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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. Yes, this is working as expected. The training benefit applies when recruits are added to your army after battles. So you won't see any change to your existing recruit pool when you add to your training until you finish the next battle and new recruits with higher stats are added to your pool. The experience of the officer provides a bonus towards a unit getting a perk. Colonels and BGs are very useful for getting units to 1* due to this. Later on with more points in training you can use lower ranking officers to still get the 1*.
  2. Sorry for overlooking this. As @PaulDnoted this sounds like an install issue. If you aren't seeing the mod name referenced in the version displayed on the bottom left of the main menu then you'll want to double check where your field ended up. They should be in Ultimate General Civil War/Ultimate General Civil War_DATA
  3. This value was added in 1.27.4. I'd recommend grabbing the latest version
  4. If no units are inside the generals aura radius then no benefits from the aura are applied to any unit. Any at risk units should be moved, or the general moved, so that they are inside the aura radius. Hold position on the general is the only option here. Sometimes generals don't seem to properly break out of the 'fall back from nearby enemy units logic'. Very annoying on the large maps. While the mod does add negative morale regen from nearby routing units to somewhat simulate mass routs, implementing anything more direct comes with pretty bad side effects. For example, if the negative morale regen is too high, then any sufficiently large clump of units will end up indefinitely routing into a corner. Getting them to route off the map is a technical problem I have not been able to solve. Combine this with the way that maps slowly open up and add more units and a lot of battles would turn into routing a few initial units, driving them into other nearby units and quickly chain routing the enemy into a clump that can never recover. Thematically perhaps this sounds good, but in testing we have found it to be extremely exploitable within the limitations of the game engine. Limiting your own casualties while inflicting maximum casualties in return is always going to be a balance. There isn't always a firm answer here because sometimes more of your own casualties are acceptable if they are on newer and more poorly equipped units. In general on higher difficulties you want to aim for a 3:1 or higher K:D ratio and full clearing maps as much as possible. Sometimes I'll pull up instead of trying to push for the full clear, but that's very situation dependent on when I think I can finish up cleanly vs the cleanup being too inefficient to be worth it. More experimentation and experience based on your own playstyle is really the answer here. Capturing units more than doubles the recovery rate of weapons, so that is always a priority when possible. The mod does include a weaponRecoveryPercentage value that lets you adjust the recovery rate of killed or shattered enemy units. For example, the default value on MG difficulty would be .1. If you set it to .2 you would double the amount of weapons recovered from killed enemy troops. When the config value is 0 the default values are used. Config options for the various other cases where weapons are recovered are currently not available. While the default values may seem low, I would recommend small steps if increasing them. A seemingly small increase can very easily break the economy of the campaign after a few battles.
  5. When a general unit is destroyed the benefit of its auras are no longer applied. This includes the morale regen bonus and if it was a LT General the tier 3 perk bonus. So if you can get rid of them it'll make breaking and capturing units easier. Similarly for your own units you don't want to lose them, but you can definitely use their hp to tank a few volleys in desperate situations. The next version will add a much larger morale regen bonus for units the general is in melee contact with, so you will be able to put your general at risk of collateral damage to try to stabilize a critical unit. If a general unit dies, nothing happens to the officer. We would change this if we could but the corps officer UI isn't setup to support it at all, so the only workaround that has been found is exceedingly clunky(delevel the officer so they are no longer valid to lead a corps)
  6. Some of those suggestions are probably beyond what we can manage, but there are some interesting ones in there that we might be able to accommodate in the future. The deploy stuff is unfortunately probably not one of them. There is no way to disband a division. You can dump a lt colonel in one that isn't being used at least. There also isn't a way to select an officer and see which unit they have led, but you can select a unit and see which officers have led the unit. When you select a unit in the box of information that displays on the right side of the screen, click on the button in the top left of the box that has an upward graph icon. This brings up a list of battles that can be hovered over to show the commanding officer name. I might be able to store a list of units on the officer, though that gets tricky because units can be renamed or moved around. Will look into it. There is no way to unmerge unfortunately. I've tried to add a confirm prompt for the merge but it didn't work out. This is something I want to look into further though.
