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Genevieve Malfleurs

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Posts posted by Genevieve Malfleurs

  1. 5 hours ago, Liq said:

    stopped reading there cuz not true

    you flipped one of our ports without a word of notice in advance, participating in a multiflip with russians.

    Now as a consequence of that silly move you've lost 12 consecutive ports in the mosquito area. deal with it.

    Pearl Harbor anyone?

    it's somewhat characteristic for an attack not give a notice in advance, isn't? So why mention it as something particular? comparison to pearl harbor is just tasteless because it started the slaughter of millions of innocent people. now let's just enjoy the pixel-war please, gene

    • Like 2
  2. 6 hours ago, rediii said:

    LOOOOL are you screenshotting everything and making a directory for it? Screenshot says last monday. Thats from what, december?

    Also nice out of context redii post:


    So while in christmas truce I "ordered you" to do a flip?

    How it actually looked like after christmas truce:



    So how did the orders of me look like? 






    That was the last day before Christmas truce. When exactly did I order hosti and we didnt do it but you did? Because after christmas truce you attacked us


    Anyway I dont have time anymore atm... MIght comment more later. Maybe not though its too much bullshit to handle and too mcuh time needed to correct all the bullshit

    BASTD sailing around attacking swedes? Wow, that sounds huge. BASTD attacked a swedish Lynx at Tumbado and couldn´t know it´s been you scouting. You felt offended by THAT?? Man, this is really embarassing! 😭

    • Like 4
  3. No

    1 hour ago, Thonys said:

        -     ------------------------------------------------------            

      13 hours ago, GrubbyZebra said:

    Actually, the DLC's include a statement to the effect of "Game-Labs can make future changes to the DLC at their discretion". 

                  just to throw in a loose stick ......

                   development can decide that dlc are not allowed in pb.....for example  (low sec/high sec-  high sec /low sec limitation eve(l) thoughts)

    now i  must go hide very quick..(at the back of the sun)


           -     -----------------------------------------------------



    under what kind of blanket did you crawl underneath from 

    tell me .....how much ports can you make?  how many buildings ? how many ships? ......or can you only count to 2 ?


    its not about what you can sail...... it's about what you could not be allowed to in the future perhaps....


    ps. it is not the case atm...... but can always be in place if necessary...let it be understood very clearly.


    no need to be offensive here you lousy moron! you advertised no dlc-ships in port-battles and my opinion was all ships allowed there, which very much includes the dlcs.

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, Earl of Grey said:

    Als jemand der beides - PBs mit Schweden (vor Release) und PBs mit Lama - erlebt hat kann ich sagen: PBs mit Lama/Krake sind um Längen angenehmer ... 

    Die PBs mit den Schweden sind meine schlimmste Spielerfahrung in NA, da die Schweden das Spiel derart ernst nehmen und dementsprechend toxisch werden ... besonders Clan Cabal ist mir da sehr sehr negativ aufgefallen.

    Vielleicht hat sich das mittlerweile geändert, möglich aber unwahrscheinlich ... sind ja größtenteils noch/wieder die gleichen Leute ...

    Die Hafenkämpfe gegen die Schweden gehören auch zu meinen schlechtesten Erfahrungen bis jetzt :). Verlieren - von mir aus auch haushoch - geht für mich in Ordnung. Die würdelose Giftigkeit mancher Spieler (nicht nur Schweden, aber auffällig oft) hingegen nicht. Und wer im Sieg noch fratzig schreibt ist einfach nur ein peinliches Würstchen. Beste Wünsche Gene


    • Like 2
  5. 2 minutes ago, Stilgar said:

    Congrats on making to the steam HoF and thanks for a comprehensive outline of plans for 2020. 

    I am back playing game after a 3-4 months break and it looks more polished. Many features make sense now. Loki, wind boost, roe adjustments, (finaly!) a reasonable balance of the three currencies just to name a few. Steam review changed from not recommended to recommended. 

    Sound approach to the development in 2020. 

    Some areas of concern to me:

    • too many forgotten / hardly used ships (pavel, victory, essex, 3rd rate, buc to name a few) They need rework: fine tuning of characteristics, unique features. 
    • some ships are too good in their class, even beyond their class (bellona, christian)
    • rvr still dominated by 1st rates. Lowering PB BR should help, but pls look into options for (some) restrictions on the PB fleet composition and composition of the battle groups (!).
    • mast sniping with single shot should go or be more risky: this is basically bypassing of the complex battle mechanics

    While I agree and pity the forgotten ships, it is up to us players to use them. Some more fine-tuning would be a good thing, but right now an Essex e.g can be a serious ship already.

    Only, all too many players have to always sail the "best" ship, while it´d be a true challenge to take one of the weaker ships.

    • Like 4
  6. 1 hour ago, Raekur said:

    And this action constitutes an alliance between GB and Russia as Gregory claims? It seems the dutch would prefer to throw unsubstantiated accusations instead of cannon balls at their enemies. I am still waiting to hear who the person was that provided dear gregory with this little gem of information he holds so dearly.

    Of course it doens´t prove anything except me sailing where and doing whatever I like to do. I just wanted to show which priorities the dutch have set while complaining about too high battle-ratings in the forum.

  7. 2 hours ago, Raekur said:

    Screening? Where has GB been involved in screening for the Russians or vise versa? I think you are making assumptions on what you perceive is occurring instead of knowing the facts. Maybe you should go back to your informant and ask what the reason was for the port exchange instead of seeing what you want to see.

