate). Also Ukraine is independent, and not the Ukranian SSR which, unfortunately came into being when the earlier mentioned war of independence was lost.


    So yeah I'm of the opinion that the devs are just using a current day map for the world map. Look, if any of you devs are reading this I'm happy to lend you what ever information you want on the historical nations and their borders that existed in the early part of the 20th century, as a whole boat load came and went in the time period of this game. I'm pretty well versed in mess that was the interwar period just shake me really hard. 


    On a completely unrelated note, have any of our Russian/Eastren European friends here watched any soviet ostren movies? I rather enjoyed White Sun of the Desert Белое солнце пустыни, despite it being kinda hokey. Do you guys have any other recommendations? The Soviet Conquest of Central Asia and the Basmachi Rebellion are really interesting and I love foreign movies.   Андрей Арсеньевич Тарковский might be one of my favorite directors, even though he never made any Ostrens. 

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Airzerg said:

    Отделена ли Украина от России? Да, сделайте его неиграбельным и все. Или предположим, что Венгрия отделена от Австрии, Пруссия, Бавария и Саксония также отделены. Почему так?

    I'm not sure I completely understand you, my apologies. I can do English and some Mandarin, but Russian? To google translate I go. 

    I haven't taken an deep look at the European side of the map. I suspect that maybe the devs have used a modern map to represent the in game map, I'm kinda a historical map fanatic. I'll load up a few campaigns and check some things and get back to you with what I find. 

  3. Actually my theory of the devs Kowtowing to the CCP is supported by the fact that China owns Tibet during the game. Tibet broke away from china during the Xinhai revolution and was only reannexed by the CCP during the 1950s. It was an independent country from 1911 through 1951. Any mention of an independent Tibet is strictly forbidden in the current day CCP.


    Please, Pleeeease @Nick Thomadisaddress this simple issue and make China what it should be. 

    wrong china.png

    • Like 3
  4. 15 hours ago, Lima said:


    For some reason, the Republic of China is communists. And this is a problem, because the communists are the worst government in the game for GDP (reverse Victoria 3). I don't want to be a communist, how can I change that...



    This actually is a huge historical inaccuracy. One that really tweaks me given how long I've studied this time period in Chinas history. Time for a brief lesson, keep in mind this is a gross oversimplification, and please devs, take note. 

    Qing China in 1911 was replaced with the Beiyang Republic following the Xinhai revolution, this government is not a communist power, the early Chinese Communist Party is still well in it's infancy during this time,( little more than groups in universities and the like) The Beiyang Government is a Federal Parliamentary Republic founded under President Sun Yat Sen using the following flag. This flag should be the flag of china from 1911 to 1928


    Long story short, this government falls apart pretty baddly. During the Xinhai revolution, a deal was cut with the leader of the Beiyang Army (Beiyang meaning literally northren ocean) a man named Yuan Shikai which would see him given the first presedency of the republic if said Beiyang Army would side with the rebels aganist the Qing. At the time of the Xinhai revolution, China had multiple different regional armies, and the Beiyang Army was the most modern and westren in the country. Yuan Shikai forced the Qing royal family to step down, thus preventing excessive and drawn out bloodshed and Sun in turn would step down and hand the presidency over to Yuan Shikai. The deal however was that he was to move the capital away from Bijing and away from his regional power source (the aformentioned Beiyang Army) to Nanjing, which was heavily under the influence of the Tongmenghui, the nationalist secret society who Sun had created to bring about changing China into a Republic. It's at this point I want to note the these Nationalists aren't the same kind of extreme Nationalists in say, Nazi Germany. These are Nationalists whose goal is simply to build a modren, democratic Chinese Nation. 

