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Genevieve Malfleurs

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Posts posted by Genevieve Malfleurs

  1. didn't your enemy broadside while in boarding? we cannot see anything on the hidden ship in that screenshot. you claimed the enemy redout exploded and no one shot her while you also say player one needed to be pushed away from boarding! so your opponent knew what he was doing and surely tried to shoot his left guns as much as possible. why shouldn't he in this situation? surrounded by foes. and then the friendly ship exploded...

  2. 9 hours ago, Swedish Berserker said:

    OK let's do this again! the ships was not on Fire at all,(at least we didn't see a fire and had no icon on the top right wen we kicked on him) nobody shot at him for few minutes the Redout was in bording, wojtek tried to push a teammate out of bording and all of a sudden the Redout had a fireshock and explodet out of now where!! 

    I don't think that is normal and I don't think that is how it is intended by the Devs! 

    @Ink what is your saying in this? 

    I see it's a little detective-quest for us! 😊 An apparently healthy Wapen sails away while a "smooth" battle lasting about 12 minutes - pirates all escaped by then - went south. My idea is: The redoutable surprise-boarded player one and broadsides during boarding. Player two tries to approach and push player one. Meanwhile player one caught fire in boarding and exploded in the instant player two arrives with full sails to push one away. All crews die, hence three white flags, while player three - perfectly healthy - sails away in the background doing nothing. Plausible?

    • Like 2
  3. 14 minutes ago, MaremanVasilich said:

    Пока нет альтернативы, обсуждения аспектов игры бессмысленны. Сравнивать не с чем.  Нужен похожий проект, а лучше два. Вот тогда и сработает формула - "Весна покажет кто где насрал". А сейчас неважно, роза это распустившаяся или протухший кактус.  Будут ли игру лелеять или брызгать освежителем воздуха чтобы не воняла, не важно, её всё равно продолжать будут одни нюхать а другие грызть.

    a bit off-topic, but is it really necessary to have the picture of a paranoid mass-murderer for your avatar?

    • Like 3
  4. 28 minutes ago, HamBlower said:

    As we had the old crafting system people were whining about the lot of items that had to build before you‘re able to finally craft the ship 

    now people are whining they want the old system back („Do you know in former times, everything was better🤓). 
    Hey Admin people like whining!

    So punish them 🥊

    It´s been a fine conversation about a crafting-system that apparentely was enjoyable for some of the players... just until an idiot comes along with a bullshit-comment. thank you very much

  5. 10 minutes ago, Jan van Santen said:

    I am the second example of doing the old crafting system on my own (1 man clan).

    Due to the than fedex system it was perfectly possible. I hit max crafting before I had max rank. 

    For those not playing than: you could fedex a certain amount of cargo at a cost between free ports than.

    So players would ship the precursor parts from a free port near them to the free port next to my shipyard.

    Today you dump  raw materials into the rng grinder =  no immersion.

    In the old days ship building was an adventure which required planning, which really created coop and immersion..and which rewarded you with a ship you had planned and worked for.

    Very good description! I remember all too good when my first Aggy was finished in Kingston. After a pretty short but intensive playtime, still much more noob than nowadays, it gave the feeling of having built something for real. Randomness in quaility I do not mind, guessing that back in the day there always has been a little element of surprise when building a sea-going vessel. Imagine it´d be implemented in a similar way to the game again!

  6. Just now, Sir Max Magic said:

    Many thanks for grabbing this old screenshot :) 

    I LOVED it !

    When i came to NA and dived into crafting, such a system was all i was expecting from an Open World Sandbox MMO

    Sounded near perfect to me and i never understood why it was replaced for a watered down, randomized system... :( 


    Same here Max! That crafting-system was so immersive and made me feel a real shipwright! :)

    • Like 3
  7. 3 hours ago, rediii said:

    NA was a great game about loss and meaningfull battles for me with RvR based on social and mechanical skill (numbers and ability to win) thats why I put 5k hours into it

    Now its just a game about battles with a terrible matchmaking system. These games dont even hit the 100h mark for me mostly

    So while players dislike the crafting itself the thing is what is behind the crafting. Atleast for me and the already silent playerbase that doesnt check the forum anymore.

    those of the silent player-base will have plenty of different reasons for having left the game as you have your own personal viewpoints, or do you know all their opinions? sorry, that way of including silent people in one´s own personal point of view causes me some allergic reaction :). nonetheless it is indeed sad they lost interest at all.

    • Like 1
  8. 5 hours ago, Swedish Berserker said:

    No wonder stuff like that comes from the No1 DLC Spamming clan in the game lol! 

    Crafting is not dead just becouse you guys are to afraid to sail crafter ships! 

    The "amount of dubs" lol first rate Kosts what? 10k dubs? That's one day PVPing so it nothing lol! 


    no wonder stuff like that come from the no. 1 bullshit-spamming player in the forum :)

    • Like 1
  9. 5 hours ago, admin said:

    Often people have imaginary solutions to real problems due to lack of experience or because they seen it working somewhere else (without full understanding why it works somewhere else).. Advice based on Intellect without experience can bring more harm than good. 

    crafting is not good in 99% of MMOs and lots of pvp games somehow survive without crafting.  99% of posters who suggest vibrant dynamic economies have never implemented them anywhere and have zero clue how hard (almost impossible) it is. 100 people teams were not able to do it, demanding vibrant economies from a team with 1 programmer is more than puzzling.

