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Ruby Rose

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Posts posted by Ruby Rose

  1. 3 minutes ago, Psycho3630 said:

    I do not see a difference between using an alt to trade to make gold or to collect crafting materials. It is still a transference of wealth between one account and another as either an asset or form of currency. and while the screenshots may show his identity, it has no bearing on your original claim of baiting. There's nothing wrong with knowing who's alt is who's, such as knowing Lil Texas is Sir Texas Sir's, something he openly shares. I don't see whats wrong with that. Again, if we are going to argue the overall issue of alts with the advantage of those with them have over those who do not, it is one thing and something I would agree with, but this seems like a selective argument being made against one player because you do not like him, and that doesn't justify it. Being allowed to green on green an alt is another thing entirely.  Also, if the issue is about his communications in nation chat, that should be in a separate complaint. However, I have seen PLENTY of horrible things said towards him also. Whether earned or not, there are little things that have not been said towards any other player and this will continue unless admin adds a language filter to the in-game chat. Hardly something unusual or out of place. 

    well in regards to ur point on the lil tex and sir texas sir their both in the same nation, where as republican clear is in the us while his main is in france, he has also stated he is using his US alt to amass wealth specifically for his main account, also that he is using his main account to "seal club" new players out of cton harbor, also his toxic behavior is not something u see from lil texas on nation chat telling everyone there needs to be a change in leadership and that his main enjoys attacking on our coastline near the capital for the purpose of seal clubbing the US nation, also in regards to using his alt to amass wealth for his main that would be using a game mechanic to his advantage, as a exploit, because he also knows which ship is his he can easily have a french player tag it to lure other players from the us nation into joining battle. as well as republican seen in the shot provided by christendom that republican states he enjoys being a traitor to the US nation, in which case he would be in violation as he is stating openly his role in the current decrease in us player count, he is openly and willingly and knowingly causing players to leave the game, not to mention using 2 accounts to do it, it would of been fine if he was acting like lil texas and not intentionally trying to remove the player base from the US nation, his type of player is the reason this game has such a low population count and why this game may not even make it to open release if player count continues to drop.

  2. 9 hours ago, Christendom said:


    His alt admitting his identity

    he also admits to seal clubbing our players, it also proves that enemy ships did know which ship is his, and that republican is a traitor in the US nation, we should be allowed if he is in a battle to green on green republican as he is a known traitor and spy and is intentionally targeting our players in the starting area every day, his behavior in nation chat is also rather toxic which in his course could and probably have pushed players away from playing naval action.

  3. 2 hours ago, Psycho3630 said:

    Well, spying is not itself against the rules. At least, i could not find a forum post by admin that said it was. However, I would argue that the above is an expansion from your original complaint. More of an overall and cumulative complaint rather than what the forum post was created for, baiting. I am sure that admin will do a thorough review. I think it would also be beneficial for @admin to create a post of some kind that outlines the rules for players who have multiple accounts, set clear boundaries so there are no more questions. I don't know how trade or assets would mean much, since trading with your alt is regular for those that have one because the alts are often used to obtain materials that are difficult to get on main accounts. If that is against the rules, I would expect more enforcement against many other players would be coming. My understanding was that alt accounts were only restricted to not being directly involved in RvR, such as port grinding, screening, etc, but spying in itself is something that happens daily across the game, either by use of alts or players sharing information with each other. The adage "Lose lips lose ships" has been used a lot in the game and on the forums to show that relaying what is said in one nation chat to players of another is part of an RvR experience and something to be considered. 


    At the end of the day, this is all speculation until admin makes a ruling. 

    Captains with abnormal net wealth will have all their assets removed and in subsequent cases their accounts deleted. 
    using an alt to amass wealth then trading it directly to ur main especially in another nation from the alt would be abnormal net wealth and making an unfair advantage compared to those that cant afford multiple accounts, from my understanding announcing in nation chat of any nation that ur a spy for a foreign country was against game rules.

    most players with alts usually only have alts to help with the lack of building slots for crafting, where as republican stated his wealth on his account is for his main, which is a unfair advantage as well as an exploit in the game mechanics. one of which he has been abusing.

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  4. if he is innocent after the devs do a dive into his chat logs and his assets and checking the other account he has and comparing interactions along with his toxic behavior in nation chat along with declaring at one time that he is a spy for another nation in the US nation chat which is a clear violation of game rules for alts and spies, lets not also forget i was only able to provide my screenshots and 1 by richbeard, if i had copies of the other screenshots taken of his actions i would of posted them. if the devs find him innocent of breaking any game rules then i would apologize for my accusations based on the evidence provided however if he is found in violation of these rules a ban on those accounts would serve well as a warning to those that break the game rules.