    Anyways Yuan Shikai screws it all up when in 1916 he dissolves parliament, rewrites the constitution and crowns himself the new Emperor of china. This sparks the National Protection War, and the new Chinese Empire, (which has it's own flag, but it's not really that important here) lasts about 80 days, Yuan abdicates and then died. This however caused a lot of things, way to many for me to get into right now, but it resulted into China fracturing into multiple Warlord Cliques, all vying for power and dominance in China, but none powerful enough to fully unify China under their dictatorial control. Effectively which ever warlord controlled Beijing was the warlord the rest of the world considered to be the defacto leader of the country, and the big man on top that they would officially do all sorts of international deals with. (spoilers, they did all sorts of deals with other warlords anyways, ya know, gun running, smuggling, etc) It's a really interesting time in chinese history, full of warlords and civil wars and general unrest. I highly reccomend anyone reading up on the "Warlord Era." But effectivly from 1916 to 1926 China is a mess, with upwards of 50+ cliques all squabbling and infighting for the rightful leadership of the country as a whole.

    In 1926 a rival government, the Kuomingtang, a party more in line with Sun's original teachings and a direct offspring of the Tongmenghui crops up in the south of China, at the time a combination that including the Chinese Communist Party. The KMT  under the leadership of  Chiang Kai-Shek launch a war to drive out the Warlords and unify China, and by 1928 has more or less have done so; by directly controlling about half of the country and having the remaining warlords swear loyalty and obedience to the Nationalist Government in Nanjing. It is during this time that the Nationalists and Communists split (when Nanjing is taken from it's local warlord, communist troops go on a rampage attacking foreign extra territorial concessions and foreigners alike, and Chiang, fearing an intervention from the treaty nations which would end his bid to unify the country, tries to purge the communist element in the KMT), and the Civil War between the two starts. They would only kinda unify again during the War of Resistance, when Japan invades later in the 30s. The Nationalists have this flag, which should be the flag of China from 1928 through the end of the game. 



    The eagle eyed among you may note that is the flag of Taiwan. Well yes, that's because Taiwan is the Republic of China, and they only fled to the island in 1949 when the CCP took full control of the mainland, and technically the two are still in a civil war. 

    With the timeline laid out in this game of 1890 through 1940, there should be No Communist China period. I suspect that the only reason the devs have done this is because they can't sell this game in China if that above flag is present, or any true history of a KMT ruled china is alluded to. 


    Tl;dr there should be No Communist China. 


    A side note, goddang it took 12 minutes to load a campaign. 

    • Like 8
  5. With just about every "new" hull I played with this happened with all parts. Towers, guns, stacks, they mount in the air above the hull as seen, that is the part clicked into place.

    Also major audio error of two perhaps three instances of the background music playing over each other.

    Just updated to the most recent beta. 


    "New hulls" See lots of copy paste.  



  6. 6 hours ago, Norbert Sattler said:

    I didn't know that prior to their all-forward ships, the French (AI) had any all-backwards ships. ^^


    Cue in the inevitable French retreat jokes.

    Reminds me of the japanese owned, french built protected cruiser matsushima, which had a singular chonky 13in gun in a rear facing turret. I kinda like how this ship looks. 

  7. ?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Lett


    Aaahh, now, that's more like it. However, it seems a bunch of parts are broken or don't fit on any of these hulls. Most of the towers, guns conflict with each other and don't like specific angles. But none the less, top notch work on the new old hulls! Have a cookie, on me! Very nice, very nice indeed. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Cptbarney said:

    Well, we will all have to do it. I don't get special favours at all and it took ages for them to announce that they would focus on something other than modern bb hulls (also we need more actual hulls rather than copy and paste). I want miss texas, and even though i wanted California in this game, i only got the hull, but not superstructure for her (i think the modern one is missing).

    Surprised you dont remember that thread i opened up a while ago, maybe i should bump it up so that more peeps can add more old ships in.

    Also im focusing on other things, so play testing the game isn't my highest priority atm. Plus lack of motivation to do so.

    I so rarely peek into these forums these days, I wouldn't doubt that I forget threads. That and too many bonks on the head. 

    I can dig it though, I really can. I'm finally getting around to fixing my desktop, so I'll actually get a chance to play again and see what the last.. 2? 3? patches brought with my own eyes. 

