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Everything posted by sirwaldi

  1. Hello Panda I have a question. iIPlay the union campain on hard and in the battle on gettysburg. Now i see the second time that when i start the battle where you can choice the Corps for the different positions that i can take 30 Army Units per corp! But in the battle i became only over the time max!!! 16 army Units on the bettlefield, why there are so big diferences between the Beginnig map and the really becoming Units in the battle??? in this situation i can use only 60% my corp that i have chose. Did you have seen this failure in other Battles??
  2. Hello Minas Big THX for your help and Information. I haave good artelery but i cant buy the Withworths with Telescopic!!! In my game there is no option to buy them in the shop. After every main battle i buy good guns and rifels. I can only buy the J.F. Brown Rifles for my skrimishers! i have finisdh now the 2nd bull run battle. @ Panda is it possible that the mod is working on american and german games differently ?
  3. I am shocked how easely you won the battle!!! You Play the campain on on difficulty HARD?!?! Right? i Play the campaion as Union on difficulty hard. i use the Version 1.24 i am a german Player, but i absolutly cant understand how you can destroy so massiv the enemy troups . Please explain me this a bit. THX
  4. Thank you so much. ist working! 😃😃 Thank you for the LINK!!!!!!!!
  5. C:\Users\[Insert User Name then i see this folders origin qtwebengineprocess 3d Objekte Bilder Desktop Dokumente Downloads Favoriten gespeicherte spiele kontakte linke Musik One Drive Suchvorgänge Videos die meisten der Ordner sind leer...
  6. Hello Panda can you please tell where exactly i find the Save games! i wanna Transfer the savegames from on Computer to a second but i cant find them C:\Users\[Insert User Name]\AppData\LocalLow\Game Labs\Ultimate General Civil War\Save is where the files live. C:\Users\[Insert User Name] weiter als hier her komme ich nicht mehr...
  7. OK i try the counterbattery the fight on Shiloh is awesome, great micro and tactic Die Arbeit mit den kleinen aber sehr vielen Einheiten zahlt sich aus, bei mir war und ist alles viel grösser aber auch anfälliger wird mir gerade bewusst. Danke für das Video
  8. Hello together, my best cannons in UG CW in the 6 Pounder-Wiard (Problem: i cant buy more then 2 every Main mission, and cant capture them) on second place are the 6 Pounder-Field (Make very big damage at short and mid range, can buy 12 every Main mission, and can capture sometimes additional cannons.) the 12 pounder Whitworth ist very nice: but buying 1 every Main mission is hard the 14 pounder James has the same problem buying 1 every Main mission is possible. Can me some tell his experience with his favorite cannons Thanks
  9. Hallo Joorlan. Shiloh on difficulty hard is the only fight that i could not win. with phase 1 and 3 you are right, i try this the next time when panda Finish the mod V 1.3 Nanesmond River a mission that dont bring enough back, you must more invest then came back have you here some good helping informations Thank you
  10. Yes Panda is right i have finished the mossion on difficulty hard. in my eyes the key is the arty close behind a simply brigade, every time when the enemy will charge you the arty shoot him at close range to pieces. and a new Information that is saving my wins on hard difficulty ist that you only have to use 14 guns per unit ( i use 16 but NOT MORE) with more arty units you can deal very big damage at close Range ( my favorite is the 6 Pounder for 1200 Dollar and the wiard long range 900 arty) routing units you can also overrun slowly with cavalery I wish good fight and more winns
  11. Ok that with: at 100 range, 1/4 range(short), 1/2 range(medium), 3/4 range(long), and at maximum range(max) or longer i understand. I wanna know what number of what kind off arty is the best. In the last game all my arty is maxed out ( 50 cannons per Unit ) i have problems because i have too much arty units. Mich interessiert es wie viele Artillerie Kanonen pro Einheit sinn machen. Ich habe hier gelesen das 14 Kanonen das Optimum sind, deshalb wollte ich die Tabelle verstehen... Dachte in der Tabelle sind die Anzahl der Männer und eine Zahl mit 0,9885632 dahinter für deren Effektivität. Beispiel: wenn 10 Kanonen einer Gattung (Napoleon) 500 Schaden machen und 50 Kanonen nur 550 Schaden machen, dann macht es für mich keinen Sinn die teuren Kanonen immer bis auf 50 Stück pro Einheit aufzufüllen. Ist irgendwo genau ersichtlich wie viele Kanonen einer Art Optimal wären??? Danke
  12. Hello together can me someone explain what is what in the modded artellery curves what number is for what standing. (Panda: Extremgeiler Job!!! habe die Kampagne als Konföderierter auf mittel bereits durch gespielt. Hammer Extrem gute Arbeit. Nur der Verbrauch der munition zum ende der Kampagne wurde ein Problem. Hatte zu viele Kanonen und zu wenig Nachschub) Panda: Extremely god job !!! I've already played the campaign as confederate on medium. Extremely good work. Only the consumption of ammunition at the end of the campaign became a problem. Had too many guns and not enough supply.
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