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Posts posted by Remus

  1. 13 minutes ago, The Red Duke said:

    Pretty sure players just sold the "useless" things to the store :) ( if on pvp server that is )

    Interesting to see the 7x profit contracts.

    Yes, but how can players sell them to the AI in the first place? Go to a port, Put PvE marks in your hold or warehouse. Click Shop > Marks and you'll see no buy price. It isn't like oak logs or black ironwood where every port will buy whatever you have, even if the price is only 1.

    Will the shop buy PvP and Conquest marks as well? According to the API, PvE Marks, PvP Marks and Marks of Conquest all have a base price of 1000. That could be ... er ... interesting.

  2. 4 hours ago, SneakyTurtle said:

    Well, this was a big waste of PvE Marks....

    Without knowing what it takes to craft these, you can waste your marks on a blue print that you will not be able to craft.  Like I just did.

    200 PvE marks wasted on the Northern Carpenter that requires 5 Swedish Carpenters and 5 silver coins to make.   Being a US player, it is very unlikely that I will be able to make this.

    It really would be helpful to know what is require to make these before one spends their hard earned Marks

    Can we have an addition to the wonderful spreadsheet to include the resources required?

    3 hours ago, Jœrnson said:

    Did any1 already discover what mats Northern Master Carpenters require? 

    Thankj you SneakyTurtle for showing me an omission in my data tables; I've fixed it now.

    If either of you (or anyone else) want to know the materials, check out the thread below. Tables 6 and 7 are more-or-less raw data from the API, but I find tables 13 and 14 easier to read. Table 7 lists blueprint ingredients (eg the iron ingot blueprint requires 20 iron ore and 5 charcoal) whereas table 14 lists the base reosurces needed to make 1 of the item (1 iron ingot requires 1 iron ore and 0.1 oak log). I hope this helps.

    Edit: In answer to Jœrnson: Northern Master Carpenters requires

    5 Gold Coins
    5 Swedish Carpenter
    1 Expert Carpentry Handbook

    • Like 1
  3. From what I recall, Banks gets a few mentions throughout the series in his own right. Sir Joseph Banks partially financed Cook's first expedition (1768-1771) and sailed with him as a naturalist. He was president of the Royal Society from 1778 till his death in 1820 and was one of the leading scientists of the age.

    Some aspects of Blaine are based on Banks, but not his intelligence work, I think, and there is no contradiction in the fictional Blaine appearing alongside the historical Banks.

  4. Lovely bit of writing, @Norfolk nChance.

    Personally I reckon the is too little money entering the economy, or rather it is entering in the wrong place, encouraging players to grind trade routes (so @Powderhorn can sink them - is this the reason there is so much focus on trade?) rather than going out looking for combat in warships. It is early days as you say, and if anything needs fixing it should be done with small tweaks.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Cmdr RideZ said:

    Speed is capped to 15kn.

    Sailing profile is respected or not?

    It is 15kn to the best point of the wind, or it makes sailing profile a circle?  15kn to every point, if that speed can be reached.

    I've always taken it to mean sailing profile a circle. As I recall that's how PotBS aopplied it, and nothing else really makes sense. But I haven't tested it.

  6. 4 hours ago, Norfolk nChance said:



    So sink the lower BR and always cap the higher rated ship right ?

    No. capture the ship which does not give you reward (recently killed).

    Sink the ship which does (not recently killed).

    Of course, this doesn't help if you particularly want an Indefatigable and don't want a Trincomalee. But given the opportunity, you may as well cap a recently killed ship regardless since it's the only reward you'll get (apart from what was in the hold).

    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, JG14_Cuzn said:


    i did an F11 report on this but wanted to see if you can help  

    myself, Francau and Pit1969 engaged 2 Danish players this evening (around 10pm Eastern time) 

    we capped them both, sunk 1 and I put the other in fleet. 

    When we left the battle none of us received PVP marks, XP, nor any gold. 

    The trincomolee Francau capped and sank was a 'recently killed' player, but the Indefatigable that I capped and put into fleet was not

    is this a bug or glitch?or is the the game mechanics?


    Game mechanics.

