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Holm Hansen

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Posts posted by Holm Hansen

  1. 36 minutes ago, The Lion from the North said:


    Also wird es kein muss sein die neuen Hölzer zu nehmen ?

    also hab echt ne Weile rumprobiert, aber wie gesagt, alles nur Kompromisse rausgekommen. klar, wenn man kompromisslos auf thickness geht, denn African oder Malabar Teak (das auch besser nur bei Planking), aber is echt so, daß es kein Muss ist, wegen der dann auftretenden Nachteile in anderen Bereichen.
    und bei HP is mit Greenheart/African-, Malabar-Teak genauso, zwar kompromisslos Armor-HP (10% vom Grundwert mehr), dafür andere Nachteile.

    ... kurz: nö

    ..... asooo ....., ich hab jetz immer die seasoned Varianten vorausgesetzt, hast du diese nicht, wären die neuen Hölzer vllt eindeutig besser, wenn sie leichter zu beschaffen sind. da kann ich aber nur vermuten weil ich mit denen nicht verglichen habe

  2. 44 minutes ago, The Lion from the North said:

    moin moin !

    Löst Lokust das Live Oak jetzt ab oder was fährt man jetzt am besten ?


    nee, das war ein paar Tage so, aber ist jetzt zurückgenommen worden. also mit Live Oak ist man wieder ganz vorne dabei.

    Selbst mit den neuen Superhölzern lässt sich keine Combo bilden welche, gesamt gesehen, eindeutig besser ist. Man muss für diese immer irgendwo Abstriche in Kauf nehmen. Finds ganz ausgewogen so. Die beiden Teaksorten Malabar oder African erhöhen zwar die Thickness, allerdings zu Lasten der Hitpoints und auch Speed. Nicht so daß es sich nich lohnen würde die zu "sammeln" aber ein must have sind sie nicht. Dann wäre vielleicht noch noch Greenheart/African Teak oder Malabar Teak, wenn man auf HP geht, allerdings wird die Thickness dann nicht erhöht und der HP-Vorteil ist nicht so gross, ausserdem werden sie recht unbeweglich damit

    ... kurz, wenn du LO/WO vorher gebaut hast, sind diese Schiffe immer noch konkurrenzfähig. Ich gehe mal von aus das du keinen Speedbuild suchst, weil du sonst nicht nach Live Oak gefragt hättest

    zumindest gilt das mit den heutigen Zahlen und hab nichts in der Praxis probiert. auch kann sein daß vllt ein anderer noch was rausgefunden hat

  3. Hello Felix,

    in the zone settings the NPC port raid layouts are no longer selectable. I can imagine that it was intentional because these raids were deactivated.
    If so, does this function come back? Since the raids ingame were activated again.

    Also i want to take this opportunity to thank you for this tool, which meanwhile contains all kinds of useful information for the game 👍

    (... it's also the first link what i'm sending to new players and clan members)

    • Thanks 1
  4. 8 hours ago, Vlad007 said:

    If the function of woods changes so dramatically, then why not introduce a re planking function that costs resources and reals so you can replank old ships. Not the structure just the planking and have a timer on it so it takes 24 hours for the work to complete and can only bee done once a month. Just an idea

    I think the replank funktion is a very good and realistic idea, which could stay in the game not only temporarily (to ease the introduction of the new woodtypes), but permanently.

    And i think that this would certainly motivate us to experiment more with woods aside the meta that is undoubtedly new forming.
    It would also make "collecting" very rare woods a little more fun, than having to build the ships with the collected logs afterwards new ( .... just to have then a bad RNG roll).


    • Like 2
  5. 50 minutes ago, Louis Garneray said:

    just wondering... I don't take screenshot of my inventory usually so how should I be compensated if something is not there anymore and I don't have the proof it was there?


    nobody generally does, ...
    ... but that's exactly why this announcement was made ... , before

    .... maybe not the whole inventory, just the ships before leaving the port

  6. Graphical suggestion:

    The waves in the OW are much too big in my opinion.
    Because of this, the ships rarely show a clear waterline, the small ones, like the Prince, or Niagara are even partly flooded.

    I am also quite sure that it has an influence on the impression how big our ships look like.

