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Posts posted by Hammy

  1. 22 minutes ago, Sir Malachy Karrde said:

    I admit that I was scouting to see who was online that time of night. I did not have the time for extended action. I have full intention of returning with a full battle group as I was completely unimpressed with your combat abilities. You made so many mistakes in the first three tags it was laughable. Especially the bellona who spawned next to me and didn't even hit me once lol. He could have ended the whole thing for you in 30 seconds. You also have no clue about sailing profiles. I am the one who explained to you why you weren't catching me. If I hadn't you probably wouldn't have even thought to call in pay to win suppport. Need I continue?

    So let me get this correct, you didnt have time to tag a danish trader "if" you had found one, but you did have time to sail 100k north instead of going DIRECT to KPR. My bad buddy completely makes sense now.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Sir Malachy Karrde said:

    You are completely wrong. I also did not tag a single Dane the entire day, nor had any intention of doing so. If I had been hunting your capitol, I'd have been there with a full battle group and not a single one of you would have been griefing anyone. 

    so if you had no intentions to tag a player why sail past it from aves lol

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, Angus MacDuff said:

    Very good arguments to a lot of these suggestions.  So what about a random spawn.  You exit the battle instance somewhere entirely random, maybe 15kyds from entry point.  Yes you get away clean after pounding a baby seal, but so what, they would have got pounded anyway.  I just hate that we can use our chat/discord/cell phones(!!) to vector in the revenge squad.  If they don't see you going into a battle, they shouldn't be able to hover outside of it.

    Very true and we lost him, it was his fault for tagging an AI outside of Cabo Rojo. Ive been counter ganked so many times. Seems part of the game atm.

  4. With Regards to getting retagged i do have a simple suggestion, when you leave a battle i believe your 15 seconds of invisibility should not start until you put your sails up, and maybe you have 30 seconds to put them up. This we then give you the chance to turn to a direction you'd like to run away at. Thoughts??

    • Like 2
  5. 4 hours ago, Sir Malachy Karrde said:

    Not even close. I'm mad that they wasted 4 hours of my time to do it. Had they quickly resolved the gank, there wouldn't have been an issue. It took them 4 attempts and 4 hours to finally set it up. They deliberately decided to keep griefing after finding out I needed to log off. That is the glaring problem with game mechanics as they stand. This game claims to be hardcore, well make it hardcore. Make all communication occur line of sight with signals. Have it coded to crash when voip is used in conjunction. That would be hardcore. Since it's not going to happen, there needs to be a solution that prevents chain tagging.

    There is nothing hardcore about being chased for 4 hours until a group of incompetent gankers can finally get their shit together. 

    Another possibility to prevent this is to spread combatting teams 20 km apart in random directions on the OS at the conclusion of a battle. This would preserve realism and prevent battle camping. Which in turn prevents chain tagging


    Griefing where you stay a distance tagging you to keep you in battle, we chased you the whole time, and OUR group tagged you 2 times, so quit with the 4 tag 4 hour BS. As you can see, admin see's nothing wrong with us chasing you and tagging you. You lost a ship, and the reason it took us look is because you was made of paper. I love the fact that you say you were going direct to KPR from Aves and havent highlighted the fact you were going past the Danish capital? Very simple question, what would you had done if you found a Danish trader???

  6. 4 minutes ago, Sir Malachy Karrde said:

    So because everyone does it, we shouldn't have it fixed? Sorry this wasn't a problem back when we could teleport to port after battles. It happens far too often now and it needs addressed before this game goes live. 

    So are you complaining about us and what we did, or to the Devs about the game?


  7. If this is going to be looked into please look into my battle earlier in the day :) Im so upset about it aswell


    Was chased around for 2 hours, to then get a clan member to join me and had a great battle in a 2v5 while losing my ship. It was unfair that they had more ships then us. Please find a way to even this out

    • Like 4
  8. 1 minute ago, Sir Malachy Karrde said:

    I escaped you all 3 of 4 battles. I mentioned after the 3rd that I really had to get going because supper was ready. And you went at it again. Don't worry, I'm going to refer this to tribunal and verify that this sort of behavior is acceptable. Either way the devs are going to have to weigh in. Just so we are clear, I didn't come here to name and shame you guys, I did come to address a mechanic that is a poor mechanic in my opinion and is long overdue to be addressed. You guys were the ones who named yourselves, so that's on you. I'm going to be very clear in my tribunal post that I'm not looking for your punishment, but I do want the developers to weigh in on this issue. 

