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Posts posted by Ketunpoika

  1. 5 minutes ago, Admiral Horatio Hornblower said:

    I understand that you don't care, but there are other clans in the spanish nation.

    Also you have your forged papers to go back to mothe russia.

    Bensalem and Key West were full because people actually care.

    why they dont do anything?

  2. 55 minutes ago, Christendom said:

    Ask Ketunpoika about that one time he tried to sink a VCO trader and then died to the forts like a noob.

    He’s the reason we started hunting Spanish waters.  

    Ask your member about those nice battles before that (Le Requin and few Hercules) 😘 And are you really hunting us...i dont thinks so.

    Ps. Keep coming with WC(O) members 😍

  3. 3 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

    so why don't you use timers? Ah, well. You thought no one will ever attack you, roger that. Save up cash with the vast majority of the ports without timers.

    Who give a s*** about Key West, Cayo Vacas, Mimbres ect.? They are just useless ports.

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