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Posts posted by toblerone

  1. 2 hours ago, FrostZone said:

    The problem is that new wood types should be incremental changes that give players more options, not completely change the dynamic of every ship built for the past 9 mos.

    Still did not you learn the lesson?

    This change is just a way to oblige people to throw in the toilet all their seasoned wood hard earned ship and re-grind their … off.

    It has always been that way in this game.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Juan de Lezo said:

    En primer lugar, España no va a pasar a joder a nadie, haciendo de muñeca hinchable como vuestros amigos ingleses.

    Si quereis que dejemos de ser tan molestos:

    1. Devolucion de los puertos tomados en las zonas de Gasparilla y Remedios

    2. Dar la totalidad de la region de Islamorada a España, pues es logico la necesidad de tener conectada el norte de cuba con la florida occidental.

    3. Mantua española. Y ningun puerto cercano a la zona española sera "abierto para todos", lo que implica que los prusianos no podran, por ejemplo, abrir el puerto de Corrientes para todos. Sois tambien amigos de los prusianos asi que esto os sera facil de conseguir.

    4. Fin del farmeo y persecucion sistematicas de jugadores españoles. 

    5. Ningun puerto en la florida oriental sera ruso. Los puertos que no pertenecen a la region de Islamorada sera cedidos a los USAS o piratas, segun guste.

    Sinceramente, por todo lo que quieres (que no es poco), que puedes dar a cambio?

  3. 2 hours ago, OldSaltyOne said:

    I came from another game that already taught me all of that that I played for three years I still play it on occasion.  How ever if you can get the basics of angling a ship to deflect shots its not really necessary.  Learning how to do all of that in game is all part of the process.  I honestly don't think that's necessary.  On a side note there a values in learning from getting absolutely rekt to start with.  What happened why did this happen how can I change this from happening again, how can I play better.  Simply put if a player learns from it then as I said all of that other stuff is not needed.  Combating a ship takes a lot of learning if someone is just starting out.  Getting Rekt is just again part of that process.  Look at the positives about it rather than the negatives.  Where a player should really start is in the PVE world to learn the mechanics and get in a few matches against AI ships.  That's education enough on the game. 

    In that game (I have a suspect about which it could be), when you were sunk did you loose the ship forever like in NA or did you just have to wait the end of the battle to jump in a brand new ship and go on? 

    It makes quite a difference 

  4. 7 minutes ago, HachiRoku said:

    well you cannot design a game to be more difficult for the elite and easier for new players. You can only reduce the bonuses they get from grinding. The skill gap will always exist since this game is fundamentally an extremely skill based game. That is one of the best parts of naval action. I do attack the game for being less skill based than it was because now we have kit on top of the skill but the skill element is still in the game. Its just overshadowed by mods etc. 

    actually you could: it's called handicap (like in golf). In example: the higher the PVP kills (or K/D ratio) the more a handicap affects one random ships' stat. 

  5. 18 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

    The expensive ships has been always the Purple/gold with special trims and those behind the permit wall (rng or combat marks).


    But by far the greatest issue has been the UPGRADES as many of them could cost several times the price of the ship that carries them. Which is a nonsense.

    Making the effort of crafting a ship and then equipping bad upgrades is a no for many players.

    It's wasted time.

    We have a long record of posts in this forum in which admin tells us that inflation (and not also scarcity, so - basically -  too much grind to access things) is the only thing that makes prices high.

    Not that he actually thinks that (he has a Master in economics AFAIK), rather he knows that he cannot reduce the grind (due to the monetization model based heavily on DLCs) and then he is "obliged" to propose the solution of deflating prices by reducing the avaliable money.

    Problem is that deflation is usually not an effective way to expand economy in a situation of stagflation.

    • Like 1
  6. This game was doomed and a lot of old testers saw it coming a long ago.

    Simply put, the "hardcore" (alias the crapton of hours needed to make just everything) game mechanics (that were set up with the purpose of monetizing hard with DLCs) are not able to keep people engaged, because of the lack of variety of content. 

    The creation of big zerg nations was the direct consequence of too much effort to be put in setting up port bonuses and the high cost of shipyards and other structures plus the choice of devs to wipe at launch.

    After getting their fingers burned by the wipe at launch, a lot of players (mostly the not "only PVP" and the "no 24/7" players) did not want to risk loosing once more the results of their awful (re)grind process and then joined the zerg.

    If you do not wipe, game will maybe survive as it is for some month. If you wipe again, game dies the day after.

    Greg, live with it. It may be sad … but that's it.



    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Captain Reverse said:

    why do I need your wretched port, which has bad bonuses and a bad and not convenient location? :D
    relax :D 

    Bueno, contestaste muy pronto aunque no seas interesado. De todas formas, puede ser que tengas razon. Vamos a ver, entonces.

    Well, you answered very quick for not being interested. Anyway, maybe you are right. Let's just see, then.

  8. 7 hours ago, Pobols said:

    Reds tiene muchos miembros y dentro de Rusia muchos clanes aliados, clanes que tienen el tinglado en vera cruz. 

    En mi opinión es una medida que sólo sirve para tocar los webos a los clanes grandes y si algún día falta gente o comanda el tema algún inepto nos podemos llevar un susto. 

    Pero quien ha montado la polemica porqué en rusia jugaban demasiados "no rusos" y quien ha abierto los puertos cerca de Vera Cruz para hacer dano a los REDS? 