    Scale the waves down, or better, make it adjustable in the options. If the performance allows it.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, shadowdamon said:

    who goes into a group that would steal once found out you do not group with them anymore and any clan or anyone would not group with them too

    it doesn't have to be stealing, also the distribution of the loot is time-consuming when all team members are already standing outside in front of the harbour and waiting for the next battle.

    do you want to collect the loot from everybody after every battle, calculate what everybody has earned and then distribute it? ... especially when there was already an easier solution

  8. A long time ago we had an endbattlescreen, where the loot was automatically distributed at the end of the battles depending on the percentage of the fight. ... has been removed.

    It is much more annoying to have to loot in a fleetbattle, not only that you are exposed to enemy fire while you are looting, from the remaining enemies and (!) the defeated ship and you can't even avoid it, no there is also the danger of being boarded by the sinking ship.
    On top of that you often have to decide you engage the next opponent, or you go to loot the sunken ship and give up your good position for this.

    I really wonder what is the deal with such a loot mechanic in a game which is based on ranged combat and positioning to the opponent.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Captain Cid said:

    du musst im hafen sein.

    dann den neuen text eingeben und ca 3 bis 4 mal auf edit drücken. am besten nochmal alles markieren und noch 3 bis 4 mal auf edit drücken :)

    die änderung wird dann erst nach der maintenance wirksam (also am nächsten tag)

    ahhh Maintenance, jo, völlig korrekt

    zufälligerweise hatte ich letztens was geändert, aufgegeben (und nich mehr beachtet), nu grad nachgesehen, is da.

    ... wieder was gelernt 😎


  10. ahh, da bin ich ja mal auf die Antwort gespannt. ich bin seit 3 1/2 Jahren hier, aber ein nachvollziehbares Verhalten bei dem Infotext habe ich immer noch nicht ergründen können. Also du bist nicht der Einzige dem es so geht.

    scheint RNG zu sein, wie bei den goldenen Schiffen xD ... nee spass, wenns da wirklich nen Tip gibt, der funktioniert, wäre echt gut

  11. I remember that the Privateer fleets once mistakenly have the same HP and Thickness Malus as the Raider NPC. This was removed as far as I know.
    (there is also a post with the exact numbers but I can't find it anymore)

    Is it possible that this was removed mistakenly from the raider NPCs as well? And nobody noticed it until then, because the raids were removed completely or only happened among the NPCs

    Yesterday we did a defense, where it seemed to me like that. But now it's just subjective impressions, ... maybe i just had a bad day.
    But if it is accurate, at least under these conditions hardly any defenses will be successful.

    following scenario: Raider-NPC 18 Brigs + 6 Trader snow, at all a BR over 1.000, a total of 24 ships. (whereas Trader snow among 6th rate class ships can be regarded as near equivalent combat ships)

    Due the fact that Brigs appeared as attacking NPCs, a defense seemed to be possible at first, but because the above mentioned eventually circumstance, it was impossible, if you consider that we have only a limited distance, means time, to eliminate them.

    @admin. please have a look in it.


    and btw. please rethink the cost for the port battle timer on the PVE-server. There is no other real party than the defenders involved, i see no reason that the defenders cannot choose the time when the battle will happen. Now we have new content on this server and in many cases, it cannot be used, due a battle time at, for example 3:00 at night local time.

  12. back to topic:

    The main problem for me are the fixed join circles for the defenders, whereas the point zones are placed very differently. Many points zones are easy to defend, no doubt, but for other the defenders will only be able to fire 2-3 broadsides to the raiders, before they reach the point zones. There are even extremes, where the raiders will reach the point zones without a shot can be fired.

    Statistics are not helpful, if i have to defend such a port. A nation change will also be of no use, i play on the PVE server, there every port will be attacked.

    • Like 1
  13. And please rework the layout of the raids. I'm talking about the point circles. Some are even outside the joining circle, or on the edge of it. By the given wind conditions, this makes it impossible to intercept the raiders before they entering the point circles.

    I would like to remind you that it is no fun to lose a port due to the different layouts and therefore to lose the effort of weeks or months.

    here one example, one of the extremes, but there are other too


    in this example is not only point C problematic (it's only more obvious here), also point A will it be. And many ports have similarly located point circles like this.

