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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. pandakraut


    The manual is available online here: http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/502520/manuals/UGCW_Guide_v1.25.pdf?t=1515088585
  2. Tooltips should show that increasing it to 3 points grants an extra 50 recon. This only works for the 'add point' buttons. I can't add more information to the summary of what your current points do.
  3. Let me know what you find, the version I'm running is showing it as 50 per but it wouldn't be the first time that I'm running some odd amalgamation of versions.
  4. It should be 50 per point currently. Not sure if it will help in this specific battle to have the extra points, but the effects can really add up at higher levels of recon.
  5. Like most of the hold the VP while being surrounded missions, it's better to choose an area off to the side to defend. I prefer the woods to the east, but I've also seen NW and SW work.
  6. The weapon each AI unit is equipped with is randomized to some extent.
  7. On MG or higher you only capture weapons from 10% of the men killed. Capturing a unit gets you a 25% recovery rate.
  8. Up through about Chickamauga is usually where I have fun. Past that I've only bothered once or twice.
  9. Good to hear that the series is helpful. I might go a bit further, maybe through Malvern Hill or Antietam. Past that point I'm expecting the army to be strong enough that the rest of the campaign is a foregone conclusion given the current balance in the mod.
  10. This is a testing option to stops phase resets from occurring. For example, at Shiloh on day 2 all units would remain where they were at the end of day 1 rather than getting reset to new lines. Seems great, just what everyone has always wanted, but there is a catch. If the map resizes on the phase change and your units are outside the new map you lose access to them for the battle. If a unit's day 1 position is at the same spot as the spawn point of a day 2 unit then they will start the phase in melee. At Chancellorsville, Jackson's corps is already on the field and without the reset there is no flanking attack, etc. There are a few battles where we think it might be safe enough to enable this option, but overall it mostly just adds more memorization for the player to avoid frustration and opportunities to abuse the spawn locations. A good example would be Potomac fort where you could setup most of your units in a perfect defensive position prior to the second phase before capturing the fort.
  11. On legendary everyone I've talked to has used some variant of cheese to cap the point and finish quickly. Until that mission gets rebalanced that's probably as good as you'll get unless you're on a lower difficulty. Skipping is always an option as well.
  12. Trying to get you some tips from someone who played it recently. I'm pretty sure I defended far to the South of the map and then broke off 3 cav units to rush the point and hit finish as soon as it was contested. Allied only battles are not balanced at the moment and will be addressed in the future.
  13. https://www.dropbox.com/s/bxxwxiqtfwnwd63/ModdedEffifiencyCurve.png?dl=0 These curves only apply to ranged damage. In terms of melee, more men is always better.
  14. There are no changes to the officer wounding or kill chances in the current version of the mod. You take more damage on MG so there are more chances for it to occur is all.
  15. Good work. If you can piece together an army from what you have left you should be able to make it through the rest.
  16. From a purely technical perspective setting this up in a mod would be difficult. From a gameplay perspective, giving the player access a large list of historical officers from the outset invalidates part of the campaign progression. Acquiring and leveling up those officers is part of the challenge.
  17. Unfortunately no. The problem with replacing the curves in the mod is that it breaks the damage system and reworking it has been slow going. Currently you can mostly ignore the size curves for infantry. Skirmishers either want to max out at 375 or go all the way to 1k. With artillery I'd either max at 14 or go up to 40+.
  18. I'd probably recommend this video as a starting point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIaVOV8diIo&list=PLt-JAMmvyAGmL-xr7HgLu5QaLn5YbzTjb&index=1 Something Compass would be my top recommendation for union campaigns. He has full playthroughs of BG, MG, and Legendary up at this point. For the CSA I'd recommend Fiasco Games' MG series. Something to be aware of, a lot of new information has been discovered in the last year so some older videos may have some outdated or conflicting information. The History Guy's series is a fun watch, though if you're struggling with a battle you might want to check out how others are playing it as sometimes there are much better solutions available.
  19. Yep, that's the way to do it when you're having trouble. I might be able to have a Bull Run video up by the end of the weekend. Going to see if I can win it while bringing in only 8 units. If that doesn't work then I'll drop getting extra cannon for Shiloh and just go with 10 units instead.
  20. I would aim for most of your infantry brigades being at 1k. A few can be smaller if you're using up available weapons but as you noted most of them need to be larger so they can absorb some casualties. I would recommend Something Compass' approach for this battle. If all else fails, setup a line in the trees near the map edge, make sure a few cavalry units stay fresh on the left side and once the timer ticks down mount them up, loop around the left and move them onto the point. As soon as it's contested hit finish for a win. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-F5wsEcBM4w
  21. Here are the the paths for all files used in the mod. If the game hangs on the load screen the configuration files are not in the right location. ...\Steam\steamapps\common\Ultimate General Civil War\Ultimate General Civil War_Data\Mod\Rebalance\<multiple configuration files live here> ...\Steam\steamapps\common\Ultimate General Civil War\Ultimate General Civil War_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll ...\Steam\steamapps\common\Ultimate General Civil War\Ultimate General Civil War_Data\resources.assets
  22. Sounds like you're getting close at least. If you can get your retreat in the center and left to go a bit smoother you should be alright. For myself at least losing any artillery would be crippling as I heavily rely on it to deal with the large brigades.
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