  5. the safe zones on the coastline near the captials and with nearby no capable ports should have a clear line of reinforcement zone or a non pvp zone to protect the new players who join there really shouldnt be any pvp ganking on your starting ports coast line, or bring back the only system where those massive ai fleets on ur coast will auto target players from other nations and engage them with no tag warning to give something to fear of going near a countries home ports, that should bring down any other nation making runs at the new players or experienced player roaming around their home port, it would also give security to even have those fleets roaming around since they lack purpose currently, besides no nation should be anywhere near a nations captial ports to begin with other then to do seal clubbing the new players for easy pvp marks. if these fleets actually engaged the other nations that get to close to these shores it would give our smaller players a chance to grow and understand the game, also it would allow the low population nations the ability to deploy their fleets outside say charleston to actually engage other nations instead of constantly being on the defense of the new players around charleston. which is hindering the smaller nations. cause of contantly having other nations hitting the capital port and all the new players.

    either enable those large fleets to engage players or turn the reinforcement area into non pvp combat zones and make it a solid area from all the non capable ports up the coastline, example "swanns to st mary's reinforcement zone turned to non pvp area. or the huge 25 first rate ships armadas that are roaming the costs around nation capital waters 

  6. no we let russian's go because they are our allies its completely different then what republican does, if republican is innocent of these accusations why is it that every time he is tagged a us player has to jump in before he miraculously escapes leaving the reinforcement to deal with the french player. its every time, and there are other screenshots of this exact same thing always involving republican and a french pvper, also there is a screenshot of him sailing past many french players in their port and not being attacked not once. but he always seems to get tagged just outside charleston harbor and of course another nearby us player will jump in and boom he manages to escape every time, if he has this personal protection from the french then why not state it on nation chat when he does get tagged like 'accidently jumped by french player dont join battle"

    the fact he doesnt inform nation that he was attacked and that its fine or notify us players not to join the battle, proves that he wants someone to jump in. because every screenshot is of a US player reinforcing just as he is escaping untouched.

    that is baiting ur allies into ambushes, because u know u are protected against pvp by the french but they want free or easy pvp marks so u dont inform ur nation about the battle so that someone foolish enough to reinforce to help, only to have u leave as they join. now the french someone to sink.

    • Like 1
  7. Player Republican, US nation alt of a French player, tagged by french raquin, Republican is in 3 indiaman's his current rank is master commandant so unable to fully crew all 3 ships, and yet manages to outrun and escape with all 3 ships from a fully crewed pvper belonging to the french, 
    screenshots of chat to correspond with Rick jumping into the battle just as Republican's entire fleet escapes from the raquin, 
    https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1429477220 (shows undercrewed Indiaman's escaping a battle that shouldnt of even been possible even if those ships are designed purely for speed)
    https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1429499375 (this is rick statement as he entered the battle as the indiaman's left)

    not long after this information was discussed on nation chat did Republican stop talking no response since about how this was possible once a point was made that there are more screenshots of similar instances of his fleet miraculously escaping pvp combat without a scratch while under crewed, and only escapes once someone joins to reinforce him, 
    https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1429502985 (this is the player inquestion) 

    this evidence and probably other reports by US players filed against him for this type of baiting other US players into helping only to be joining a fight that had been setup for the intent to ambush us reinforcements helping a trader, every time he is tagged by a french player he never looses a ship to them and just miraculously escapes battle every time.

    please check his IP and compare his assets as well his uses his alt Republican in the US nation to feed gold and materials to his main account in another nation,

    https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1429505626 (shows his statement "who in the world do you think i make all my money for" he also stated at master commandant rank that he has more 1st rate ships then i do, implying he has a main account elsewhere on the server likely in the french nation as they dont sink or plunder or pvp him unless to bait US players into a battle just to be sunk for easy PVP marks"  

    https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1429508943 (Republican states "I was a perfect stunt we had to take our ocean and run" and "0 hint hint of who I really am ^"  implying that this is not his only account and that his main or other account is not in the US nation)

    please look into this as this kind of player is exploiting the system for his own benefit and destroying new players and US players being baited into saving a trader that isnt even being attacked by the tagger. check his chat logs from all his pvp battles if u can or his chatlogs in general as well as the IP see if other accounts have been active on it and their chatlogs.

