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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. That was the goal It's definitely possible, I know of several people other than myself and Jonny who have beaten it. I should have a video up within a few weeks showing how I approach it. If you have 42k vs 64k you should be in really good shape.
  2. Correct. There is basically no need for that to be possible though. Nearly every change in this mod is included in the Rebalance mod already. The only real exception is the size curve changes but those wouldn't work properly with the larger unit sizes available in the Rebalance mod.
  3. While you don't have to hold the VPs regardless of cost, both of these phases offer the opportunity to inflict a lot of losses on the initial CSA units. Pushing some skirmisher units well ahead of your line can bait out charges and and disrupt the CSA attack. If you can keep the CSA units from all hitting your line at the same time and with some of those units worn out you can inflict very heavy losses on them as they try to cross the river. Just be careful to fall back units as they get charged as the 4k units will annihilate your smaller units in melee unless you've prepped every other factor in your advantage. I think the worst scenario you can end up in is all your forces deployed at the landing while having inflicted relatively few casualties. Eventually the CSA units will all blob up and once they charge it will be extremely hard to hold them off if you haven't degraded them ahead of time. It'll take me a bit to get there, but I'm working on a series to show what I do to get through Shiloh:
  4. Those numbers are basically what I expect to be going up against on legendary. You're only about 5k above the minimum AI Size so that's probably not the issue. You could try converting some of your infantry to 1k skirmisher units and see if that reduces scaling any significant amount, but you may just have a campaign where your luck was really bad and you're facing more men than usual. Here are the 4 saves I have to check against currently. Actual numbers will move around a bit due to unit splitting and other variance settings, but you can see a bit of a trend. - 1.0 Legendary: 63k vs 37k size: 39-44k training: 50-55 weapons: 22-27. This was before variance, unit size reductions, and a scaling logic update so the actual numbers faced were 73k. - 1.1 Legendary: 59k vs 34k size: 50-55k training: 54-59 weapons: 24-29. Prior to the CSA left flank unit size reductions. Actual numbers faced 62k. - 1.22 Major General: 49k vs 37k size: 40-45k training: 48-53 weapons: 18-23 - Base game MG: ~51k vs ~32k size: 49-54k training: 42-47 weapons: 21-26 With facing a bit less than 2:1 you've got a hard fight but a winnable one. Though that is a bit more than would normally be expected of you on MG. The big hurdle is getting through the first 2/3 of day 1 and then making it to day 2. At those breakpoints you get enough allied troops that they can usually bring you through the battle.
  5. The general strategy to win with very low losses is start all your units as close to the river as possible, retreat across the river and hide all your units in the bottom left corner. Wait for a few minutes for the AI cavalry to reset it's position(this will take some experimenting). Cross the river along the bottom board edge, trap the cavalry if possible in the SE corner and setup your units in the treeline to the south of the VP. All your units should be hidden and you can get vision on units in the open and destroy half the army without taking a shot in return. From there just slowly push up after you run out of targets to get more vision. You'll probably have to engage your infantry directly a bit to take the point but sub 1k casualties is very achievable.
  6. Shiloh still has the max unit size defaults from the base game. Since the allied units are so large it causes those max size AI units to scale even higher in the mod. So even if your units are all 1k you'll face very large infantry units. 16k is actually pretty decent if you're only including your own units. Facing 57k on MG is surprising. I only faced 47k on MG and on Legendary I was facing 57k and 263k on two different saves. What is your intelligence service reported army size?
  7. CSA Shiloh can be won on day 1, you just have to take the landing early enough that the VP is not contested when the battle timer runs out. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1398810316 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1396453437
  8. I don't think medicine is worth it that early. Better to have econ/politics to be able to buy more weapons/officers or more training for better recruits. If it's looking like you have to resources to make it worthwhile then increase AO with the last two points instead. AO 4 can work, but I think you'll definitely have to go with the hold briefly, fallback and then hold for an extended period at the landing. I prefer to go with AO 6 so I can get as many units as possible into the battle immediately. I'm working on getting some videos together for a tutorial through Shiloh. Variance 1 me 0 on getting through Phillipi so far
  9. How many total divisions are you reaching Shiloh with? On MG I was able to have 7 full divisions and I would guess 5-6 would still be possible.
