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Everything posted by Kejsaren

  1. I know why you think they use them, because you think they are retarded. We get it. Now move along and let the grown ups do the talking, please?.
  2. I see "pro" pvp'ers go out in fir fir Wasa when they go solo hunting... Wonder why that might be.
  3. The way I see it there are 3 categories: Hunting squad (gank or whatever they are called) Open sea solo hunter (who also needs to avoid above) 1 v 1 duelist (kind of solo pvp but not really hunting, normally not sailing too far off port) Only categori who don't need is the duelist, it can come in handy for the other two.
  4. It probably is worth for 24/7 hardcore pvp'ers, since once you have it you can't loose it. But i'm personally against permanent advantages and I hope they won't be adding much more because things that are obtainable only by a "few very active pvp'ers" will just widen the gap between the average ones and the pros.
  5. ??.... Ehmm, no... does.. it .. have.. anything.. to do.. with.. anything..?
  6. I don't know mate, i think if your not mature enough to know that certain things you just don't write on forum then I honestly think you should stay away from them. At least until you grow up and learn how to communicate. Not everybody here is 12 years old. Show some respect. Second, one of my ships is fir/fir, a pirate frigate, and I do not (and don't think anyone else) considers me a ganker even tho it has happened. I've sailed alone since I started the game, so fair to say that 99% of the time I been solo hunting. Obviously you haven't done much solo hunting yourself, (maybe sit outside a port in a tanky ship, but that's a different story) otherwise you would know that if you hunt alone, you HAVE TO BE FAST. Not only good to be fast... YOU HAVE to be fast. If you are not, then you won't be floating for long. Because so many groups out there with mixed tanky/fast ships and sooner or later you WILL run into them. Yesterday I sunk an essex and a frigate in my fir fir pfrig, then I ran into Havelock in his endymion. I know Havelock is good and i know his guns are bigger and my ship is weak but i attacked anyway, and lost. Now if i did not have that much speed on my frigate when I was hunting alone i would never have those 3 fights because just before that I had to dodge gank groups 3 times in a row. So please don't show up on forum insulting people with your brainless remarks.
  7. I understand that, but what is important to you isn't important to everybody else.
  8. And you sound like someone who has been going for top players since 2016,... yeah you seem to have learned alot from it, I see you there on the top now and then. or..?. I'm a casual player (when not holidays), because i work away from home sunday-thursday, you expect me to go on Moscalb, Liquicity etc and stand a chance?.. top pvp'ers who pvp on a daily basis?. No, I am smart enough to know my limits, I attack what I would reckon are "average" pvp'ers first. If/when I handle them with ease, i move upwards.
  9. Yeah, name your ship and have ship name on the back.
  10. Pvp leaderboard, combat news etc is a great feature in my opinion. However, is bad in two ways - You know who to fight and who to avoid. For example I go out in surprise and see another surprise,.. two things will happen: 1. I see the name of a pro pvp'er and I think to myself, - this ain't gonna happen this guy will slaughter me in so many ways, it will be murder. 2. Seen this around before, he probably around my skill lvl, i take my chances. 3. I never seen this guy before, i'll eat this guy for breakfast, can probably sink him with grape shots. Guy nr 3 will get instant attacked. Guy nr 1 will never get a fight unless he manages to catch his opponent off guard, or he will have to global "anyone for 1 v 1?", no?, i go play some legend then I can't get a fight. You could keep possibility to see name but maybe add as a perk instead?.
  11. May I ask why resist "rare" stuff?, just curious. I just feel that anything that "permanently" makes your character better than new characters need to go. To avoid "the more hours you put into the game, the superior you will be". I think THAT will scare off alot of people who can't play 24/7, or if it won't scare them off it will however not encourage them to participate in PVP because they feel like all the pro's have the best upgrade, best ships etc etc. Like i said previously I think the only thing that should make you more superior then a casual player is the fact that you have more experience in the game and probably more skilled. But then again I am a casual player (normally) so my opinion could seem biased, but I can assure you it is not, personally I have no problem with the way things are, and as I enjoy the game alot i wouldn't want the playerbase to drop. I want to encourage new players to go pvp (if they want), and in order not to discourage them I think it would be wise to eliminate "work hard and play everyday to get the stuff you need to even out the odds against the pro's". Because the way things are, books are just permanent upgrades that won't be lost when you sink. Give players who like to grind something else to motivate them. With that said, I would also like to point out that I do no want to take away reward for players who put alot of time into the game, they should be rewarded. Just not this way.
  12. I used to play game where one of the "features" that I really liked was that it didn't matter if you had been playing for 10 years or 6 months. A pvp game where if you got killed most probably would have lost all your gear because another player had looted you. So you could literally spend 2 months being succesfull in aquiring really hardcore set of gear only to loose it in 30 seconds. Sounds horrible?, maybe.. but on the otherhand you could be on for 30 seconds and aquire gear that someone spent alot of time to get. So kind of works both ways, and people got hooked. In naval action, it's almost the same, you can spend millions of dubloons on a single ship with upgrades and such and loose it in 10 mins if your unlucky. I like that!. Easy come easy go. However.. books.. books can take along time to aquire and you never loose the knowledge, that is giving people who the upper hand without ever loosing that upper hand. You might argue that, players who have been around and played alot should have some sort of upper hand compared to new players, Yes they should, and they already do.. skillwise. Skill is the best upper hand you can have towards another, no need for more. People need something to grind for? Just add more stuff.. more really rare maybe even unique really good stuff that can give you the upper hand (but only temporary, til you loose it)... but things that also are lost with your ship. Rare paintjob, rare flags!, rare mods!, maybe even hidden reinforcements that you can use once and then it's gone, giving you ai reinforcements during a battle. Totally unexpected. Also unique drops (only 1 in the game at the same time drops) needs to be used within for example 24 hours or you loose it and becomes a potential drop for someone else.
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