    Y despues, sin razon aparente, el reverse cierra los puertos que habia abierto y - dentro de unas semanitas - sale una medida que se puede llamar "que todos le den a Vera Cruz". 

    Conspiraciooooooooon! 😁

    5 hours ago, Sento de Benimaclet said:

    Encauzaron el juego hacia los grandes clanes, se les ha ido la mano y ahora para compensar las fuerzas van a joder a esos grandes clanes. Además la idea sublime de que se anunciará públicamente  un dia antes el raid..... desvirtua totalmente lo que significa raid:  ataque por sorpresa. Tantas ideas extrañas y tanto hardcorismo... De guatemala a guatepeor .

    mucho "hardbore" mas que "hardcore"

  9. 2 hours ago, Snoopy said:

    I like the (in battle) mechanics, sounds interesting

    I don't like the fact that instead of positive reinforcement by buffing smaller nations a punishment for big nations is introduced. A 'keep your ports alive' PvE tax .. they now have an appointment every week to defend their ports, or lose them.
    I genuinely hope this works out and doesn't kill the fun for everyone. No nation had top dog status forever, so this can affect smaller nations, too.

    Unfortunately NA - since two years - has been developed with the "stick instead of carrot" mindset (and that's maybe why the game struggles in retaining players). 

    • Like 4
  10. 8 hours ago, CeltiberoClearco said:

    Nueva ocurrencia. Esta para equilibrar naciones:

    Y...... TACHIN-TACHAN: Aqui teneis las nuevas medidas anti-rusas:

    Esto con los britis no pasaba....

    Apostamos dos centavos que la primera capital atacada por los NPCs va a ser Vera Cruz y no New Orleans? 

    Serè malo, però a mi he huele que la medida no es anti rusos, sino contra el gran clan de la faccion rusa donde no juegan los rusos y que pero tiene el mejor puerto del juego (quel al capitan reverse le gustaria tanto tomarselo).

  11. 1 hour ago, CeltiberoClearco said:

    .... por ahora. 

    Raids para puertos:

    La verdad es que implementar cualquier cosa con la pila de troll que tiene el juego es muy dificil.

    Seria bastante poner el juego como estaba un ano y medio/dos anos atras (crafteo con materiales raros para hacer navios mejores, mas vidas por las fragadas, flag system, aleanzas). Lo que pusieron despues (grindeo tras grindeo y aun mas grindeo, llamado de "hardcore") es lo que ha quitado toda la diversion. Y lo peor es que todo eso fue solo para incentivar los jugadores a comprar sus DLCs. Pues es claro que hay mucha jente que se enfada y se pone a trolear por todo.

  12. @admin

    If would be interesting to know what happens to a) port bonus and upgrades, b) player buildings and c) players and clan warehouses if:

    - the port becomes neutral

    - the port is re-captured by the same clan that owned it before the raid

    - the port is captured by another clan of the same nation

    - the port is captured by a clan of a different nation

    • Like 1
  13. Point is in a neutral or caputed port - if I recall correctly - you cannot use buildings, but they stay there. It's the same with port bonuses or they disappear when port becomes neutral? And … do the port bonus remain there in case another clan of the same nation (or of another nation) captures the port after it has gone neutral after a raid?

    If they disappear, this raid thing sounds just a way to keep people grinding and regrinding things.

  14. 1 hour ago, Sea Archer said:

    In my eyes there should be only the 2min timer. If some players manage to gank someone, they deserve it. The attacked player at least has the chance to see the attackers, call for help and/or find means to escape. 

    Todays 20min timer is much worse, since when you fight an enemy with far higher br can join, but was not visible when the battle started. This is the worst mechanic they could bring in the game. 

    So my opinion is that you should never be forced to fight someone, who was not visible when the battle started. 

    Yup, there's a lot of skill in sinking helpless, slow, undergunned traders. Please man … if traders had a chance to excape well, you could be right. But we all know that it's impossible to escape a failfitted warship in a trader ship.

    Because the truth is that nowdays PVP players sail up and down the coast between free ports in failfitted fir/fir ships hoping to cross with some trader brig (or going for newbies around capital cities) so that they can get some easy combat medals. And the funny part is that they even dare to whine just because the ganker sometimes can end up ganked.

    This is the level of OS PVP. Not a surprise that people are leaving the game. 

  15. 6 hours ago, Hethwill said:


    So, if i leave a game behind what would i care ?

    It is binary. You play it or you don't.

    Let's make it even simpler then: the ones that STILL PLAY the game are worried because, if too many people STOP PLAYING the game, the GAME SEVERS WILL SHUT and - as a consequence - also the one that STILL PLAY the game WILL NO LONGER BE ABLE TO play the game.

  16. 32 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    I want to WIN !

    Game is not working !


    I'd say people are saying more something like "I want to have FUN. Game is not working"

    Besides that, mind that, if too many player think the game is not working (whatever the reason may be), the game will die.

    • Like 1
  17. 28 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    How can anyone play a game that is boring for him/herself is beyond comprehension.

    Here I was thinking people would engage in non boring hobbies.

    And in fact we are discussing on the forum about the reasons why people are starting once more leaving the game, not about why some people still play no matter what.

  18. 12 hours ago, Jon Snow lets go said:

    My main argument was that this game takes too much time in PvP and PvE is too repetitive and forced. Difficulty doesnt matter as long as its fun. 

    Basically this. Point is that if I want to do almost everything in this game I have to waste hours in watching a moving screensaver of the rear view of my ship.

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