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Everything posted by UnicornBuster

  1. Yeah the time is calculated with a constant speed (that you can now choose). It is more to give an idea... I need to setup the wind for better estimation. Edit : By the way, anyone know how long does the wind cycle last?
  2. The wind system is indeed a consequent request! A lot of MATHS o_O But I will try !
  3. Ok thank you for the return Bragan Benigaris ! I will study the problem!
  4. Ok I now understand what distances you are talking about. This is possible and will be in the next update Edit : I think it works now. Note that the coord port is on the upper left corner of the port flag ^^
  5. Ho simply maintain click on the mouse wheel during the move ^^ Up and Down panning is working but not left and right ? Someone else have the same issue with a PC, a Mouse and a true MouseWheel ? Yes it's possible. There are some differences between the game map and the actual world map but most remain very close. The number of kilometers corresponds more to the IG km than IRL km : distance = Math.pow(Math.pow(compassBX - compassAX, 2) + Math.pow((compassBY - compassAY), 2)) * 3.9; // Where compassA/B/x/y are Ports Json Coords. 3.9 is a multiplier for the IG distance are close to IRL world.
  6. Hello ! Here is a new navigation map. PVP EU - Chrome only The coordinates are taken from the JSON file (exact game ports locations)(nations uptdated once /day). And the map is a copy of that of the game. The coordinates displayed are those of the game. The distances are quite precise. The duration less (has a default speed of 12 knots). It is a first version I hope you will enjoy ! (Another tool is under development...To trade ) Any comments are welcome... http://navalactiontool.xyz/ This map is a student project. (my first one) I'm a graphic designer since ten years, and a dev student since one month. Your ideas and comments make me want to learn more and more. UPDATE v1.1 : - Published - Line animation UPDATE v1.2 : - Game grid with the IG coordinates - IG "k" distances instead of IRL kms - Credits UPDATE v1.3 : - Option to select the ship speed - Option to display grid or not (by default:not to save performances) - Dissociate land and shallow waters (to the the grid over shallow waters) UPDATE v1.4 : - favicon - RollOver ports title fix - replace flag of Spain - Capitals highlight (red color) - Scale few elements on zoom (flag scale and title hide) UPDATE v1.5 : - 3 waypoint possible - Change controls ! - compass nomenclature (24 points) - Fix Mouse wheel pan UPDATE v1.6 : - Display time and distances for each trip with IG coords. - Display ressources produced by each port on click. close at rollout. - Scale Element with zoom improved - Contested ports marked with a red border - Possibility of using only "1" and "2". And to go back after using "3" by merging "2" and "3" on the same cursor point. UPDATE v1.7 : - Circular game wind : How : you can setup the Wind direction by clicking on the white backgrounded rosas. Once. Now it is synchronized and advances in real time (IG time!). At the moment the wind does not change during the journey. The speed is therefore constant from the wind at the starting point. - Style map options (working on a more historical style map) - replace "Resources Producted" by "Available resources" - formatting of Available resources - button to reset waypoints ------------------------------------------------------ UPDATE v1.8 : - Circular game wind - Travel simulation for calculate atomatically speed step by step with 2 or 3 waypoints. - Button to freeze the speed and select your own - Many fix - Button to run Simulation - Button to select the simulation speed - Button to select Max Speed in simulation (to set up with few ships) ------------------------------------------------------ UPDATE v1.8.5 : Lost at sea ? - Due to the removal of gps : Addition of a location button for F11 data. ------------------------------------------------------ NEXT UPDATE v1.9 : - more resizing on zoom - Set up Max Speed ship names and speeds. ??? ------------------------------------------------------ UPDATE DELAYED : - Compatibility firefox - safari - ie - Add Ships selection for time calculation - Waves animations (svg) - Ships animations (svg) - Server selection - More Waypoints (10) - A radius selector that allows you to see profitable trade routes
  7. Thank you for that answer qw569, but it's a lot of work, and it's not accurate. So I made my own map to be able to use distance, time, angle etc. The game map is a square. The point of origin is in the center. So forget google map! In JS for those interested (for a 1024*1024 div) : (need a screenshot of the game map) //div Origin = center of 1024*1024 div var origin = 512; //Link with the API //pPositionx.push(port.Position.x); //pPositionz.push(port.Position.z); for (var i = 1; i < pPort.length; i++) { var xFormat = (pPositionx[i] * origin) / -818562.6739; var yFormat = (pPositionz[i] * origin) / 813381.8364; var point = document.createElement("img"); //position img via css point.style.position = "absolute"; point.style.left = xFormat + origin + 'px'; point.style.top = yFormat + origin + 'px'; portsElt.appendChild(point); portsElt.appendChild(titre); } And "FOR" done all the job =) Now there is nothing more to make a beautiful svg. Because this map is huge!
  8. UP ^^ Hello, I work on a tool a little different from what exists. It will be made public, but I want to finish it first. Soon finished, I'm stuck with these coordinate stories. Is it possible to use the port coordinates directly in google map ? Do you have a solution to convert data of type? {"x": 462800.010344386, "y": 0, "z": - 545800.012199581} I tried things like this without success... var XFormat = X2/-5275852.72*100; var YFormat = Y2/-229030.0367*100; A little help would be welcome
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