    • Like 5
  8. On 8/13/2017 at 4:49 AM, Rebel Witch said:

    the discussion has gone on for a couple years now. The balance of pve and pvp. The options for pvp and pve for players.

    If its possible here is my proposed solution

    Keeping the current Caribbean map and its ports. No more regions, all ports solo , each one needing to be captured. The map becomes lawless, all out pvp between players. Ports no longer belong to the NPC countries, they are taken over by players, controlled by players, governed by players, joined into player empires BY PLAYERS. Wars fought over them by players. Taxes and shipping tarifs decided by players governing the ports. I think you get the idea, that the current map would be one big player sandbox. Player clans with their own colors taking the ports, NPC nations are gone from this map.

    The second map would be a brand new map of europe. The ports of this new map would be owned and always controlled by NPC nations. That means players do not change their ownership there are no wars over those ports they are always NPC ports, stable and without player wars. yes there could be piracy but that would be limited because NPC nations would have defensive ships that protect traders and attack pirates. This european map would be the new high security NOT PVE, just high security map. Its not a PVE map because there is still a small chance for pvp but its greatly limited. this map will not only be a historic breath of fresh air, something new to sail around, trade, gain marginal profits etc. It will be the map where carebears and PVE players can enjoy relative safety to just play the game , trade, craft and not worry so much about losing ports or their stuff. This would also be the map where players who lose at pvp can fall back and rebuild, regroup and replan a pvp strategy then sail their new fleets to try and start a new empire in the Caribbean.

    These two maps would be joined via Trade Wind spots . Lets say there are four trade wind spots on the edge of each map marking the entry to the atlantic ocean. Players go to these spots then are teleported to the new map.

    These trade wind spots will likely have player pirates lurking looking for easy prey, they may also be a place for players to camp and invite all kinds of pvp battles, like a pvp gathering hole. Players just wishing to cross the Atlantic may need to scout ahead, they may need to form large escort fleets to reach the Caribbean. To balance things i would say the trade wind spots on the europe side would be patrolled by NPC ships that way that side is at least "safer" to allow players to at least scout and have a fighting chance to get back to europe safely. The Caribbean side would be anything goes pvp. Also to allow those players who have lost everything in the Caribbean a way to get back to europe you could allow for trade ship passage so you can just teleport from Caribbean with just you, no ships, to a europe port so you can just start over. Yes on the europe map you could serve under npc nations and MOST IMPORTANTLY there are no wars between NPC that way there is no forced pvp between players on the european map.


    For a ship based sandbox MMO to survive it needs to give players options for play style. The current one map, everyone forced into npc nations total war is failing because the winners cascade steam roll, the losers have almost no options to regroup and carebear players are stuck in the middle and everyone is frustrated in the long run. The devs are pulling their hair out trying to balance it all and they will never balance it out in the current format.

    Try my ideas above it may help this game long term?

    this is UWO uncharted waters online if ur looking for that kind of sandbox style game its on steam its free to play there is no need to make a replica of that mess

  9. On 9/25/2017 at 12:32 AM, Genma Saotome said:

    Repeating myself from other posts, IMO the dev's will never find the answer they are looking for -- a game system that doesn't allow one team to completely dominate the others, a game system where who is strong and who is weak shifts around over time, a game system that they don't have to intervene in every couple of months with big changes -- unless they change their thinking about losses. 

    Consider: NA PvP today is no different than walking into a casino for an evenings entertainment.  You can win big... you can lose your shirt, a most importantly in many, many instances the guy who loses his shirt didn't want that confrontation in the first place.  His ship, many hours of game time to acquire, is permanently lost. His nation's port is lost to what is effectively permanent occupation.  No wonder the player count over the last 20 months is down to about 10% of what it once was.

    IMO guys leave because too much time is expected of them to acquire the assets they want to use... and it that asset is lost, too much time is required to replace it.

    IMO the idea to consider is to turn player assets into permanent asset the player can carry from map to map, from week to week, w/o regard to having it sunk last night.  Let players have  a limited number of ships they have crafted, captured, or purchased.  When one sinks, use a cool-down period, maybe 12 hours, maybe 24, maybe several days, but whatever the period is at the end of it the "lost" ship returns to the inventory.  Perhaps there is a small cost in gold, but the player does not have to spend a week of evenings grinding out enough gold and resources to rebuild that ship and the DEV's don't have to spend weeks on analysis and coding trying to make everyone happy again.