    Recently killed (the guy you sunk) means no gold, xp or marks

    Capping a ship means no gold, xp or marks ('the ship is its own reward' say the devs)

    You should have done it the other way round. Sinking the one you capped would have got at least one of you rewards,

  8. 29 minutes ago, Tiedemann said:

    I also strongly believe that the resource/material requirement for the rig repair and especially the hull repairs needs a reduction. They eat up large stacks of resources and leaves me with few repairs.

    50 Rig Repair is now 150 canvas rolls (300 hemp) + 50 fir logs. Why not make it 50 canvas rolls (100 hemp) + 50 fir logs = 50 rig repairs.
    50 Hull Repair is now 250 oak planks (150 oak log) + 200 iron ingots (200 iron ore + 50 charcoal). 100 oak planks and 50 iron ingots = 50 hull repairs.
    And because I'm capping my labor hours I would also up the labor hour demand for making them, so to craft the 50 repairs should cost 50 labor hours.

    Strongly agree with you regarding rig repairs. The amount of hemp needed is ridiculous.

    For hull repairs it is labour hours which are the problem. Just two level 1 buildings will yield enough material to make 247 a day, But you only have labour hours to make 147 a day. Of course one way to reduce labour hours is to reduce the material requirements.

    Hull Repairs are 6.9 LH and 488 gold each
    Rig Repairs are 2 LH and 378 gold each.

    • Like 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, Hodo said:

    The Aggamemnon and Ingermanland are not heavy frigates they are 4th rate ships of the line.  

    The Constitution is the ONLY heavy frigate in game.  

    Frigate = 1 gun deck

    Ship of the Line = multiple gun decks. 


    I think at the time Trincomalee and Essex were regarded as heavy frigates as well.

    You are right of course that Agamemnon and Ingermanland were built as line of battle ships, whearas Constitution was not.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Liquicity said:

    you first need to claim the contract

    Thanks, mate. Someone just told mt he same in game. I must have had too much money before the wipe I never noticed :) (well, also, I mainy sold ships, of course).

    • Like 1
  11. I put up two sell contracts on Global this morning, both at KPR. 60x 9lb long guns @1990 (I think) and 30x 4 lb longs :@ 990. When I logged in tonight I had the email about the 9s being sold, but no money. I checked the listings and only 2x 4s were left. I f11'd it (Tristram Yorick is my character name). Logged and exited to OW, but still no gold.

    Just now I got the email about the long 4s beign sold, but no money for them either, not even the last two which must have sold right noiw.

    Is there a time delay? I'm still at sea. I've received battle rewards no problem.

  12. Just now, Daguse said:

    I show no part produces it.... So I can only imagination it is extremely rare. 

    For seeded items you need the A column, not the P column. P means the port has a resource needed to put up a building.

  13. 17 hours ago, Blackbrook said:

    Maybe we need a trader tool (in game or in the net) which you can use to calculate decent prices (resources, materials, ships, modules).  Default values could be based on level 1 buildings and default for labour hours could be 100g/h.

    Use table 13 in this thread. It's up to date. You'll also need table 15 if you want ship prices, to add on woods and trim. Personally I'm using cash price plus 100 per LH, then a little bit extra to cover listing fees. I very quickly sold 60 long 9s for 1990 ea, which I reckon is a fair price for now. When the servers settle down I'll maybe adjust things up or down as the case may be.


  14. 1 hour ago, ironhammer500 said:

    P.S Guys dont forget Lv 1 crafting has a LH wallet of around 1000, which is barely enough to make 2 Trade cutters, which will only level them up to lv 4, which barely gives  them enough to to make ships at all, then they gotta wait 24 hours for the 1k to fill up again.

    Yes, I agree with this. Hold off LH changes till we see what happens with gold. but you can increase LH wallet for lower CXP levels immediately. I'm level 41 and am fine with whatever wallet size I get now, but there should be a minimum 2000 (2 days) - or maybe 3 days to match building storage - for everyone.

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, LordOfDope said:

    I have been looking for the Cartagena Tar for a few days in the port where it should be available, but i have not seen a single 1 popping up in the store, even now right after the downtime there is nothing at all. Is it a bug or does it gives only 1 every few hours?

