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Marquês do Bonfim

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Posts posted by Marquês do Bonfim

  1. Yeah, that's something that I've thought about and didn't come to an understanding. If Port Battles ever comes into place on the PVE server, players should also be able to join and defend their towns, making it a PVEvP server, which also could make some sense. Something that I've been thinking about is, PVE server could have PVP areas across the world, where players could go and pvp if they want, but that would take the pvp aspect that divides both servers, which PVE should be focused on PVE. It would be nice to have Port Battles in which players could PVP there, besides the NPCs, for example, if you're attacking Spain or Britain, both NPCs and players from either Nation could join to defend their towns, something to keep in mind.

  2. Eu já atualizei bastante coisa dessa versão após eu ter postado aqui no fórum.

    I've already updated most of the content but here's a look on what I've been doing so far. This is probably around 25~30% progress of the whole file, there are still a lot to be done.


    If anyone wants me to release this version as it is right now, comment down below and I'll give the link to download.

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  3. Estarei disponibilizando uma das versões mais atualizadas aqui no tópico caso alguém queira baixar e testa-la in-game. Se tiverem quaisquer dúvidas, bugs para reportar ou qualquer coisa que os incomodam ou queiram que seja editado, postem aqui no tópico que eu estarei olhando de tempo em tempo para atualizar. Download disponível nos links abaixo.

    Download link:




    Aqui está o processo da tradução que estou fazendo para o Português-Brasileiro, caso queiram ficar por dentro. No mínimo de 20 à 25/30% já foi feito, mas falta bastante coisa!

    Caso queiram que eu já disponibilize o Download do arquivo, só me falar que eu jogo o link aqui no grupo!









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  4. So I've been talking to some players of my Nation in the PVE server and we were discussing about why PVE server is so empty and over repetitive overall and here are some ideas on how this should've actually been from the get go.


    Overall character progress, nations & ranks:

    This is something that I've been keeping for myself because I was planning on making my own game with some friends that study game creation and such.


    Starting off with a fresh character, you would've been presented as a free captain that crews approximetly around 200 crew (which would be consider 6 to 5th rates as a start).

    Now, if you want to join the Navy, you should be able to go to the Nation of your choosing and speak to the Admiralty and enlist yourself to the crown, which would instantly grant you the first rank that matches the description (the current rank system that we all know and hate, so 200 crew would be "Lieutenant Commander") and level up from there. The missions available for Naval Officers would be fleet battles, sink or capture pirate ships or enemies of the crown, patrol areas, 

    If you want to be a privateer and serve the crown battling enemies of the nation and merchant ships, you should also go to the nation of choosing and get a letter of marquee, you would be granted the title of privateer (which would appear under your name) and the flag that you would be flying is the privateer flag of said nation, the missions available to you would be hunt down merchant ships from certain nations, patrol areas, capture ships, kill pirates on certain areas that have been harressing merchant ships from your own nation and.


    With that being said, here's a system that should've been implemented at the get go instead of a level cap and end game.

    Reputation system:

    Let's just say that if you want to become a ruthless pirate and be feared by other players, your reputation must be increased by your actions. As you start off the game as a Captain of a 200 crew 5th rate ship, you must strike fear into your enemies, sink merchant ships and navy ships, harass everybody with the objective of being well known in the West Indies.

    To become a pirate, you will have to fight for your reputation, sink ships, capture ships, board ships, the more you do in the game, the more negative reputation you will grow in your name, and the more negative/bad reputation you have, eventually people will know about you in the world. But, as we are talking about PVE and not PVP, players won't be able to hunt you down for the reward on your head. If you're a Naval Officer, your reputation will be your rank mostly, if you're a Commodore or a Rear Admiral, you are most likely top of your navy as an officer and you should be able to crew a fleet of 4 to 5 ships.

    If you're a privateer, your reputation will be increased positively but similar to the pirates, to gain reputation, you must go after renown, battles that would grant you renown and a fearsome reputation. 

    Pirates should not be able to craft 1st rate ships and most likely not 2nd rate ships aswell, the only way to a pirate to be able to get their hands on those type of ships, should be capturing them from NPCs around the world. Oh, and pirate NPCs around the world WILL ATTACK YOU, they will attack merchant ships, they will attack weaker ships and traders to profit upon it, you will be able to step in and protect the NPC from your nation as you see fit, if you're a naval officer, privateer or just a good honest captain that doesn't sail under any nation protection or anything.