  10. I go over the final stats of my units and compare my results to those of other players. A collection of some my failed attempts at various battles.
  11. Several of the grand battles in the game use a percentage deploy format. The idea is that if you have 4 sets of reinforcements then however many units you bring should get split into 4 parts. However there is a bug with this system so that in some battles you don't get the full set of units from the later sets of reinforcements. At Gettysburg Day 1 there may also be some units withheld because the only parts of corps had arrived on the battlefield for the first day. Either way, your best option is to fill all available slots provided to you to get as many units as possible.
  12. Yes, with that change enabled there are still diminishing returns above the optimal sizes in the base game but you will always gain at least some damage from adding more men/guns.
  13. Washington: Camp phase where I use up over a million dollars. Day 1: The first day of Washington is by far the worst grind of the game. No winning through artillery alone here. Despite some better fortifications design than other battles most positions can still be bypassed, flanked, or completely surrounded and destroyed. Day 2 Camp: Using up the last of my resources before going into day 2. Day 2: Normally the southern phase of this battle is the hardest part of day 2, but with the size curves fixed the mass of union artillery in the north becomes extremely dangerous. Losses: 46622(9324 returned from medicine) Kills: 236313
  14. You don't need to know them exactly, but it's useful to have a general idea how experienced each unit is and what they are equipped with. As people build their own armies they will often use some kind of naming scheme to help with this.
  15. The historical and custom battles all will have you controlling larger amounts of units. CSA Bull Run is the smallest one I can think of as it has them trickle in slowly. The campaign format is 1-3 smaller battles followed by a major battle. There were a few smaller actions leading up to Bull Run that would barely have been considered skirmishes later in the war. These smaller battles feature relatively few units, so you have time to adjust to the controls a bit. I'd suggest just starting a CSA campaign on either Colonel or BG difficulty and play a few missions to see how it goes. Don't worry to much about picking the 'right' career points or building your army in some specific way. This will get you a chance to get used to the controls and how the missions work. You can always restart the campaign once you're more comfortable and make different choices.
  16. Tab switches the camera angle, T detaches skirmishers, and holding down shift will let you rotate a unit's facing. P also pauses the game which will be very useful. Limbering/Unlimbering is mostly automated so you probably won't need to use it much. While you can play the game using only the mouse using the hotkeys will make your play much more efficient. Pausing or half speed lets you not have to worry about this to much though.
  17. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1274743463 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=810140368
  18. Koro and CivWar64 have starting guides that are probably what you want to read then. I'll post some links when I'm back at a computer.
  19. Agreed, using the emplacements leaves your artillery far more vulnerable than either putting them in the middle of the fort or further back depending on the size. You can do this in any battle which has similar map expansions. You can swap units between the right and left flanks at Shiloh for example. This won't work at something like Cold Harbor where the left and right flanks are separate maps. I recently made a video of the first day of Washington using the UI mod and I use the unit transferring several times. Makes the 2nd day city section much easier.
  20. I would recommend going through maybe Malvern Hill and then evaluating if you want to jump back up to hard. The starts can be a bit rough until you get used to the mod, but there are similar issues with the campaign becoming to easy later on.
  21. There are a number of guides on the steam forums and there are several full campaigns on youtube. Do you have a preference for CSA vs union campaigns or video vs written?
  22. This path is incorrect. Should be Ultimate General Civil War\Ultimate General Civil War_Data\Mod\Rebalance Also, just to double check since you didn't mention it directly. Ultimate General Civil War_Data\resources.assets should have been overwritten as well.
  23. If the game locks up on load that almost always means that the modded dll is in the correct spot but the configuration files are not. Does this folder structure currently exist for you? Ultimate General Civil War\Ultimate General Civil War_Data\Mod\Rebalance
  24. Both of those should be very good, though the sharps isn't worth the cost in my opinion.
  25. Yeah, no more of that unless you want to spend 2 slots on dedicated skirmisher units with infantry weapons to replicate what detached skirmishers can do I'm a bit biased since I always play with small units, but you'd be surprised how well 1k units can do against 4k units. Just do everything you can to avoid ending up in melee.
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