    Further to Admin's reply, I don't know whether you know (many players do not it seems) that NPC goods do not spawn at downtime, but irregularly (or maybe regularly) through the day. From what I can tell, spawn quantities are always the same, or pretty close. So it could well be 1 every few hours.

  16. 1 hour ago, admin said:

    step by step we will find balance. 
    crafted ships must be cheaper than npc sold vessels.

    Fully agree with step by step - and be assured that despite any criticisms I make you have my support (for what it's worth).

    I don't agree that crafted ships must be cheaper. They weren't before the wipe - player made ships typically cost 10-20 times what NPCs sold ships for - but players still bought them. NPC ships are all Crew Space so far as I can tell. If players value other trims more - trims which can only be player made - then they will pay for them, quite likely without any relation to the NPC Crew Space price.

    1 hour ago, admin said:

    Are labor hours are real true limit? 

    For me right now, money is. But I'll get that nailed in the next day or two. In fact if when I log in tonight I find some of my cannons have sold, then that's my own money problems probably gone for good. But someone has to grind gold so I can sink it in harvesting iron, coal and oak ... and if players don't have money to buy my ships, guns and repairs then all the labour hours in the world won't be of any benefit.

    You know I think LH is a problem, but step by step as you say. If you think the money situation will ease in the next week or so, why not wait to see if it does? If money becomes less of a problem then players will start wanting to buy more stuff, and there might be a few more people wanting more LH. I'm happy enough to wait.

    • Like 2
  17. Use the hyperlinks. Each ingredient in a BP is a hyperlink to the next BP - you know this, don't you? The Back button returns you up the tree.

    I'm not sure I'd like auto crafting of sub-components. I could quickly run out of money or labour hours at a point I didn't want to, whereas doing it by hand keeps me in control.

    • Like 1
  18. 7 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    DO NOT IMPROVE AI BOARDING.   I'm sorry they get marines, Barricades and a bunch of other things.  If your doing it right and taking there crew down before boarding it's going to be easy for any one.  Though if you match them in crew they can put a hurt to you if your a newb and don't know how to board.  Hell I seen a guy loose when he had almost twice as many crew.   It's easy for us that know how to board and what to hit and when.    Also remember they will pull you if they have more crew than you.  99% of the boards I win against players is cause they have no clue what to do in a board.  These same guys prob will get there arse handed to them by AI.

    He boarded me. I was outnumbered with no prep. Still won easily. Brace - counter / change to deck guns - brace - brace - brace - counter / change to deck guns - brace - brace - brace - counter / change to deck guns - brace - brace - brace - counter / change to deck guns - brace - brace  - brace - counter / change to deck guns - die of boredom

  19. 32 minutes ago, admin said:

    it seems that missions are mixed up

    captains who were doing first rank missions (for example midshipman for britain) should do ensign missions instead.  (second from top in choices)

    Just done Midshipman mission on Global. Me, Ensign in Basic Cutter. Enemy solo Cutter. All good.

    Edit: Another Midshipman mission, still in Basic Cutter. Enemy solo Privateer. All good - though please improve AI boarding.

  20. 54 minutes ago, Discord said:

    So am I suddenly stuck making cannons 10 at a time now, or is this just some bug that I can't figure out how to fix? If this is part of the patch, I honestly don't particularly like it.

    Increasing the quantities allows better tuning of labout hours (which was the purpose). However ...

    @admin For the smaller guns 10s may be okay, but could you drop 42 lb carros and 32 lb + longs and mediums back down to ... well, 2 would be fine, No one wants just one cannon, do they? But we'll probably only ever make these large sizes for specific ships which probably don't need a multiple of 10. You'll see the existing BPs allow it.

  21. 1 minute ago, Jones el Tuerto said:

    They should put back the thing if a player of a nation (excluding pirates) attack another player of that nation switch instantly to Pirates, he should be punished in that way I guess.

    Wouldn't help here. [BFG]Nijmegen entered the battle as an ally to @DestroyerNL, but then attacked Dutch Destroyer inside the battle.

    Either that and he was aiming at the enemy off your starboard quarter and missed. My shots go like that sometimes :unsure:

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