    • Like 1
  9. We desperately need some of them, ahem, "old boaghts" if that's how you pronounce it. 😉

    I have multiple resources availed if you ever need them, Janes books and the like. Just give me a ping or a DM or what ever and I'll photo or scan pages for you. 

    If you can somehow coerce the devs to give me some goddang hulls like the USS Maine AC1 I will eat my fin. 

    • Like 1
  10. Ah good one of the two paid shills is talking out a hole in their backside again. So let me get this straight, if you're a closed beta tester you get full right to be a condensending jackass to people? Two of those closed beta testers are absolutely worthless, one I think quite highly of despite their terminal animuu affliction, and the rest I don't think I've ever seen comment. 


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  11. 59 minutes ago, Elrerune The Honorbound said:

    @Fishyfish You are not the type of German I worship. You have been spoon-fed fabricated history, which I'm aware is common practice in Germany these days. And you don't understand something as normal as the visual novel you mentioned which is part of artistic culture in Japan. Sorry, but I don't consider you German. I can only sense fear from you when you write about the fabrications about Croats. And that's good for you I guess. I don't understand what is wrong with me having free choice of politics. It seems to me that people like you who live in fear are the ones who are stripped of free thought and choice, and believe every person in the world should be a lift-wing ultra-liberal extremist like yourself. I at least have the freedom to choose. So trust me you will never turn the entire world into a disgusting melting pot. Also, I'm not the one who derailed this thread in the first place.


    Oh I can assure you I'm no liberal, because as much as I'm against the ultra authoritarian control of the far right I'm just as much if not more so against the far left. At both ends of the political spectrum you find dictatorial oppression. Hardcore commies on one path, hardcore fascists on the other, they are truly nearly identical in the end.  No, you moron I'm about as Nationalist as it gets, but I believe in the rights of the people as the nation, not in the state. I'm pro small government, pro open market, and hyper capitalist. It's why I own a small business. You'll never do anything like that, you're a sad troll coomer with a porn avatar. I'm not afraid of you at all, because I've seen your type time and time again, you're the kind of person so incapable of creating anything of worth for your community or society because of your lazy, impotent, indolent, entitled attitude, that you fail at everything you do, and thus lash out and destroy, and instead of taking responsibilities of your failures, you scapegoat. You don't think, that's the problem, you don't reason. You're as bad as ANTIFA, you're the kind of dregs that Lenin spurred into the Bolshevik revolution. I don't fear you I'm disgusted by you. You're repellant. Abhorant, inferior, jealous, spiteful, stupid, and a Croat. But not scary. 

    Despite much of my family coming from Germany, they fought them in WWI and WWII, and like my grandparents I'm the kind of person who when duty and liberty calls, goes over to your failed state and puts you back in your place. 

    I don't care about the artistic culture of Japan. Your avatar is an anime girl from a porn henti about i n c e s t. Let that sink in for a minute. 

    Your counter argument of "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU" is falling apart. 

    And at this point, I don't care about derailing this thread or not. 

  12. Alright, hold tight. I'm here and I'm going to be a dick! Why, because I don't care anymore. 

    @Elrerune The Honorbound

    Let's make some things perfectly clear. I am approximately 80% ethnically German, with the remaining 20% split up between the Baltic states and Scandinavia. 

    One of my Great Grandfathers was named Ragnar Oskar Wilhelm Lunden, (grandmothers side, so I don't have that name, thus I don't worry about it being public knowledge)  he - and that side of my family were born in the German Empire. He and they came to the United States while Germany was still an empire. The other half of my family came to the United States in 1919. While I'm not nearly that old, I grew up with grandparents who were first generation immigrants and enjoyed a childhood steeped in ethnic traditions, especially around the holidays. It was delightful, and I'm the last of my family keeping up these traditions. 

    That being said, let me make this painfully clear to you, a block headed croat. YOU ARE NOT A GERMAN. YOU ARE A CROAT, YOU ARE FROM THE BALKANS and you will never, ever, ever be German. Get off my dick. To Quote Otto Von Bismarck, "The Balkans aren't worth the life of a single Pomeranian grenadier."