    Oh please be extremely clear when you tribunal this, because i have a funny feeling there going to laugh. This happens everyday, and again it happened to me 2/3 hours before we saw you. 

    • Like 2
  9. Wasnt hunting, sorry thats right, you were just passing through, taking that ship back to KPR from Aves to deal with the french. Never knew the danish capital was between Aves and KPR. 

    I also find it very hard to believe that if you had found a danish or swedish trader you would have just happily sailed by!


    • Like 3
  10. How did we grief you, for 3 hours? we chased you and finally caught you, we didnt tag you and run away just to the tag you again to keep you in battle. When you go on about decrew, the battle i was in where it ended in a 2v5, our bellona ended up with 180 crew!! 

    Finally its not our issue that you had to go, i can just imagine that from now on, hey guys it looks like im not going to win this battle, i gotta go my dinner is ready, can you let me go lol

    • Like 3
  11. Go ahead and tribunal it, you got tagged twice and lost a ship. Same thing happened to me today with the dutch, i killed one of there players, they chased me for i'd say around 2 hours i would say. Tagged me two times, and then by the time i got out of the 2nd battle i managed to get a clan member over so at least we could fight them. The 3rd tag ended up as a 2v5 and we both got sunk, they lost two ships but we all had fun. You went hunting, got in over your head got tagged a couple times, and got sunk. Sorry to say its part of the game

    • Like 3
  12. Gamers,


    Thought I'd start a post to see if we can come together to come up with ways to bring more gameplay to a game that is slowly dying WITHOUT....Any name calling he did she did this BS.


    Firstly I believe that due to the numbers Alliances shouldn't currently be in the game, maybe trade agreements if anything due to certain nations not having capitals.

    Secondly, there are some great clans in this game that many have complained about the lack of RvR/PvP yet I have never seen you guys actually fight each other, I personally would love to see a live stream or YouTube video or some of the top clans with there best players going at it in a port battle. But instead its lets gank and bully the lesser nation....Come on guys give yourself some real content never know you might actually have some fun ;)

    This may actually let the smaller nations find some RvR against a nation in a similar state as them, which will help them develop as players and nations.

    Brings me nicely on to seal clubbing... guys I know we all like the easy PvP marks but when a coastline or capital is getting consistently hammered this game will never grow, if a player with less ability cant feel safe in and around its reinforcement zone then why the hell would he leave and actually feel confident sailing around the huge map we have looking for PvP. We all remember the grind of getting started, getting that new good ship, with good upgrades and yet a newer player is going to keep losing it outside his capital then you cant moan at them for not coming out of the reinforcement zones. I don't know the answer for this but would love to hear the opinion from others on how to help the issue, because as of right now this game is going in the wrong direction, I know people are waiting on a patch but still we all know there's something as a gaming community we can do to help.


    Finally a small request to the devs, can you please look into putting descriptions in telling us what certain books/upgrades actually do, you have the room there to do it. A description as in literally an idiots guide on what each book/perm does.


    Thanks, Look forward to peoples opinions.

    • Like 2
  13. Firstly to the former US clan, if leaving the US nation helps you guys then all the best to you, but as for kicking off about what happened to your TS rights... you have only yourself to blame. I heard that you were leaving the nation and even noticed yesterday that some of you had. I also see you in the US TS channel, which I didn't mind as I know it takes a lot to change nation. But as soon as you come up the coast to attack the US nation is were your crossed the line, I was in the TS with other clans all speaking about removing you, so it wasn't just one person trying to get you guys removed!! Also if I remember correctly when certain people left the US nation before you screwed them over by opening up all your ports. All you had to do is move nation, still use the US TS to make things easier, leave it a few does maybe a week, then come and attack the east coast. But no once again you couldn't do things the right way, so cry wolf all you want about being revoked, but I think most people here will agree you were in the wrong.

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