  7. It sounds like the mod files are no longer in place and the default files are being used again. I would recommend double checking where you extracted the mod files to. They should be in the Ultimate General Civil War_DATA folder. Link to a video install guide(steps are basically the same between this and the J&P mod) in case that helps
  8. It's partially fluff, but it does have impacts on future battles. The recon report army size is basically a snowball factor for the AI. After every battle it goes up from the reinforcements and down from the number of men you kill in battle. There are minimum values based on the timeline so you can't drop it to zero. As a rough guide, you want to try to keep it around the minimum of 50k, but it's also tends not to have all that much impact unless it gets over 100k.
  9. The AI charge logic is based around the firepower and melee power of nearby units. Size influences this somewhat, but weapons, stats, and perks also have a major impact. Generally the only way to cancel charges is to drop line of sight or have more local strength in an area so the AI decides to stop. It's really hard to compare playthroughs since so many factors could be different. Even with values cranked up you're probably only looking at a 2:1 or 3:1 disadvantage at river crossing. Even with base settings the initial phases at Shiloh can have you outnumbered by 5 or 6 to 1. The AI also has considerably more brigades than the player does at these stages, which also contributes a lot. These values are the chance that a units weapons or stats get adjusted. When they get adjusted there is a range that their default values can be moved up or down. So even if you set the probabilities to 1, you'll still get a number of units who don't end up changing noticeably. Some battles will be more noticeable than others because of the weapon defaults and current campaign values will provide a greater range of possible weapon outcomes.
  10. This is a bug that is either inconsistent or with somewhat obscure conditions. If i figure out what causes it I'll fix it.
  11. Sorry, I did miss this. @PauldD is correct that medicine only applies at the end of battles, so if you refill between days you'll get less total return out of medicine. Certain battle phases are marked as refreshing ammunition and others specifically do not. The multi-phase multi-day battles are complex enough by the end of the campaign I'm not surprised there are various issues. I've cleaned up a few where I can, but truly fixing it would require a lot of extra work to track various stats.
  12. It can be done, the historical submod goes more down this path. Scaling does take into account the number and size of the brigades the player fields, so roughly if you build small you face small and if you build bigger you face bigger. With various ups and downs depending on battle and specific setups. One of the problems with making this more dynamic is that changing the number of brigades that can be deployed in a battle results in a giant mess of trying to get all the units to show up at the right time. The deploy system is just not setup to be easily adjustable unfortunately.
  13. Will see what can be done when we get around to some kind of bonus system for division commanders. How small are you trying to go? Despite the significant size increases provided by points in AO, there's no need for the player to use those sizes. Would probably need to use configs to reduce the size of AI and allied units if you want to use the absolute minimums. Shifting to a system like what the historical submod for dynamic splitting would unfortunately be quite a bit of work. In terms of # of divisions, you'd probably be more constrained by battles deploy limits more than by points in AO. The maximum deploy amounts should be scaled pretty closely with each point of AO up through Shiloh? With historical commanders, the test version makes them a bit cheaper relative to other options, but I'll look into adding an option to make officer rep buys cost only 1 which should make it easy to grab all of them if you want.
  14. If you hover over the XP bar of the officer in command of the unit, the tooltip has been updated to show the bonuses provided by battles led. Stacks provide increased XP towards a star, increased XP gained by the officer, and increased command. Moving a higher ranking officer to a new unit or divisional command can be the right choice, bit there is more incentive to leave officers in command of a specific unit for longer periods. Adding new battles or even adjusting the map boarders has proven impossible so far unfortunately. The amount of brigades/divisions provided by AO is set in the assets. Theoretically that could be edited to allow the max amount at 1 point and 0 out all the other increases. Having to put points in AO to be able to field more units is a pretty important drain on career points early on though so being able to ignore it would be a significant advantage. If hex editing is something you're up for attempting let me know and I'll dig up a screenshot on what the AO section looks like. A public test version is currently available on the discord. For various reasons of convenience those don't get posted on the forums.