    • Like 1
  14. Unfortunately, I see only disadvantages

    1. big clans will split into several subclans, means that they would have even fewer free slots in the clan friendlist, if these are already occupied by the subclans alone
    2. new lower-ranked players are no longer willingly recruited
    3. non fulltime players will find themselves without a clan after a two-week break

    The to be achieved effect of this limitation would be bypassed by point 1, so that actually only disadvantages remain.

    • Like 3
  15. 4 hours ago, Georg Fromm said:

    Ich hoffe, dass die Entwickler die Mechanik so lassen, wie sie ist, und auf eine größere Anzahl gültiger Ergebnisse dieser Überfälle warten, bevor auf Druck der Community wieder alles erleichtert wird.

    Gleiches gilt für die NPC-Angriffe auf Städte, nur weil hier einige Spieler der betroffenen Nationen wieder den Untergang des Spiels beschwören, sollte zunächst abgewartet werden, wie sich die Mechanik langfristig auswirken wird. Was ist bisher passiert?
    Die Russen haben eine Stadt an einen Konkurrenten verloren, sogar die Holländer konnten den Angriff der NPC-Flotte abwehren, obwohl sie die größte Sorge über die ungünstige Zeit zum Ausdruck brachten.

    Wenn ich das richtig verstehe, sind die NPC-Raids ein Versuch, Ungleichgewichte zwischen Nationen auszugleichen. Es ist kein Zufall, dass derzeit Russland, Großbritannien und die Niederlande betroffen sind und nicht Polen, Preußen oder eine andere Nation. Wenn es also das Ziel der NPC-Raids ist, den großen Nationen das Leben schwer zu machen, damit andere Nationen zu diesem Zeitpunkt davon profitieren können, dann war das Ergebnis des ersten Wochenendes ein ziemlicher Erfolg.


    Das mag vielleicht bei euch auf dem PVP-server zutreffen. Auf dem PVE-Server wird jeder Hafen angegriffen, auch wenn sich kleine Clans mit vielleicht 3-5 aktiven Spielern einfach nur etwas aufbauen wollen und nur einen einzigen Hafen besitzen. Und zwar mit den selben Angriffsflotten welche bei euch gegen die Top 3 Nationen gedacht sind. Erschwerend kommt noch dazu daß wir nicht einmal wissen wo diese in der Instanz spawnen, die Gelegenheiten mit "Safety-on" gab es bei uns nicht.


    This may apply to you on the PVP server. On the PVE-server every port will be attacked, even if small clans with 3-5 active players just want to build something up and have only one port. With the same assault fleets which compiled for the PVP-server against the top 3 nations. Additional to that that, we do not even know where they spawn in the instance, the opportunities with "safety-on" had not exist for us.

    • Like 3
  16. we will see ...

    Can we choose the time of day when to defend?

    Early in the morning at 4:00 local time it will be difficult to motivate players to defend. It can also happen that you can not get help from a friendly clan, because they must defend their own port at the same time, or at least in a time, after this it´s difficult to manage to relocate the ships.

    As long as NPC acts as the second party in this battle, there should be no problem in choosing the time of day.

  17. 11 hours ago, admin said:

    We will post a guide on monday on the strategy.


    maybe it will help, but im afraid it will not much. On the OW we can only guess where the path is, that the raiders use. Same with the zones. And I think, at the same speed of raiders and interceptors, the placement will be very important. Nothing will be more frustrating than, after a single mistake, to see the effort of months disappear, because you can only just drive behind the raiders. Especially if you can not mobilize much players for defense.

    ... and additionally, why for a battle AI vs players is the time of day when it happen, not to choose for the players? It starts at fixed times, which also can be player-unfriendly in some cases, but I do not see a reason for that.

    • Like 1
  18. On 11/1/2019 at 5:46 PM, admin said:

    My mistake
    As port BRs will change next week based on player feedback and posts (for pvp and pve). NPC composition of raiders will also change (number of ships)
    Testing stage (all ports attacked) will be prolongued for another week. And safety will be switched off next monday on 11th Novermber

    Any chance for the players on peace server to practice before?

    The raids AI vs AI we cannot join, and i think its better to see some of this battles before, when we risk our investments. At least to be able to place our ships suitable on battlestart.

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