    Add to this that the clan that was involved in the exchange I doubt would have any kind of conversation with you to begin with. So who exactly provided you this information? 

    to be fair dear raekur, i was a lonely screener at santa marta yesterday sailing with a proper russian fleet. there wasn't any Dutch attacking us or defending the port. the brave captains from TOD clan preferred killing noobs at kpr instead of defending their property.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Despe said:

    Take a ship with one concrete configuration not gives another players the rigth to tag 1:30 hours. I said sometimes in this post, the objetive of batlle is sink your enemy, if you dont want or cant do that, the correct way is dissengage, not tagging until battle times out.

    BTW, there are in this game experimented pvp players that uses Hercules with long gungs? My response is that i never have seen one.

    I do sail with longs - at least on the bottom deck, but of course I am not such a gret warrior like you are.

    • Like 1
  9. On 12/10/2019 at 7:07 AM, Graf Bernadotte said:

    Nice that you admitted your mistake. Do I get compensation for my random Ocean with upgrades now? I lossed it due to an explosion 200 m away. I had full health and full crew before. It took me 10 hours game play of gathering CMs, Doublons, Reals and resources to built it. Only to get wiped out by a fault of your company I paid a lot of money for the promise of a functioning game.

    Wanna buy the one you so clumsily lost to us yesterday? She is a really nice one mate.

  10. 6 hours ago, Tac said:

    Ignorance can be bliss can’t it? I refer to the full fleet of 1st rate fire ships Reverse brought to San Juan for shits and giggles, If you think it’s ok as it is now then I have no words.

    i understand the fireship you refer to was really exciting and looked wonderful and it helped to win a pb, but step back for a minute and understand how it would affect the big picture, would any serious commander want a pb settled by fireships 8-9 times out of 10?

    Now that you already asked which port-battles I´d love to see, here´s the answer: mixed fleets, not just L´Oceans and Santisimas. But also a lot of 3rd rates, some frigates and mortar-brigs.

    • Like 3
  11. 2 minutes ago, Tac said:

    Previously fire ships were quite hard to pull off and if you did the damage you would cause wasn’t really worth the exchange for a good fighting ship. 
    I think tonight showed that the tweak has gone to far in the other direction, when a full fleet sails with all fire ships as a funny troll then that speaks volumes.

    In the words of reverse” it’s funny, but nah”, it reminds me of when it was to easy to de-mast in 1st rates and pbs would end in about 20 ships sat still with no masts.

    Either find the sweet spot between the damage or the range of explosion” which is massive atm” or make it damage just top masts or a lower % of crew because now it’s insta death.

    PS no one wants to waste a slot on buckets, unless you can club with them in boarding also. :) 

    have you been in the battle?? it was one fireship. not a fleet of them. and it got the enemy fleet pants down. nothing else


  12. 1 minute ago, Mouth of Sauron said:

    Damage seems excessive at it's current distance. 

    Personally I feel like fireships in 1st rate battles should not be the meta.  Having caputrable ships being used as such will be the new thing and battles will not benefit from them as a whole.  I would work some developer magic and make AI ships less potent relative to craftable ships.  If folks want to use the fireship tactic, they need to use real ships.

    personally i feel we have too much other meta to worry about. it´s funny to see that those players who just became victim to a "perfectly delivered!" fireship cry for game changes, while 15kts 3rd rates are ok for them.

    • Like 2
  13. 8 minutes ago, Never said:

    It's good that explosions are very dangerous but normally in real life ships didn't explode in suicide just to sink enemy ships like people do in game. Fireships being very powerful seems right but non-fireships maybe are too damaging to crew. In today's battle at Les Cayes, even ships that were bracing lost 80% crew to an explosion by non-fireships while being at least 250 meters away or more. The higher damage to sails and masts seems good just the crew damage seems too much while in bracing, non braced crew maybe is fine. Just bracing should be more effective. 

    well, she exploded in the middle of a group. perfectely delivered. this time we had that luck. next time somebody else.

  14. 8 hours ago, admin said:

    People buy STG 44 for 28,000 dollars not because its the best weapon not because its obsolete and taking space.

    We in Game Labs bring to life generals that can never walk this earth again, ships that can never sail again, weapons that can never shoot again; we get handwritten letters from american relatives of confederate and union generals who thanked us for getting their grand grand granddads into the games we get letters from museums for the ships we make. 

    We add ships because they are cool. Not everybody buys this game because of shallow waters patrols. In fact nobody buys it these days for shallow water patrols. Players grow into RVR and ONLY then they start using best ships and best guns. But many buy because of the ships we have. Because we have them and 100% of other game do not. 

    Its just shallow thinking from people like you and @Teutonic, seems like you will never get why we add ships like Lynx. And its ok. You seem to want a 3 ship 3 gun balanced counter strike that nobody wants. I love all ships (even Wapen) and honestly do not care about your shallow water opinion on HMS Pickle and Lynx and their usefullness. I will continue adding beautiful vessels that deserve to be recreated. In this and future games.


    All true! Could you imagine to include missions dedicated for and not against ship-types? like do 10 pvp kills in a lynx and get a nice reward. personally i just love to see as many different ships as possible on the waters. i mean, you did all the outstanding work on the models! now make them being used more. PS more beautiful vessels? awesome :)

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