    Similar w/ ports: Whoever wins the port battle doesn't permanently occupy that location but they do get a certain number of hours ... 12, 24, maybe more, to pillage it.  Some (not all) of the port goods are stolen... some, but not all of the warehouse goods are stolen... maybe even a tiny percentage of buildings are burned down... but then the port battle victors have to leave and that port remains a no-fighting port for some period of time, maybe a week, maybe a month.  The key point is it is returned to the country it originally belonged to.  IOW there is no need to make almost every port a neutral port and there are no circumstances where one team can wipe out another's resource base.


    What this means is the human cost to engage in PvP combat is pretty much eliminated.  The whole game becomes more like a sports event: You may lose this weekend but you keep your equipment and play another game next weekend.  The way NA is today is when you lose this weekend you team loses its shirt, shoes, and equipment and you are just SOL.  And when you are SOL, why come back to play again?

    so reading over ur post if u think lvling and aquiring ships in this game is long and teedious should try UWO where it takes years to max ur lvl out many months of grinding skills they have an ingame cash shop that makes it horrible unfair to any new player their economy is jacked so high that a new player has no chance in catching up. where as with naval action sure it takes a few hours to gather the materials needed to replace a ship above 5th rate, but if ur a max lvl player u already have a huge bank account and the time and the nessessary items to replace any ship u loose. so its not like its horrific when u loose a ship in combat naval action is designed to be more realistic no respawning of ships no raising a ship from its watery grave. as i stated above in this post my suggestion on how to incorporate all 3 servers into a single server is still a very valid and working idea by implementing a different pvp system, this way u can satisfy the pve players and still have pvp combat. this game has a perfect balance why ruin it, no player can't acquire the same ship the same cannons the same skills all the remains is ur ability in battle ur determination in commerce and ur time to get things done. sure it takes like 15 days of grinding mission to max out ur lvl, its better then the alternative of taking years to max out months and months of grinding to up skills to grind items to unlock port permits so u can enter these ports. there are always alternatives but don't break a working system.

  10. To add to previous comment another option would be to incorporate OW with active combat so like IRL e.g. your a pirate sailing from mortimer to morgan's bluff you come across a mercury belonging to Great britain instead of having to chase it down for 15 second u can turn your boardside to the mercury and fire in open world, turning the OW concept into a active combat zone thats map wide this would give the NPC's more of a chance to defend themselves and would provide the Patrolling nation NPC fleets a ingame role as active defense of their nation.  E.g. ' US player mika comes across a Spanish player and engages combat a wandering nearby Spanish NPC fleet spots the combat say 2KM from the battle and redirects its patrol route to reinforce the Spanish player against the aggressive US player'  with this the NPC fleets become effective for there size.

    A alternative idea for the NPC nation fleets is to enable them to attack players of other nations similar to how a player would attack an NPC fleet. This would permit the NPC patrolling fleets to defend their nearby nation ports from other nations players, making the large BR NPC's fleets belonging to each nation more of a challenge for players to attack starting ports and nearby trade routes. as with most pvp servers there is always the 'Seal clubbing' to deminish one faction or more's player count this would reduce what a enemy nation could do to a starting port for each faction and nearby ports.

    E.g. ' 6xVictory, 6xStPavel,3x Bellona NPC fleet patrolling near Mortimer, US player Rear admiral in Santisma hunting for small starter players and local ships, is detected within combat range of the NPC fleet and the NPC fleet tags the US Santisma for defensive Combat. Preventing the US player from going after nearby starting players and main line of commerce around a Mortimer'. this provides a defense and provides a cost for players hunting starters and around starting ports is the higher risk of being tagged by a large NPC fleet. this option should bolster new players on the PVP servers.

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  11. On 9/20/2017 at 5:37 AM, Asmoday said:

    Well I have read many opinions, I have seen many complaints and many confrontations derived from an interesting mix between stupidity and pride ... I will not go into details, I only think about the game and how we can all bring ideas to improve it. I am a player that bets more on PvE because it is the basis of learning and acquisition of knowledge to be able to test it in PvP against other players.

    I believe that it is possible to find the balance between PvE and PvP. I'm going to propose an idea that can be implemented on a single server and both PvE and PvP players believe that they will find it feasible and developers, given the level of programming they require, should have no problems implementing it.


    The idea is simple only have to generate an area of hostility in the port to be conquered, this area is increasing as time goes by which can be accelerated thanks to the number of battles that we engage with the opposite faction, when it reaches its maximum level (we speak of an area that covers many kilometers) the port can be conquered in a PvP battle, players who avoid that area will not have problems and will be able to follow their normal path, those that enter will be in PvP and may be attacked by other players , those who enter and leave that area of hostility will be marked for 15-20 min as players in PvP status and may be attacked by other players at that time outside the zone of hostility. Everything will return to normal when a time of 15 - 30 days after the conquest of this port or the defense of the same takes place, during the course of this time the faction that to conquered or defended a port can not conquer or defend another port until the established time passes previously (This forces the players of each nation to think well which port they want to conquer or protect).