  15. If they had any prior stacks of battles led, they will retain those stacks when placed in command of the unit again. Not sure what to recommend for '63 onwards, those levels struggle to hold my own interest as well. We are continuing to work on the next version which includes an adjustment pass on all the battles to clean them up a bit and add some more variety to the scenarios. This has been progressing slowly though as it's very time intensive. The CSA campaign up through Antietam is done, but taking a bit of a break before pushing on through the rest of the battles.
  16. Myself and others have been able to make these kind of changes in 1.11 without any issues. 1.10 to 1.11 did feature changes in the assets by the devs, so if you're navigating by offset the old offsets may not be valid anymore. Alternatively, perhaps one of your changes invalidated the asset file? Have you tried restoring your files from steam and retrying with a basic change to see if that gets you working again? Here is a more recent modding guide than the one you referenced that has a bit more detail. You may also want to consider using my UI & AI Customizations mod as a starting point as it provides much more detailed weapon tooltips to help with any adjustments you want to make. The base game's tooltips single accuracy value and lack of information on the range damage multiplier isn't particularly helpful for more detailed damage comparisons.
  17. The reason this occurred is that the 0/20 is actually showing you the total number of brigades from the two reinforcing corps. So it would be more accurate if each slot displayed 0/10. You ended up with 11 instead of only 10 because of some stuff around how supply wagons are handled. I can only change the existing numbers on the deploy screen so there isn't a good way for me to make this more clear unfortunately. There are various exploits around crossing borders and impassable terrain. Trying to prevent these tends to end up causing even more problems that affect units that aren't intentionally using the exploit. Units are recentered on load which can lead to weird issues if the save was made when the sprites were out of sync with the unit center. Adding more information to the save binaries causes all kinds of problems, so this isn't something that I can easily adjust. Personally, I try to avoid saving and loading at all in battles. Just causes fewer issues, though it is very understandable if you prefer to use them. Saving in camp between days is pretty safe though, so I do use that.
  18. This is a temporary fix to resolve a battle crash that was caused by giving detached skirmishers their parents perks. Turns out it has more frequent side effects than we initially realized, sorry for the inconvenience. This will be fixed in the next patch. Which difficulty were you playing on? Usually these units have a high chance of charging when you are using 400 range weapons which fend to have lower melee values. Close is range 100 for artillery and range 50 for other weapon types that display it. Those ranges are basically the peak of the curve, they usually drop down to 10% less at 0. The close range is hardcoded so it isn't displayed for shorter ranged weapons. If you would like to see what the original base game curves look like in more detail you can find them here https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26142-hidden-mechanics-and-weapon-damage-degradation/ Higher values mean the reload bar fills faster same as the base game. Presumably the repeaters and revolvers are confusing you here. These weapons have a custom magazine system added by the mod. So while their reload rate is comparatively slow versus muzzle loaders, they only have to go through that full reload after emptying their magazine. The SF55 trades damage for range. While the damage is lower it's also more consistent compared to the 1842. It also reloads faster for mostly spurious Maynard tape related reasons. Should probably get standardized, but it's a quirk people like. I'd recommend checking out this spreadsheet for average damage comparisons https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E5ZFCAHEY8EyBkEkWIHOfdFlwaYpSDVA00w9a71jq1c/edit Balancing for the 600 range as the best sniping weapon in the game. The infantry version doesn't need this penalty. This doesn't decrease the number of shots before a supply refill is needed, it just increases the cost of that refill. I think you'll find that it's not as big of a downside as it might initially appear.
  19. Not really, sizeIncrease is intended to be used for custom battles instead of when scaling is enabled. AIscalingSizeMultiplier should allow you to make any necessary changes in the campaign. This caps at 1 FYI This battle doesn't technically scale so those values won't have any affect.
