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Corona Lisa

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Posts posted by Corona Lisa

  1. Cooles Review, den Teil hier find ich am besten:

    "I have additionally heard a few people complain that the game is pay-to-win, but I’m not sure I agree with it.  It is absolutely true that there are advantages to be had if you want to pay for them"

    Man kann sich Vorteile kaufen, bin mir aber nicht sicher ob es P2W ist.... :lol:

  2. 37 minutes ago, Graf Bernadotte said:

    Staying in Russia you would have participated on what REDS has invested already. But you prefered to join a second-rate clan instead with limited access to best ships. 😋

    Not a fan having 20% of the server pop in the nation. Also I like sailing 2nd rates :P

    • Like 3
  3. 41 minutes ago, --Privateer-- said:

    I think it would be fine to keep learned books on the pvp server, it won't create a unbalanced playing field in the beginning, since we won't have slots to put the books in for a while anyway

    You mean for like 3 or 4 pve missions? Ofc its an advantage dont be delusional lol


    Why not fix the core problem so everyone can have some kind of progress which doesnt feel like its a f2p game instead of bitching around that you can keep your books while new players are completely fcked??

    • Like 1
  4. 15 hours ago, Holm Hansen said:

    Ich bin da echt etwas zwiegespalten, was die Upgrades betrifft. Einerseits stört es mich schon länger daß dadurch die Parameter zu sehr verzerrt werden, aber andererseits hat die Möglichkeit seine Schiffe damit "feinabzustimmen" eine strategische Note .. ok, ein sehr grosses wort für kleine Möglichkeiten :)

    In so ziemlich jeden MMO was ich kenne, gibt es die Möglichkeiten seine Ausrüstung zu optimieren und es macht einen (mir) nicht unwichtigen Teil des Spieles aus.

    ich glaube eher daß hier das sogenannte Stacking das Hauptproblem ist, womit unrealistische Parameter in den einzelnen Bereichen geschaffen werden

    Das Problem ist, dass man Schiffe und upgrades im Gegensatz zu anderen MMOs verliert wenn man stirbt. Das drängt Spieler in die Richtung, so wenig wie möglich zu verlieren. Das funktioniert im PvP einfach nicht, wenn jemand gewinnt verliert auch jemand. Die Folge sind ganks und Frustration.

    Außerdem schafft es gamelabs überhaupt nicht mal irgendwas zu balancen, was die Sache noch schlimmer macht und auch Freiheiten bei der Anpassung einschränkt, da manche upgrades einfach viel stärker als andere sind.


    Ich find die Idee von ship knowledge gut. Upgrades, die schwer zu kriegen sind aber die man dafür dauerhaft hat und die man auch flexibel austauschen kann. Weniger Frust und man hat trotzdem noch ein Ziel, auf das man draufhinarbeiten kann.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    Cause not every one has the same times of when they can be on.  I'm 3rd shift so my times online is after work in the morning and early eve before I go to work. I actually keep more time with SEA/AU and some EU players.  Though I live in the US, but why should I be forced to only play one part of the map?

    Thats great, you can play at anytime you want, there is always some region with action!

    Do you have a better solution to the timer problem or are you saying timers are not getting abused and are no problem? Also the map is too big anyway, I dont see the problem from splitting it up in 3 regions or something like this. Also you can be in every part at any time as it is just for RvR.

  6. 21 minutes ago, van der Decken said:

    Are you seriously going to make me do this? For a fact, I know when I down voted these reviews that the names were random gibberish bullshit alt accounts.

    To put it in your words: Take any primary school class and they will teach you how to read.

    I never questioned that these are alts of some angry dudes, I just wondered how you know that these are from srupl or christendom.

    Ill quote it again for you:

    1 hour ago, van der Decken said:

    Apparently I have already down voted their reviews, so these are from Banished and his friends like the pirates who moderate the Naval Action reddit

    • Like 2
  7. 15 minutes ago, van der Decken said:

    Apparently I have already down voted their reviews, so these are from Banished and his friends like the pirates who moderate the Naval Action reddit

    You can click on the steam profile and check previous names, this works even on private accounts. Also you assuming some shit without any evidence and providing it as if its a fact doesnt help much.

    19 minutes ago, van der Decken said:

    notice how one rat mod thought to ban my post on reddit, LOL.

    maybe cuz its misleading and very subjective, yet called a "guide"?

  8. 9 minutes ago, Moscalb said:

    need post in tribunal, i think. 

    Maybe you should be tribunal`d, your hacks are getting obvious...


    41 minutes ago, qw569 said:

    Is John Snow @Father of Dragons?

    Please stop spoiler of 8th season

    I think dragons will eat Khaleesi because they find out she is not her real mom, so Jon has to take care for them (until he dies :( )

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