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Everything posted by Remus

  1. No. I happen to think they are spot on. They are priced at about 200% mark up on base cost, or about 180 gold per LH, which seems just right for players to be able to undercut NPC prices and make a profit. If only we had spare LH to actually be able to make them. Gold rewards are poor though, given the costs of things. And NPC ships are cheap.
  2. Edit: @Kiithnaras is right.
  3. Edit: You don't need it for hull repairs (iron ingots use charcoal), but you do need it for gold and silver ingots, hence furnishings. But you might get enough drop from iron and stone mines for furnishings, and furnishings are also available for PvE marks..
  4. In addition to your list: Silver and gold coins. Maybe the mortar (I forget). Maybe some of the new refits (I've seen very few BPs). That's it. Edit: and gold and silver ingots
  5. iron ore and charcoal (5:1 if memory serves). Charcoal needs oak in a ratio I have forgotten. Total LH [edit: and gold] works out almost exactly the same, but you need far fewer hours of an oak forest building than you used to need of a coal mine, unless it has changed (it may well have).
  6. Used for silver and gold coins, all long guns and the three biggest carronades only, last time I looked. Edit: I cannot remember what the mortar needs.
  7. Oak (unless they changed it. I'm not in game either )
  8. For info, it's the other way round. If it's a craftable resource (like coal, silver and gold) you need to conquer the port to get it. If it is a seeded resource (like sabicu, caguairan, teak, live oak, white oak, cedar and all these new refit ingredients) all you need is a smuggler flag, though an outpost will make it easier getting to market to collect when fresh.
  9. Do fittings now need coal? I am not in game right now, but last Testbed build they just needed iron ingots, and iron ingots used charcoal. 3rd rates probably need coal for coins, but the quantities will be tiny. It's mainly long guns and carros that need coal.
  10. In the final Testbed patch, copper ore was still a loot drop from ships. It looks like these items have changed from being crafting materials to trade goods - albeit trade goods which aren't seeded in any ports. In a short while they'll clog up shop listings like fine woods did before the wipe, and I too was disappointed they weren't removed entirely. But they did (eventually) remove copper ore from iron, stone and coal mine drops.
  11. I'm currently 1120 at level 50. 1000 is the level 0 limit. It increases at 42 per hour, more or less (I haven't done a proper check this patch, but it clearly hasn't changed much if at all).
  12. Totally agree and I reckon the distance is too close. It's boarding distance, right? But at the end of a battle I don't need to grapple - I could send a boat over.
  13. I haven't yet had a refit BP drop, but I'm curious which ships they drop from. The ones which players have shared all seem to be nation-specific, using rare trade goods very limited in their availability and many obviously identified with a particular nation, even if the country does not appear in the name, such as Royal Naval College Graduates being British. My question is, do refit BPs drop from ships of the nation associated with the refit? This makes sense in one way, but then makes it next to impossible for British players, for instance, to get hold of Brititsh refit blueprints, which seems a little daft. @Tiedemann.'s Crooked Hull he posted earlier is a British refit but Tiedmann's a Dane; I don't know what ship it dropped from. A Dutch player has just posted 'False Keel Blueprint' in chat. obtained from a Spanish ship near Caracas but which uses 125 Bermuda Cedar (British, and about as far from Caracas as it is possible to get), so this suggests drops aren't from the appropriate nation's ships, but I'd like to know more. For info, False Keel Blueprint needs 10 wooden fittings as well as 125 Bermuda cedar and the stats are: mast physics jib sail force bonus 0.1 - ship max speed -3% - mast physics main sail foce bonus -0.1. I must say it looks rubbish to me. Improved turning off the wind for reduced acceleration and speed, if I understand it correctly.
  14. It would make more sense to write No perks selected. . Edit, lookimg through the perks: Mortar Officer. Description does not start with a capital lettler (others do). Mortar Defense Drill is American spelling (nothing wrong with that) but Naval Action mostly uses British spellings. Defence. Area Control. Description is poorly phrased. It currently reads 'Disable button Leave Battle in distance 750 for all players'. I'm not sure what the best alternative is. How about 'Disables Leave Battle button for all players within 750m' Is it all players, though? All enemy players, perhaps. Emergency Master. Description begins 'Reduce'. While not wrong, other Battle perk descriptions phrased this way use 3rd person singular present rather than the base form of the verb. Reduces. All economy amd fleet perks use the base form (except Shipyard conections and Hold optimization which don't use a verb). Perhaps you should standardise. Or maybe not. No one will notice Expert Carpenter. Okay, I'm being really picky here, but the description might read better as '+5% repair to hull per repair kit' Fleet Control: In the description you write Increase, so you don't need the + sign.