    Merchant/Trading Players:

    Here you are, a merchant player that actually likes to play as a trader and go around exploring the world do trade runs for gold. You won't be left out, believe me. 

    There should be missions specificly for traders and merchants. Missions that would grant you a good amount of gold and reputation as a good and honest individuals.

    Trade runs, stablish trade routes that you will be able to follow to your destination. Hire players or NPC ships to protect your cargo and give you a quiet and calm travel to your destination. Go to a port, grab goods, buy and sell them in other ports that will actually give you a good amount of profit off of it.

    Players NEED to be incentivized to keep playing the game and the game NEED content that will grab the players attention and time so they can dedicate it to be somebody in the game.



    Treasure Hunting, Sealed Bottles & Merchant ships Captain's Logs:

    You run into a merchant ship from a certain nation (any), you sink it and then loot it, suddenly you run into the captain's log and find out that they have information about a Galleon holding treasures and goods from that said nation travelling on a secret route guarded by a ship of the line. 

    Suddenly a objective/mission appears on your map, an icon showing the exact location of that said Galleon/Treasure ship. You can go there by yourself and fight through it to get the loot, or you can invite your friends to join your fleet and set course to the location of the galleon, upon arriving, you will be granted the option to join the instance where the treasure ship and it's guardion is at, you need to sink both or capture it if you wanna loot the goods and treasure.

    After looting it, the reward of that ship grants you a ton of gold, goods and mods, something to keep you on your feet and something actually rewarding to do. This would give you so much immersion and in-depth gameplay, keeping it dynamic at a certain level and random events like that makes the game so much interesting. I can assure you guys that there are players in the PVE and PVP servers that actually enjoy A LOT, those treasure hunting/sealed bottles ship wrecks.

    Sealed Bottles will keep giving you information about ship wrecks, gold, goods and resources, but this captain log's system would give you a random information about the location or secret routes of treasure galleons running golds to any nation, plus informations about ship wrecks aswell, worth a lot more and we can add so much random encounters on these systems that I can't even begin with.


    Anyways, those are just some ideas that I'll be posting here for you guys to read and discuss about, this is mainly for PVE server, but I'm pretty sure a lot of these suggestions can be implemented aswell in the PVP server. I didn't go too much in-depth and into the technical/historical accuracy of it at all, but you guys get the point of what I'm trying to say here. PVE NEEDS MORE CONTENT AND I'M WILLING TO GIVE YOU ALL MY SUGGESTIONS IF POSSIBLE. Let's make this game alive again, we gotta avoid relying too much on grinding levels, doubloons and reals and actually give players some good content to keep them busy and interested in going out in the open sea to encounter these things.

    • Like 4
  5. Would be cool if you could actually paint the ship yourself, instead of being preset-skins, keep it simple but open to players to mess with it and do their own styles of paint, if you want a wood hull with lighter brown, you could do it, also be able to alter between black sails and white sails, plus put emblems on the sails aswell, like the Spanish Armada did back then, or the Portuguese, or other nations did back then.

    Oh, and I can only imagine if we could actually paint a name on the stern of our vessels to mark them as our own, with custom names, but keep it only one type of FONT, so people don't do anything stupid with it.

    Be able to see flags on OW would add so much to a feature like this and it would be more immersive aswell.

    And I also remember that someone suggested that we should be able to name our captains under our fleet, that would also add immersion to the game. Those are simple things, yet, adds a lot different look and feel to the game.

  6. You can pretty much do the tutorials and start the game as a rank 6 (Master Commandant depending on your faction), with a ship and a few help from the game aswell. If I'm not mistaken, they haven't remove this from the game yet, or did they? Someone more experienced or older in the game can verify this for you I suppose.

  7. Hi, I'm fairly new, but experienced player in Naval Action, coming back after months of break. I've been running with the ASP on the US faction, stopped playing around around June/July because of personal matters.

    I'm looking for a portuguese-speaking clan on either servers, ready to start over and give it a try, fully commited to the clan as fit. Most of the Portuguese clans I've seen so far, the threads go back to 2017 and haven't been touched since, so idk if there's any available right now. I don't know if anyone is even role playing Portugal under a secondary flag/nation but would like to see that happens.