  20. I've seen this reported a few times but haven't managed to recreate or find a cause. Will take a look at the battles mentioned. This sounds like a known issue where sometimes when you give an attack order that forces the artillery to move forward they get stuck. I tend to try to avoid issuing orders like this and will usually give new orders or keep a close eye on them if the moving to target notification appears. Not sure what causes this unfortunately. Yes, accuracy affects all 3 shot types as opposed to only the specific ones. Accuracy should really just be called a damage multiplier. The specifics are more complex than this, but it's effectively just base damage * 1.25 * .37. Perks stack additively. Likely had more to do with the positioning of the last skirmisher unit. Or the AI unit had fired enough times for the stacking stealth penalty on firing to reveal it. 24pdr does far more damage but is more expensive and slower. I tend to use the 24pdrs when available, but others prefer the speed over the damage. I would recommend fitting the size to your other unit types. So if you are using 1500 man units I probably would stop at 12-14. The much larger sizes are intended to be used with equally large infantry units. close/long/etc all correspond to 100 range, 1/4 of max range, 1/2 of max range, 3/4 of max range, and max range. So the specific range that long denotes will be different for each weapon. The distance bands displayed for artillery are the canister and shell cutoffs. We've considered adding more bands, but drawing them is not the most inexpensive task and I generally feel that the distances can be eyeballed sufficiently well as is. Thanks for the feedback and glad you've enjoyed the mod overall. There are various solutions to the battles you mentioned, but my initial recommendation would be to look into the AIConfigFile options. You can use those to limit the max size of AI units as well as directly affect size and experience scaling. So if you'd prefer certain battles to be a little more even, or just to hard limit certain sizes these are all options available. There are some overall adjustments coming to battles, but progress has been very slow.
  21. No preset perks are used at this time. Named skirmisher units(anything other than skirmisher) do receive a boost to their weapons quality, so they probably equipped with something decent.
  22. Remember the AI scales off your allied units as well. So it is factoring in the dozen or so additional infantry brigades and their men. But otherwise, glad the config options are working for you. Scaling does not affect the number of enemy units. duplicateRandomProbability in the AIConfigFile controls the chance for any given AI or allied unit to split into two. So the chance could be increased to do what you want. However, on larger battles 100% duplication will result in breaking the unit cap and crashing the battle so you would need to adjust it up and down to have full duplication on smaller battles but less on larger ones. The historical submod has implemented a scaling system sort of like you described though it is more hardcoded to avoid crashes as far as I'm aware. The game does mostly work the way you describe. Stealth increases concealment, which provides no bonuses once revealed. Cover reduces damage taken with no impact on visibility. Skirmisher's higher base cover represents the increased difficulty of scoring a hit against the unit due to their spread out order and greater ability to take advantage of the local terrain. The cover perks further represent this through some combination of keeping more distance between members of the unit, taking advantage of nearby trees, rocks, rolling ground, etc to put something between them and enemy fire. You could also look at this as the unit being more experienced at generating their own cover through digging in, stacking rocks/trees and such. A cornfield isn't going to provide much cover, but there is certainly more in the way than if you were standing in an open field. Cover and skirmishers bonuses to it are getting adjusted a bit in the future.
  23. It sounds like this is partially an army org issue. You really want to be aiming for at least 30-35 units going into Shiloh. A bunch of those can be just 4-6 gun artillery or skirmishers armed with whatever you have left over. It can also be better to have more smaller infantry(1k-1.5k) units as long as you can manage to get them a perk than a few large(2k+) infantry units. Even on legendary you usually aren't outnumbered even 2:1 normally. At least for the first day overall. In the opening phases you will be severely outnumbered until the rest of your corps are on the field. Usually, in the initial phase you want to try to hold the river line briefly but will most likely have to fall back behind the church before the phase ends. While this is good defensive terrain and you want to inflict casualties to start to wear down the CSA, they get far more units than you do. So before too many of them stack up against your line and overwhelm you, you'll want to start falling back. In the second phase it can be better to just give up the VPs almost immediately to get into a later phase where you have access to more units. It is also possible to adjust the AI's size and experience using the config files to give yourself a smaller step up between BG and MG. This series on a fairly recent patch does this to create a legendary lite option https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf-5UH5bavljKJnuCIRk_aY0sQbXjiXT9 While that series doesn't use a training heavy start, you can probably still get some decent comparisons and tips there. Getting through Shiloh can be a big jump that sometimes requires a full campaign restart, so don't get discouraged. Let me know if you have more questions and good luck
  24. I didn't add the groups into the save object, so the solution here is most likely going to be clearing the list of groups on save/load/etc so that they fully reset.
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