    Crafting was added by player suggestions (players did not want to capture ships and wanted to build them), it was always advertised as basic (even in steam greenlight), you got what we advertised, your dreams about HMS POTENTIAL, will always break on the iron broadsides of USS REALITY.

    And you did good to make crafting available! I´d prefer the mechanics with construction elements as some time ago, but still, building ships (and sailing them of course) in all variations is one of the most satisfying aspects in our game. this game is one of the 1% mmos where crafting works just fine :)

  10. 23 hours ago, RedHawk04 said:

    I really agree. Too much dlc ships in OW, there are whole battles of 10 players sailing in redout and victory. Variety is one of the most important features of the game, dlc ships should add content to the game, and not reduce the game at combats with same 3 classes of ship

    sorry to say, but that´s also a ship-meta-issue and not only dlcs fault. many players seem to never sail inferior ships.

    • Like 1
  11. 52 minutes ago, Comrade FrosT said:

    I'm impressed by the large amount of insults redii dedicated to our mexican leader! We understand your frustration mate, our former nation (GB) lost for the same reason as yours, too many PBs in too short time and people not willing to apply and defend anymore. 
    What I don't understand is: if you were able to inflict so much pain on your opponents by forcing them to lose an entire coast and a crafting port, leading them to burnout; why aren't you capable of receiving the same pain from Russia (a bigger zerg than yours?).. I think the means are pretty much identical in both situations, and you're finally tasting the same you inflicted to us :P 

    It's mostly everyone's fault if RvR is what it is. Right after wipe RvR was pure fun (I recall your PBs while trying to take Santo Domingo, or our weekly attempts to take PaP when LAMA was in GB). Wars were fun and not stressful, people applied for PBs to have fair fights, and not more than twice a week. (Russia kinda deserved many more PBs than that because they could fill 5 PBs at the same time). Then after Christmas truce it was like: 10 PBs a day, every day, because we decided to turn RvR into a job haha and nations with a single PB fleet couldn't keep up.

    So here we are, Sweden lost, game lost 300 players due to crafting ports changing ownership, people being burned out, and we are blaming Russia for something we all did: total war destroying content for others. 
    I hope the new patch comes to a solution with all this, but we've been waiting for months already..

    I`d call it creating content instead of destroying it :). Why on earth does a war-game need to be ballanced? Isn´t it an essential that factions become stronger, weaker, collapse etc. ?

    • Like 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, Captain Cid said:

    Wie skilled der bastd clan war hat man ja bei New Edinburgh gegen uns gesehen. 

    Oder nach unserem Weggang von den Briten :)

    Und wird man auch bald in einem Spiel ohne Screening erleben. Ach nein da sind ja dann 20 Russen alts bei den Dänen. Hatte ich vergessen^^


    Und redii ja wir haben auch ohne fireships gewonnen. In diversen Screening Fights und bei Saint nic in Angriff und Verteidigung. Weiterhin hätte man auch die entscheidende Schlacht bei pap gewonnen... 


    Mag sein das ich mit dem noob Begriff zu sehr um mich werfe und ich will auch niemanden persönlich angreifen. Ich bin jetzt schon seit Jahren auch vor Krake oder lama mit einigen echt guten Spielern am segeln (aloha) und weiß wie gut oder schlecht man gegen diesen oder jenen Feind abgeschnitten hat. 


    Bei aller Selbstattestierung von großen Erfolgen ist die Bilanz aber recht mager. Was bleibt sind Deine Taschenspielertricks, und natürlich das erheiternde Quengelstimmchen in unserer Erinnerung.  Ein paar "Russenalts" werden einen König nicht etwa ängstigen?


    • Like 1
  13. 10 hours ago, Captain Cid said:

    Weltklasse clan bedeutet in dem Zusammenhang nicht das wir der beste clan der Welt waren aber zumindest das Recht verdienten zu den 5 oder 10 größten Clans des Servers zu gehören (oder sagen wir mal bei der championsleague mitspielen durften, das war vorher vlt auch schon so aber dabei waren wir immer auf die hilfe anderer angewiesen, das hatte sich jetzt geändert). Sicher haben wir uns gegen die Holländer nicht bewiesen aber ich kann oder konnte unseren Clan schon einschätzen und da wir zb BF auch mit random brit noobs besiegt hatten war das dann noch eine Steigerung.

    Ja das Friedensangebot wird im nächsten Kapitel auch angesprochen aber von Gerüchten muss man da nicht sprechen. Das Angebot war das ich nie wieder clanleader sein darf und wir alle ports dropen wie auch schon mehrfach hier im forum geschrieben :D

    und schade das ihr nicht mal vernünftig auf uns zugekommen seid und stattdessen geheime nachrichten im forum verbreitet habt um uns (mich) in den dreck zu zeihen :P


    süss. zur Ergänzung: Random Brit noobs waren so ziemlich die fähigsten Spieler von GB, da König Cid nie genug Leute hatte. Ach so, fast vergessen: Ich war auch dabei damit BF es nicht zu schwer hat.

  14. 7 hours ago, Swedish Berserker said:

    Typischer Franzosen gank aber um ehrlich zu sein braucht man sich zumindest vor Bridgetown net wirklich wundern das man gegankes wird also brauchen die sich net aufregen.... 

    3rd rate in nem gruppengefecht ist easy target heute hatt reverse erst eine mit net Indef zerpflückt.... 

    Ist schade da sie so nutzlos is aber ne Redout frisst das Ding mit haut und Haaren..... 

    war die 3rd rate aus bestem material während reverse einen gekaperten schrotthaufen fuhr, oder weshalb ist es eine meldung wert??

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