    Or I'm willing to start one from the ground up, but my experience with this game doesn't speak too loud, since I've been playing it for a fairly amount of time, I wouldn't consider myself nearly veteran or experienced player, but I'm a fast learner and indeed willing to learn! Let me know.

    Brazilian-Portuguese, but I don't mind Portugal-Portuguese.

  8. I don't know if I understood what you asked, but.. the painting was made by Geoff Hunt, here's a more in-depth explanation of the painting:



    "Geoff Hunt RSMA

    The Arrival of the Portuguese Royal Family in Brazil, 7 March 1808

    Late in 1807, Portugal, threatened with invasion by Napoleon, took the decision to evacuate the Royal Family to Brazil.  A British Squadron, together with many units of the Portuguese Royal Navy, provided a strong escort across the Atlantic.  They made landfall at Bahia, the onward journey to Rio being delayed while a suitably imperial reception could be arranged.

    In this painting the Portuguese flagship, the Principe Real, 84 guns, has just come to anchor in Rio de Janeiro harbour.  She has on board the Prince Regent and his retinue, and flies the Royal Standard at the mainmast.

    While a swarm of cereminial barges and small boats approaches, gun salutes boom out from the forts and from the British flagship, Marlborough, 74, at the left of the picture, which had arrived earlier.  To the right, other ships of the Portuguese squadron are coming into anchorage: the Alfonso, 64, Rainha da Portugal, 74, Conde D. Henrique, 74, the frigates Medusa and Urania, and various lesser ships, accompanied by the British Bedford, 74."


    I hope this answers your question, La Fayette.

    Sincerely, the Corsair.

    • Like 1
  9. But it would be nice to see a portuguese flag under Britain's faction, since Portugal has been in a alliance with Great Britain since the 14th century under the Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of Windsor, they all aid each other whenever they needed. Since it wouldn't be right to add a new faction, would be nice to be able to fly the Portuguese flag under Britain's influence, players should be able to create their clans and role play as Portugal itself.. Here are some of the flags from 17th century and the one represented the alliance between the two nations (not historical accurate one, since I didn't find anything online, but it would get the job done).

    The Anglo-Portuguese flag


    17th century Portugal flag




    The Royal Portuguese Family arriving in the coast of Brazil escorted by a Brittish Men o' War portrait.

    • Like 1
  10. 5. Diplomacy between Nations, a leader elected by popular demand (voted by the community to each nation) or an NPC. The nation being able to offer alliances, go to war, be neutral; A newspaper available in-game with global news. The newspaper would be a way to understand what's going on in the world.

    4. Customizable ships; able to name your own ship, ship color (trim, hull, bottom, sails).

    3. Career, I guess. Start from the bottom until you reach the last rank in the hierarchy. Once you become an officer of your own Nation, your actions would impact your career. If you attack civilian ships, merchant ships, you would become a pirate and therefore, be exiled from your Nation and hunted down by it's Navy.

    2. Nation pointless attacks on other nation NPC's would be considered an act of war amonst them. Hence the 5° idea of diplomacy between nations. If your nation is not at war against anyone, why would it be ok to attack them without consequences? It also gives us a purpose to look forward too, be a part of something bigger than just clans and selfish or even pointless battles anyway. An announcement from the king, saying our nation is at war against Spain/Russia/Netherlands/USA, etc, would be a really nice touch to the world we play in.

    If the king is just simply an NPC, the diplomacy system would work like Pirates of the Burning Sea does. You're a part of a Nation, the more you attack other nations ships, the more hated you'll be towards that Nation, putting yourself in hostile situations once you get close enough to a Capital, city belonging to that nation.

    1. A Reputation system. The more achievements you achieve, success, the more heroic and patriotic you'll be towards your nation. The more fearsome and violent you become, the more NPCs and other nation players will fear you aswell. A line between positive and negative, from -1 to -100 to 1 and 100. Become well known in the newspaper as people will most likely be talking about  your doings in the world.


    I know everything sounds like PVE contents, but let's face it, this game can be more than just a naval combat game. You guys once were called a naval combat game, but the moment you guys presented us, players, with open world, quests, crafting, economy and other possibilities, you guys became an open world game, and that gents, needs content, background, lore, fun and more. 

