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Posts posted by Remus

  1. 2 hours ago, Macjimm said:

    Old Question - unanswered: 

    •  three nations will have 2 spawns - main pvp and secondary pve.

    Can the Devs elaborate on these spawns?  Explain: Does the character differ between spawns?  If so is a player limited to PvE or PvP character based on the initial choice? Or is it simply a different spawn location?

    The game already has a choice of spawn points for new players. For Britain these are Kingston/Port Royal or West End. I cannot remember if you get your first outpost for nothing at your spawn point, but aside from that there is no real difference (except West End is a lot easier if you are starting off on your own). I started at West End but no longer have an outpost there.

    The more important question is whether you can set a PvE Capital to teleport to. There are good reasons why PvE players might want to teleport to KPR - to sell ships, for instance. But for other PvE players might prefer to have a capital inside the PvE zone.

    There doesn't appear to be any intention of having PvE only players, just PvE only areas.

  2. 19 minutes ago, Genma Saotome said:

    AFAIK there is a very simple solution to this.  If you examine the .json files for ports, stores, etc., etc., you'll note there isn't anything there to designate the server.  If the DEV's change that and add a tag to designate individual "virtual worlds" (tag the ships as well) it would be possible to have many "virtual worlds" on one machine.  One of those could be for PvE, another for PvP, and each would know nothing  about the other.  There would be no exploits because there would be no overlap between "virtual worlds". PvE players and their game assets would remain completely invisible to PvP in every regard as would PvP remain invisible to PvE players. That solves the DEV's concerns about too many servers as well as everyone elses' concerns about implementing safe zones.

    The idea could be carried further to create different "virtual worlds" based on experience... some for noobs, others for middle-level players, and others for experts.

    Frankly, I'm more than a little shocked this is not what was originally proposed.

    I do examine the json files, as it happens, but looking at a data dump gives no information whatsoever about a server's capabilities. Personally, I'd rather trust Admin:

    On 21/03/2017 at 0:48 PM, admin said:

    Total number of possible bots is 1500.


  3. 1 minute ago, Ned Loe said:

    I like what I see here, but you need to think more on PvE zones. Why are you placing zones over the whole area? My suggestion is place zones 5 mins away from land. You are removing risk completely. 


    That is rather the point of a PvE zone in a PvP server. If it wasn't risk-free it wouldn't appeal to PvE players so would serve no purpose.

    Note that the idea of a PvE zone is not the same as a rookie zone. In a rookie zone you want limited risk rather than no risk, to break new players in gently, only being able to lose little ships (ideally only being able to carry low value cargo too) in ostensibly even contests, before they try crossing the Caribbean in an undermanned LGV full of Parisian Furniture..

  4. 1 hour ago, Intrepido said:

    Have you considered how is going to be gathering all the resources without port production? 

    5 buildings wont be enough and nations with low playerbase will suffer a lot cause there wont be enough resources being sold by players.

    There are lots and lots of resources, sorry but my maths show me that it is a bad idea.

    I sort of agree with you about the 5 buildings limit, but I expect it will be overcome by players farming resources and just selling them in the local shop, which is pretty much what NPCs do now. But we might need more buildings if 5 slots simply don't put enough resources into the economy,

    There are only 21 resources by my count.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, admin said:

    POTBS does not allow capture from NPCs, 

    As I remember (and I could well be mistaken as I mostly played as a nat, and I haven't played for a few years), Pirates (and only Pirates) could cap ships from NPCs, but NPCs never sailed elite ships.

    From an Economy perspective in PotBS this worked fine. Of course this doesn't necessarily mean it would work in NA.

    After the first couple of levels on NA, I only really cap NPC ships because my own ship's hold isn't large enough to contain the cargo. PotBS never had this problem as NPCs sailed around mostly empty. If you think NPCs with cargo is good, then offering a 'send cargo to port' facility would get around this problem. Perhaps you lose some crew (the prize crew) till you re-dock; perhaps you get a gold payment rather than the cargo (this would be historical, certainly as far as Britain in concerned); perhaps on rare occasion the admiralty rewards you with the ship itself (also historical).

  6. 12 hours ago, Genma Saotome said:

    IMO the entire debate here can be resolved with what ought to be a very simple change: Tag each ship for PvP or PvE and display only like-tagged ships to whatever "tag" the player is sailing.  That way PvE trading remains "world-wide" and there is no "keep-out" zone for PvP.

    It would let the Dev's close down the current PvE server, and it's likely a far more simple change than what they are proposing.  Everybody wins, nobody is unhappy.

    No, that won't work. Part of the reason players choose a PvP server - unpleasant as it may seem to pure PvE players - is so they can pounce on traders carrying valuable cargo. This is entirely legitimate gameplay. Adding PvE only ships or players onto a PvP server rather defeats the purpose.

    The only way i think PvE and PvP can be combined on one server is by area, as the devs propose. Optionally there could be a mechanism where players could flag themselves for PvP and then attack other PvP-flagged players in the PvE zone, but I don't see the point; why go to the PvE zone if you are looking for PvP?