    I also consider that seasons of conquest can be applied. Each season can last between 8 o 12 months and in them will win the faction that more ports or consquistas has realized and will give a maximum of 15 days in which the players can change of faction without losing all his progress in the game.

    These two simple ideas mentioned above can greatly improve the gaming experience and give possibilities to new players and factions that previously had no great relevance or importance in the game.

    I leave the example in this simple image of the map of the game. The affected area (Havana and its environs, a few hours or days have passed) is dangerous and PvP is present, the area outside it is safe. A cordial greeting and thanks for the attention paid. Less complaints and more solutions.

    (The established times can be modified ... They are not definitive).

    Client 2017-09-20 04-50-57-262.jpg

    one major problem with this is a set nation could create a massive blockade forcing pve type players to enter pvp zone by cutting off an entire section of a trade route like as this pic shows the large combat area for pvp completely controls the island of santa fe so any PVE player has to enter PVP to do trade from those ports and such this PVP method could be abused forcing any PVE player to have to either change where their outposts are to avoid PVP or to engage pvp just leaving their port.


    A better idea would to be to implement a PVP status, so a good example would be from world of warcraft where on PVE servers u can flag for pvp combat and it's not instantly disabled you have to wait a set period of no combat against players for the PVP status to disable.  This would allow PVP combat on a PVE server but only between players that are flagged, also to only allow those that are flagged for PVP to enter combat. e.g. fleet of 3 ships 1 flagged for pvp, engages another player fleet of another nation only the ships that are flagged can be drawn into combat, even while grouped this protects the PVE players and only draws in the PVP players.  

    This method gives a balance to the game and can set the whole player base one 1 server.  PB's would be PVP combat so only way to engage in a PB would be to flag for pvp combat. only those flagged can enter a PB, another feature would be hostility missions would require PVP status to be enabled this would prevent PVE's from raising hostilities on ports.  This feature would make more use of the PVP system as mentioned above more effective by creating a chance that the nation that owns the port to defend against the hostility missions by being able to reinforce but only those that are flagged for it.


    Another possible feature would be the green on green since each faction is a nation like the pirates, we as the players should be able to decide as an entity within our nations if a player within our nation goes rogue or is spying for another nation, can be flagged by majority vote by setting up a central governing clan or tribunal of players within that nation to decide on the fate of that traitor.

    Like a council of 5 or 7 heads of largest active clans can vote on the fate of a player that is suspected or is found guilty of spying or shooting other players within the nation. Would make green on green problems much easier to resolve within the player base of the server.  E.g. 'a pirate called sally is caught posting pirate fleet locations on global chat. the pirate tribunal or council of clans can vote to have sally marked as an outlaw to the entire pirate nation but only thru majority vote' another example 'US player mark is suspected of shooting other US players the US tribunal or council of clans can vote if mark should be tagged as an outlaw'.  

    This would provide a system to handle friendly fire incidents and spying inside the nations without requiring an admin or GM to get involved over a small matter.  The way to setup the tribunal or council of clans is by adding in a feature to vote for which clans will make up the council but only from within that nation so that any other nation can't influence the polls' and to set up a minimum player rank required to vote, this will prevent some players from making new accounts or new characters just to vote repeatedly, each steam account would only get 1 vote each. Another point would be to have a vote for the council happen every couple months to make sure the current council heads are active, no point having inactive council leaders and would give chance for a different clan to take a position on the council.

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  12. there is no point in limiting a type of ship that everyone with the gold and materials and patience can get their hands on, also with regards to PB's, there should be overwhelming battles what would be the point in forcing battle groups to choose who can use a 1st rate and who can't, we already have low player count on the PVP global server no reason to diminish it further by making a change like this because someone thinks 1st rates aren't available to everyone or that there overpowered, this isn't call of duty this isn't another MMORPG this is NAVAL ACTION and as that name suggests its a war between nations set in the age of sails.  we aren't going off historical reenactments with port battles.  there is no reason to limit the cannons on first rates by size like the 36's instead of 42's.

    the fact still remains that HMS victory a first rate had 42's on it at some point therefore making those cannons a valid type for first rates. just cause historically they removed them at a later date doesn't mean the devs should remove them from the game.

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