    The reason why players don't hold on to this game it's because they come here looking for something deeper than PVP. There will be PVP, always will, but it shouldn't be the focus on this game. I've seen a lot of topics around PVPers and PVEers trying to figure it out a way to put an end to the losses on our player base, but it's mainly because there's nothing to hold on to other than PVPing, and that's not something to look forward to. Not everyone in this game wants to battle every single time they jump into the game, some of those players want to sail merchant ships, make a buck, craft, build, exchange, sell, some of them wants to go on missions, battle fleets, sink some ships, other players wants to go on a treasure hunt, hunt down treasure ships and plunder, but others wants to serve the navy, become officers, start from the bottom and reach the top, people want content to base their playstyle around it.

    Anyway, that's my opinion and point of view, I won't argue if someone sees it different than I do, so I'll leave it at that.


    Oh, and here is an idea for PVPvE. There's a thing called PVP flag, once you activate it, you can battle whoever you want, as long as they also have the PVP flag enabled. If a player doesn't want to PVP, he'll be able to play the game without frustration.

    • Like 2
  11. Strong ocean waves in OW and battles.

    Open and closing functional cannon hatches through a button, self-explanatory.

    Be able to become a privateer as a Neutral or Pirate player, receiving the letter of marque from the nation of choice (you won't fly the flag of the nation, but privateer will show when someone clicks on your ship before battle ([Clan][rank] Privateer [name of the player]).

    Pirates should be able to desguise themselves with a national flag of any nation. To get the flag, you simply need to defeat a ship of said nation and upon inspecting the ship, the flag would be presented as an item in the inventory of the sunk ship.

    Be able to customize ship colors and sails, avoid colorful ones, stick to wood, dark wood, light wood, white, blue, red, yellow, brown and other colors that was used on ships.

    Helms that actually turn and you can actually see someone sailing the ship (doesn't have to be a character, just a npc like the ones reloading the canons).

    Different choices of spyglass, new players would get a much more poor spyglass with limited visualization of what's in front of him, spyglass quality should be sold in ports, the ones we have right now zooms too much and spyglasses in that era wasn't that much effective as it is in this game, breaks immersion.

    The possibility of surrender in a battle without firing a gun. NPCs with lower ship rates should give up more often against ships of higher rates, be able to see a NPC or player hoisting a white flag of surrender would be f** amazing.

    NPCs should be more afraid of piracy in this era, as we all know how history is. Merchant ships wouldn't battle against someone they fear, kinda like a reputation system, where the more you battle NPCs or players, the more fearsome you will become (this would help out PVE servers A LOT!). In case of nation players, if you belong to a nation, it wouldn' be recommended to fight merchant ships, as it would give you a bad reputation, as they weren't outlaws, but if your nation is at war against another, that one nation NPCs would be vunerable.

    If you're an officer and you do battle merchant ships from other nations, you would get negative reputation, being exiled from the nation you are currently in and become a pirate, changing your original nation to the pirate nation instantly after a couple of warnings. Getting caught battling merchant ships, traders or other nation ships, you can go to prison or even hang.


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  12. Why bother.. this type of event should be secret at all cost, as they were in real life. For someone to find out the exact location of a treasure ship securing treasure for certain nation, the player should first find hints or coordinates of that location, kinda similar to what was shown in Black Sails, when they tracked down the Urca de Lima and was surprised by a Spanish warship guarding the treasure, as the Urca de Lima crew was gathering the treasure on the beach.

    It doesn't have to be announced globally or show on the global map it's location. The player with the loot also shouldn't be highlighted to be attacked by other players. This should be more realistic, if you wanna hunt treasure ships, there would be ways to find out, like quests; 

    It doesn't have to be an impossible task, a Galleon with the treasure being escorted by a warship (ship of the line or 2nd and 3rd rate ships. Once the player get to the location and spot the galleon, he tags it, enters battle and try to win it, also, if the galleon with the treasure sink, the player won't get anything, so people will have to pay attention to the battle and secure the cargo instead of going bloodthirsty towards the convo. After the battle is finished, the event simply disappears and respawn after a cd, on a totally random location, under a random nation flag, starting all over again. There should be merchant routes around the map.

    Not everyone wants to be a navy officer, I know a lot of players that just simply wants to play as privateer, treasure hunter or pirate for that matter.

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