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Posts posted by Christoph

  1. 1 hour ago, Banished Privateer said:

    Problem is to kill it. LO/WO is not a big issue, but Floating Battery is too OP now. You get Full thickness, full HP, full reload ship and also with determined defender cannot board it... How do you kill it? You can kite it easily to death, but kiting doesn't kill ships.

    Yersterday the swedish 1st rate was live/white with floating.  It was very hard to sink this ship 

  2. 1 hour ago, Atreides said:

    I prefer the Nassau zone for PVP, because I know even though it may be 6v1, you wont have 2 trincs, 3 Wasas and a Buc against your Essex.  And when you do find that magical 1v1, it is against a similar strength ship.  I actually had great fun fighting an American in his heavy rattle and almost had his structure to 0, until he finally capped my trader brig.  Good fight Captain Mikey!

    the shallow event makes fun. the deep water events can also be removed

  3. 24 minutes ago, Trino said:

    Also für mich war der Release eigentlich immer nur wichtig, weil es hiess mit dem Release kommt ein Komplettwipe. Nachdem es diesen nun nicht geben wird (kann man drüber streiten ob das gut oder schlecht ist) ist es mir eigentlich egal, wann der Release kommt ... man kann also ganz unbeschwert Slots grinden und Books suchen :)

    Ich hoffe das der release dieses Jahr kommt und dann wieder mehr los ist. 400-600 Leute sind extrem wenig 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Atreides said:

    Please add a function where a clan officer can open the clan warehouse and craft a ship, instead of all the time wasting involved.

    I used to do crafting quite a bit, and enjoyed it.  Now, I will gladly go through all the tedium to put things on a ship and play, searchbar point/slide/click to put things out of clan warehouse to my personal one. Some time later after treating carpal tunnel I build a ship for a clanmate.  Being able to avoid all the useless searching in the clan warehouse for the mats and then putting it in my warehouse, building the ship, then putting the extras back in clan warehouse would help alleviate the tedium of crafting.


    good idea and we need a dry dock for clan ships

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  5. 16 hours ago, AlonsoC said:
    Hi. We are many who think that Naval Action would be a better game if it were more realistic, and less arcade. 
    These are some proposals to achieve it. I´m sorry if some of them have already been proposed.


    1.Not being able to teleport between outposts. You must navigate, because you are not a super hero.

    2.Eliminate teleport in open world (tow to port).  For the same reason.

    3.PvP battles should never close.  It is not realistic that for seconds or minutes you can not participate in a battle between players.

    4.Realistic economy: supply and demand.  Players must have more prominence, or the trade becomes boring.

    5.Realistic Craft: instead of being automatic (consuming labor hours), craft could take from seconds or minutes (pieces and small ships) to hours or days (big ships or line ships), depending on what is crafted. 

    6.Repairs: instead of having a timer to be able to repair again, it could be passive repair(it can be activated and desactivated as sailing, boarding...), being slower.

    7.Masts: they can not be repaired in battle, and they are more difficult to break.

    8.Your ships can travel without you: you assign them a crew and select a destination port, so they sail like a common NPC. Obviously, they can be boarded or sunk by enemy players. I think it´s a better idea than teleporting ships (magic).

    9.Stronger storms in battle: ships can be damaged. (No storms in port battles or hostility /combat missions, only in PvP battles).

    10.WANTED: rewards system (in your faction) for sinking wanted enemies.

    11.Trade missions: the port gives you the goods and you transport them for gold and exp. This increases trade and piracy.

    12.Crew´s moral in open world: with food, rum... Fishing would be more useful, and rum would be more valuable.

    13.Game translation: this improves gaming experience and attracts more players to Naval Action. Spanish, French, Russian and others...


    Thank you for reading. If you agree with this, give it a like for a more realistic Naval Action!


    Of course, these are many proposals. You can agree with some and disagree with others.


    bad idea

  6. 1 hour ago, Trashonoa said:

    Ahoy Piraten,

    Unser Clan BABO ist auf der suche nach neuen Mitgliedern.

    Alle sind Willkommen, egal ob erfahrener Spieler oder neuer Spieler. Unser Clan arbeitet eng miteinander und das ermöglicht uns die gewünschten Schiffe für alle zu craften.

    Aktuell sind wir 15 Mitglieder und machen regelmäßig pvp/pve.

    Unser Ziel ist es zu wachsen und eine anständige Port Battle (RvR) Flotte zu erschaffen. Gemeinsam können wir das schaffen!

    Wir sind immer auf Teamspeak, wenn wir online sind.

    Bei Interesse einfach eine PM an mich ingame oder im Forum ;) (Ingame Name: Roronoa)


    Beste Grüße



    Viel Erfolg 

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  7. 89483ed6fb7793e3ea728d5995978bf2.png


    wenn ihr die ganze zeit nebeneinander segelt dann bau dir eine live oak white oak. (gut für PvE fights) wichtig ist auch das du dein schiff ein bisschen anwinkelst wenn der gegner eine breitseite abfeuert. dann prallen die kugel ab

  8. 12 minutes ago, RedPanther said:


    Ich hab das mit dem Wipe am 15. nicht so recht kapiert. In der Steam-Info steht "All other redeemables (ships, items, upgrades, etc) will be removed from the redeemables box" und "If you want to get ships, items, cannons, mast upgrades, XP for ship slots (merged from Global PVP) and forged papers you have to login and redeem them BEFORE 15 March 2018.

    Verstehe ich das richtig, dass man alle Schiffe, Lagerhaus-Inhalte, Outposts, Gebäude usw. verliert? Oder kann man die irgendwie hinterher wieder zurückbekommen?

    Wenn man ohnehin alle Schiffe verliert, machts aktuell tatsächich wenig Sinn, mir zu überlegen, obs ne Endy oder Indy wird, denn dann fahre ich lieber noch ne Weile meine aktuellen Schiffe (um die Rattlesnake Heavy trauernd...).


    nein du verlierst nur sachen die in deinen redeemables sind. wenn du noch recht neu im spiel bist dann wirst du da nicht viel drin haben. 

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