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Posts posted by monk33y

  1. Totally agree tex, I just wish national missions would be introduced. Port x is on the verge or rebellion. You must take 8000 provisions, 10,000 sugar (beers running dangerously low) and 5000 muskets (to re-enforce the garrisons), 5000 British cheese, 9000 Dutch oats etc etc....

    The mission last from the point of 'eve of rebellion'. (day of rebellion) to the next server restart. If the goods are not received by the next restart the region becomes neutral or pirate.

    Or we use the currant system, showing contested by neutral (rebellion) port requires. List items. If the list is not complete on 24hrs the port goes neutral/pirate.

    The items/resources the regions capital requires buys for 1g. Forcing players to either protect the region or make money, not both!

    This would give short-term focal points for pvp etc. 

  2. At the end of the day the big nations conquer large parts of the map, then the regions become deadzones. Some way of forcing nations to visit all active regions would be best in my opinion.

    I'd like to see a rebellion take place on an empty (dead) region, turning pirate, open to any and all to capture! Even pirates 

  3. Okay let me ask every relevant nation who takes part in port battles!








    How many port battles as in PORT BATTLES, battles over a port! Has your nation taken part in.

    I know it's hard gmonkey being part of a nation who is to afraid to generate port battles. I'll leave you out of this question.. As your relevance is on question 


  4. It's the only way i get to engage in pvp with British players. Seeing a British captain in open world, that's not inside the kpr greenzone, is as rare as seeing a real life American player!!

    I miss the pvp with the British, watching them run to port in the battle instance, only to see them not being able to get into the port. Watching British sales give a master class in how to never use manual sale. All aspects I miss :(

  5. You can't reason with a British player. They are correct by default!

    Brits have mabey 20% of server population but can't even generate hostility... 

    But the British captains are mighty they are in a deep sleep waiting for alliances to turn back on!!

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