    You, you wish in your sleep that you were German, your posts drip with lust and jealousy of a people you will never be, and of a culture you will never have. You pontificate and preach nothing but Ubermensch myth and ledged, prattle on about the supremacy of the German people, the German Technology, the German Race, all the while remaining nothing more than a jealous lusty Croat. 

    You Disgust Me.  You talk about the Ustaše with out realizing, mostly because you're too stupid to, that the Croats we're useful idiots to the Nazis. Hitler's plan for the Balkans was to anchor the south flank as they pushed into Eastren Europe. This was first achieved on 25th March of 41 when Yugoslavia (your original masters) signed the tripartite pact and joined the Axis. However on March 27th the government in Yugoslavia was overthrown and the Axis had no other options than to invade. Hitler originally did not want an independent Croatia. It was the British that saw to that. Furthermore, Hitler tried to give Croatia and other parts of the Balkans to Hungary as historically they were part of the Hungarian half of the Austro Hungarian Empire. But the Hungarians didn't want you. Mussolini wanted an independent Croatia because Ante Pavelić was one of his pets. Hitler only reluctantly agreed with Mussolini. And you know what? The Germans we're disgusted with the Ustaše and their antics. 

    "Major Walter Kleinenberger, officer with the 714th division, complained that Ustaše brutality “was in defiance of all laws of civilization. The Ustaše murder without exception men, women and children”. German Captain Konopatzki called the Ustaše Black Legion slaughter of Serb civilians in Eastern Bosnia “a new wave of butchery of innocents”. Ustaše “wholesale butchery” (Abschlachtung) of Serbs in Srem, in ISC-occupied Serbia, triggered German concerns of Serb uprisings. Lieutenant Colonel von Wedel wrote that in western Bosnia Ustaše killed women and children “like cattle” in a series of “bestial executions”.

    This is how Hitler's Plenipotentiary to Croatia, General von Horstanau, described the aftermath of slaughter committed by Jasenovac concentration camp guards in a nearby village:

    "At Crkveni Bok, an unfortunate place, over which about five hundred 15- to 20-year-old thugs descended under the leadership of an Ustasha lieutenant colonel, people were killed everywhere, women were raped and then tortured to death, children were killed. I saw in the Sava River the corpse of a young woman with her eyes dug out and a stake driven into her sexual parts. This woman was at most twenty years old when she fell into the hands of these monsters. All around, pigs devoured unburied human beings. "Fortunate” residents were shipped in terrifying freight cars; many of these involuntary "passengers" cut their veins during transport to the camp"

    The German military even took the extraordinary step of trying the Ustaše chaplain, Miroslav Filipović, for the massacre of 2,300 civilians in 3 villages around Banja Luka in February 1942, including 52 children at a school. On March 3, 1943, General von Horstanau, wrote "Thus far 250,000 Serbs have been killed". General Lothar Rendulić wrote how in August 1942 he remarked to an Ustaše official that he could not conceive how 500,000 Serbs had been killed, to which the Ustaše replied "Half-a-million is a slanderous accusation, the number is not higher than 200,000". Other German sources put the total Serb victim numbers in the ISC, as high as 600,000 to 700,000."


    But you say 90% of Croats are Ustaše? Citation Needed. All you've managed to do is to prove to me that you're incapable of thinking, but I shouldn't be surprised. I'm not convinced you're capable of free thought, despite your ironic signature you fall in lockstep with Corporatism, Fascism, and Militant Catholicism. So then by your measure 90% of Croats don't want free thought, free speech, free exchange of ideas, nor do they want private property, or to own their own businesses or to worship as they want. They want to become enslaved to their state, be told what to do, told what to think, told what to say. 

    Well as a German, your apparent master race, the people of whom you worship I'll tell you what to do. Put [blank] In your [blank] and pull the trigger. Unfortunately, I already know that you'd miss, and not be competent enough to follow these basic instructions. 