  15. Well, what @Farrago wrote is what id on Testbed at the moment. Whether this is what will go Live is anyone's guess. Just to complete the set, silver and gold ingots also use charcoal. Gunsmiths making muskets somehow manage to refine iron ore using gunpowder, blacksmiths forge iron fittings using their bare hands and crews (and captains) have to eat salt fish raw as ships' cooks are allowed neither coal nor charcoal for cooking.
  16. It looks like today's wipe has added the refits - hooray! I don't have any of the blueprints myself but some players have been sharing them in chat. They use some of those wierd trade goods we've been seeing lately, such as Royal Naval College Graduates. I look forward to discovering more. The trade goods appear to be seeded in very few ports. As with the rare woods, using trade goods rather than rare harvestable resources means you don't need to own the port to get hold of them, though it might be made a little easier if you have an outpost and can teleport to the market ready for when it opens - Testbed's population is a little too low to really be able to test this. I find this mildly disappointing as it removes a reason for port conquest. Pehaps players with blueprints can share the recipes wth the rest of us.
  17. Just completed a Midshipman mission Basic Cutter v Rattlesnake by luring it towards forts. The forts did their job
  18. Admin is being very cagey about it
  19. Just in today's patch? I got forts inside an OW PvE battle yesterday. And they fired on my enemy (it was a home port for me) Also I enetered a mission a little after the same freeze. I got a little glitch right at the beginning - probably just for a second. After that no problems. Immedieately before the OW freeze - at least, just before my ship disappeared, but I think it had stopped by then - I saw my ping was showing as zero.
  20. What game did you buy? The one I bought had a nice big notice at the top of the page
  21. Hard to say. Coal started being used in about 1710 in England, before the start of the game period, but I suspect charcoal would have been far more popular in the Caribbean. Coal mines and blast furnaces are very heavy industry indeed, but iron smelting from charcoal is almost a cottage industry. Someone I know built an iron smelter in his back garden. Charcoal should probably be made from fir rather than oak. Or probably neither. You want fast-growing trees which can be coppiced. I have no idea how cannons were made directly from iron ore, but it appears the devs have a reference. Did they share it? I forget.
  22. I think all navy ships (but perhaps not all traders) of this age would have been copper-bottomed. Shipbuilding is already very easy and copper seems an odd choice to remove. If TP is removed entirely, then remote crafting must be made possible. Or allow me to leave a month's instructions with my overseer. Or give me a couple of weeks' building resource storage and a week's LH storage. It is unreasonable to expect crafting players to sail to each of their outposts every 2 days when they neither need to collect or deliver materials, just so they can harvest some hemp.
  23. One outcome of the paucity of rewards is PvP Marks becoming readily available on the market, as players will need to supplement the gold from combat. I had reckoned PvP marks would sell for about 100k, but I now reckon it'll be more like 25k. I doubt it'll be much less as players simply won't bother selling if the income isn't enough to replace lost ships, but even 25k makes them far more valuable than the gold from combat, looking at the screenshots at the top of this thread. PvE Marks will be deflated similarly. I had reckoned 5k each but it'll probably be closer to 2k, depending how many players want perk respecs, which is surely going to be their biggest use. This puts the PvE to PvP mark ratio at close on the 10:1 they are now in the Admiralty. It may be even worse than that if lots of players want respecs.
  24. Well, I got that bastard Pickled Lynx. Hit the 3rd knowledge slot on the Privateer but only had 2 on the BCutter so thought, what the hell, lets do my next econ run in a basic; I'll not need to carry anything much and perhaps I'll meet a trader. But straight out of port I met my nemesis. I reckon it's a bit gamey in the cutter with the free repairs, and I'd very much rather have been in the Privateer (though without any repairs I'd probably have lost, or got one and escaped). But I got 'em and the 13k gold will come in handy too. I hope they don't re-spawn though.
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