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Marquês do Bonfim

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Posts posted by Marquês do Bonfim

  1. Just wish there were more 5th and 4th rate fleets, there are too many 1st/2nd and 3rd rate ships sailing around, it's just too rare to see a 5th and a 4th rate fleet, you gotta hunt for hours to find one that actually contains more than just 1 or 2.

    Definetly felt that the NPCs were giving more of a fight few days ago, some stuff like the turn rates and reverse speed is still a little bit bugged for my taste. Saw a 3rd rate doing almost 5kn reverse trying to give me a broadside, and once I manuvered around her, she was actually screend right by side me and gave me another broadside like it was NOTHING.

    Trade routes should be connected towards the most active free towns and capitals, imo.

  2. If you're not gonna add the Portugal nation, then atleast add the Portuguese flag into the Great Britan faction so we can use them as an allie, like they were in real life. The Anglo-Portuguese alliance lasted a long time, probably even stands till this day, there were a lot of battles that Portugal went and did for the British, we deserve to be mentioned in the game! Portugal was active in the West Indies at that time, just not as much as the other nations, but so were a lot of nations that we currently have in-game.

    • Like 2
  3. That's insane, clans are the only thing that divides the whole nation into little bit of pieces and groups of players, instead of being a whole nation in the first place. The clan comes first, than the nation, that's just ridiculous.


    It should be the other way around, dude. Nation first, than the clan.

    And I'm not saying that I we should delete the clan system, no, just make it harder or more difficult to create, like make the price a little bit higher than right now, it's just too easy to create a clan and play separate from the nation itself, that divides the whole playerbase even more. The nations are already dividing our player base, clans do exactly the same INSIDE the nation where the player resides, think about it.

    • Like 1
  4. The Anglo-Portuguese Alliance: Great Britain & Portugal in the battle of Cape St. Vincent,



    The Royal Portuguese family arriving in the coast of Rio de Janeiro escorted by a few british Man o' Wars.



    S. António e S. José 74-guns SOLs.


    • Like 3
  5. 1 hour ago, Wyy said:

    Admirality would have to choose the name so we dont see HMS Dickbutt and L’Fagot sailing around


    I also hope for a system like this, be able to rename your ship and when people click on you in OW, they will actually see "-natioflag- Player_Name
    '                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  shipname"

  6. I'm pretty sure this was caused by your ping and not the game. If you look at your ping, it's showing Ping: 0. You engaged and your friend engaged aswell, you probably got the attack timer first so when it loaded the instance, your internet didn't go through it at all, hence the disappearing and popping up back at OW with Ping: 36. Probably a spike on your internet or something like that, idk.

  7. 4 hours ago, Sea Archer said:

    I would like to see the national flags get damaged when hit during battles, that would make it more lively. No need to show it as flag hit, just some holes showing the traces of the fight.

    Flags need retexture ASAP. Some of the flags doesn't even look like a flag, just a plain colored/painted square/retangle with some symbols on it, doesn't have that "flag" texture.

  8. I wanna add something here aswell.

    - Be able to message, trade and group up with players from other nations, since we can't attack each other, why not let us create our own diplomacy.

    - Once you're group up with a friend from another nation, in battle, both your nations flag would show up as it is, but your name and the player from the other nation would be allied colored (green, I think).

    • Like 3
  9. Be able to name your own ship.

    Be able to hoist flags in OW and use the decorators to signal your intentions to the other players around.

    Be able to paint your own ship according to whatever you'd like, also sails.

    Custom flags (for pirates specially, but other nations could use some more variations of flags, privateer flags)

    Ability to open/close the cannon hatches whenever you like.

    A spyglass that doesn't aim 800x distant, but a 2x/4x ones (would be great with a OW flag system, since you would've been able to identify ship nations from their flags)

    Sinking ship animations overhaul, once a ship gets to 2~3% HP on his middle bar, it would explode into pieces and sink accordinly (watch Pirates of the Caribbean: At the World's End - The Endeavour's death, that scene shows exactly what I'm trying to say here) Watch from 1:55 and forward.

    Real waves that actually makes your ship float realisticly, bouncing waters on the front as you move towards the enemy.

    More Caribbean aesthetic water/world and overall landscapes in OW and Instances, the water is just too dark blue-ish to be the West Indies.

    Be able to be a privateer with titles in-game and such, be able to recognize a privateer and the difference between them and Naval Officers (like a letter of marquee/Navy recruit system, I guess).

    And last but not least, be able to strip down a frigate or any other ship and turn it into a merchant ship with few cannons but bigger holds capacity (and the other way around)... That Le Gros Ventre ship model is just too beautiful to be a merchant ship and not a frigate or something, it would be nice to be able to mount some guns on that ship or other merchant ships aswell. Turn a Indiaman or an LGV into a heavy frigate with 46 to 48-guns.

    PS: GALLEONS!!!!


    Some of my ideas that I've posted on another thread.



  10. Fire needs to be more important, I support that. Ships should blow up after hitting a certain percentage of their HP (specially the middle bar hp), if you get to 2 to 3% hp on it (counting that your ship already lost both hull sides and are pretty much losing the middle bar hp), it would signify that your gunpowder hold were hit and ignited, instantly blows up and sink, with a good sinking animation to back it up. That would be way more accurate than just sink without any problems at all.

    Turn down the blow AOE so it doesn't take 3 ships around a 250m ratios and it's all good.

  11. One other thing, I know that the NPCs were nerfed to be harder to beat/sink and all, but giving them magical turn rates and sometimes even faster reload speeds are not the freaking answer! I've been seeing NPCs getting almost 6kn reverse upwind and turn rates that are unbelievebly fast, cannons that instantly fires after a full broadside just to keep you on your feet trying to get out of range to atleast recompose your wind and reload your cannons. 

    I fought against a Wasa couple of days ago with my Connie and we were screening for a couple of seconds, after a full broadside, not even 5 seconds, he was already shooting me again. I distanced myself towards the shore and tack'd the wind to get my other side and give another broadside, he began to snipe my stern like is if it was nothing to him, EXTREMELY ACCURACY from atleast 600m away and cannons that didn't have any freaking reload time AT ALL, after I tack'd to the other direction, my stern was pretty much gone and he was facing the same direction ready to get me a full broadside. He turned quicker than me and were already gaining on me to get me.

    My Connie has thicker and stronger HP and Hull on almost every single stat than the Wasa, and he was still cutting me like paper. And I know, the Wasa has almost 300pd more cannon weight than the Connie, but still, the NPCs are nerfed to a point that some battles are just unbelievable to sit and watch.

    • Like 2
  12. I wanna add something here. I really think party/group XP in battles should benefit everyone a little bit more, PVE is getting really grindy after 7th/8th rank, and party/group battles are useless if you don't get xp for participating. Groups are usually made to help out new players and are usually used to help out level up someone, atleast bump it a little bit so we can all benefit from grouping up and fleeting, because right now there's no point on going out in a group, because you don't benefit at all from it. If you fleet with some bigger players, if you don't put up a fight or get a kill, you're pretty much getting 45 to 140xp per battle, inflicting 28 to 32% damage gets you around 300xp or 400xp. A kill bumps you up to a 700 to 800xp depending on the rate of your enemy  sunk ship, but still, not every enemy fleet low players will be able to inflict that much damage, unless they get up close and brawl, which most of the time gets you sunk. It's just unbalanced right now.

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