    I did a reverse google image search on your profile pic, as it kicked off your nonsense and you seemed very keen to keep it secret what it's all about, so I decided to find out why I'll let everyone know, just so everyone knows the kind of ubermensch we're dealing with here. 

    Your profile pic is Nazi fan art of a character named Amane Amamiya, see link one below, a character from the hentai porno visual novel called "KATEIKYOUSHI NO ONEE SAN" which mind you I was appalled to read about, because apparently it's all about i n c e s t and teachers doing their teenage student. So, good on you, you sex pervert degenerate. 

    Here's some clean, SFW links to support my statements:

    Link one https://mocah.org/1125397-illustration-anime-red-nazi-fan-art-amemiya-amane-mangaka.html

    Link two https://myanimelist.net/character/13489/Amane_Amamiya

    Link three https://myanimelist.net/anime/3102/Kateikyoushi_no_Oneesan_The_Animation__H_no_Hensachi_Agechaimasu 

    Anyone who wants further information can research all they like with the names and titles given. Be warned, it's graphic and deplorable. 

    I'm publicly calling you out. You're some edgy cringelord rollplaying your favorite anime wifu from your favorite anime porno dressed up like a nazi while spouts thinly veiled German Master Race!! Nazi propaganda as you are completely enamored in the mythology of the aryan superman.  I don't even believe that your a woman. You seem to be the kind of sad degenerate person that the Nazis would have put in a death camp. 



    So, as a Ethnic German, you disgust me. And Further, as a Homosexual (gasp) and a Freemason (gasp) two groups of people that the Nazis and the Ustaše would have put in a death camp wearing a pink and red triangle, you continue to disgust me. As someone who values liberity, freedom and individual rights you disgust me, and as someone who finds cringeworthy henti porn deplorable you.. well, you still disgust me. 


    So Mods, who no doubt will jump on me to delete this post and put out the fires I'll light, I beseech you, I don't care what you do to me, but for the good of this forum, and for the wellbeing of these good forum members, please, have some sense for once and ban that extremist troll. 



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  13. What? Why? Why does this thread exist? You're upset because you can't make your favorite made up boat anymore and you feel the need to make an entire thread dedicated to how you can't make the same design over and over again? Wew lad. The 'tism. 


    I can't even make any of my favorite designs because the devs won't put their hulls into this game. 

    • Like 1
  14. 21 hours ago, baltic1284 said:

    The subs arnt bad problem what you have is most player on that game don't understand ship roles neither do the devs of that game either that is probably well over half the issue.

    They completely are a problem. 

    Ultra fast surface speeds, ultra fast under water speeds, absurdly fast homing torpedos with a really BS sonar ping system?

    Slow plodding craft with slow unguided torpedos up untill late war when a rudimentary acoustic homing torpedo was invented that had just as much chance to target the launching submarine.

  15. 2 hours ago, Marshall99 said:

    I uninstalled this game 2 month ago. I played this game since the beginning, and I loved it, but the current meta is a no for me.

    But submarines dho, but submarines! Ha! On man those subs, wew lad. I am just amazed that WG thinks any of that is okay. I was in both closed and open beta for WoWS and have hardly played since, I was considering going back for subs but just nah, I can't even watch submarine game play. 

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  16. 2 hours ago, killjoy1941 said:

    Well, there's this: I've been following these guys and playing their games since UG:G and they haven't missed yet. Every single game has been fun, highly replayable, and yet not quite what I expected. I fully expect them to deliver on this one as well, and when they say 1890-1940s, I expect them to eventually deliver on that too.

    Yeah, this one's been rocky, but even so it's still not even the equivalent of a Steam Early Access title so there's quite a bit of time for them to add early hulls and components. I mean, we could've gotten the Killerfish treatment with WotS, although that obviously had more to do with money than intent.

    I fully expect this game to be far more than it seems to be now.

    I hope you're right. I really do. All I can do however is base my dispare and regret off my own experiences. 

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