    Even a PvE zone - and certainly such a large one as this - has its problems for a PvP population. My own shipbuilding activities happen to be largely within the zone, so in future my hauling will be entirely risk-free. This might sound good to some, but I personally would rather take the risk, and just occasionally the rewards as well.

  7. 18 hours ago, The Wren said:

    Why does someone have to choose to play PvP or PvE exclusively?

    They don't; I don't. But I'm pretty well catered for playing mostly PvE on PvP1, and personally I think having risk-free shipbuilding in the Gulf of Mexico will take something away from the game.

    The problem with PvP1 (I cannot speak for PvP2) is that if you don't PvP you are thought of as doing it wrong, and this is sometimes expressed rather vociferously in chat. I expect that dropping a huge PvE zone into the server will make things worse as the existing players make plain their resentment. Perhaps the PvE zone should get its own chat channels.

    The PvE server is a very different environment from PvP1, and the gameplay is differemt too, more like an historical sailing sim. I am sure there is a market to be had for it, if only the message could be got out.

    btw, like your picture. I quite like our own wrens, but they're very dull compared to yours.

    • Like 5
  8. 5 hours ago, admin said:

    All this is important ONLY if inflation is indeed a problem (based on the player feedback). If inflation is NOT a problem and money should flow to everyone then this issue is moot honestly. 

    How does restricting resources help with inflation? Or is the problem with inflation that you don't think there is enough of it?

    I don't know if inflation is a problem, myself. I haven't spent long enough in the game and worked my way through the economy well enough to have a good grasp of prices and availability, but to combat inflation you want to restrict the gold supply, or increase material/labour supply, whatever is the bottleneck.

    • Like 2
  9. 1 minute ago, rediii said:

    You'r not forced. PvP players probably hand you over landowner rights with a happy face as they would be pink shipskins


    I play the game. I read the in-game chat. I think 'might possibly only if there's no one from the clan who wants it' would be closer to the mark than 'probably'.

    btw, I'm happy to count myself as a PvP player, but in RvR I'd prefer my nation to win.

    • Like 2
  10. 4 hours ago, shaeberle84 said:

    Does the 5 buildings per play restriction still hold? If so, much of the talk here is rendered invalid. No "elite" can have all the buildings then. Let's say theres 50 hardcore players per nation, they will account for 500 buildings. There are 8 nations, so they will have 4000 of the 7000 port buildings at max. This is not a monopoly.

    Perhaps they'll just sit on the permits.

  11. 2 hours ago, JonSnowLetsGo said:

    Because they did nothing to get that port, so why should they be rewarded for doing nothing?

    Do nations really want a bunch of crafters taking up slots in port battles? I think not.

    Do crafters really want to decrease their nation's chance of success because it's the only way they see of getting their hands on a resource? Probably not, but if we're forced ...

    The spoils of war may well go to the victors, but not usually - not since medieval times - to the soldiers and sailors who did the fighting. By all means restrict the amount of a resource a port can produce, but use a civilian, civilized way of allocating it.

    • Like 1
  12. I have read all of this thread and parts of the referenced Such is a Lord thread and wonder what century the Devs think this game is set. Viscounts and Dukes indeed! I'm not sure what Pirates, Americans or the French might think of that.

    Warriors were given land in feudal time, but the nations that prospered - the ones that went out exploring, conquering and expanding, the ones that reached and settled in the Caribbean and Americas - had transformed into nations where invention, entrepreneurship, speculation, adventure and trade were admired and rewarded just as much as warriorship.

    Certainly warriors were awarded titles; Nelson was given a viscountcy by the British and a dukedom by Sicily and of course Arthur Wellesley was made Duke of Wellington, but all these titles conferred was a seat in the legislature (one among hundreds), not any land or powers over lesser nobles.

    Soldiers and sailors tended to stick to soldiering and sailing; land went to the speculators, settlers and traders who came behind.

    • Like 2
  13. On 15/03/2017 at 10:39 AM, admin said:


    1. Regional bonuses turn into refit items/blueprints
    3. Example: You can buy bermuda refit in bermuda, bring it to shipyards in Port Royal and refit your ship there

    What form will these refits take? How will they be made, how will they be transported and how will they be used?

    A 'British Refit for a Surprise' weighing 500 would be a completely different beast from a weightless 'British Refit' for any ship that could be loaded into a Lynx.

  14. Will this apply to all ports?

    I am a new player here and happily crafting away levelling up. I was a little disconcerted to read on the day I moved my production to a British Refit port that refits will be transportable, which might make the move redundant in a few weeks (though the rest of that change I generally support). But now I find I might not be able to craft at all.

    With building slots at stake, port battle participation will be jealously guarded by senior players with no new players getting a look in. This in itself may be reaonable enough, but how then will newer players ever get building slots and thereby build up craft XP?

    It also means that some resouurces will be in very few hands, individuals who could then choose to sit on their slots and effectively stop production if they want or sell at vastly inflated prices, even to the disadvantage of their own nation who would have no recourse to wrest the port off them.

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