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Everything posted by Tyrdael

  1. Also ich bevorzuge auch PVE und freue mich trotzdem auf den Test mit den neuen Crewschäden: Warum? Weil es imho realistischer ist. Kosten? Sollten für alle Spieler unter Höchstrang getweaked werden. Ich sehe keinen Nachteil darin, dass ich Unkosten durch Crew habe, wenn ich im Vergleich die PVP Belohnungen dagegen halte bekomme ich immer noch das mehrfache für weniger Aufwand (als Rear Admiral selbstredend). Im Moment verliere ich solo je Mission RA Fleet order ca 50 Mann durchschnittlich, das fällt nicht mal auf bei den Belohnungen. Das was du sagtest, ich bin auf der Suche das no-brainer-PVE etwas braineriger zu machen.
  2. Even more so: if someone manages to escape you once, you shouldnt be able to tag him right after that again. One of my clan mateys been tagged for almost 2.5 hours in an Indiaman from a Niagara. Indiaman fled -- Niagara tagged, couldnt do nothing. Indiaman fled -- Niagara tagged, couldnt do nothing, and so forth. Thats grieving, no pvp no gank. No minigame should allow players whom take away valuable playtime from others to keep them in battle even FURTHER.
  3. maybe because most of the guys waiting in battlescreen are getting tired by being harrassed from ships who cant do shit against the tagged target but keep them for 2 hours in battle, in succession. Id give the battlescreen 2 minutes to sort stuff and ships out and then autodrop. End of story.
  4. Read back in the thread,iirc that was confirmed. For 1 shot 1 casualty: lets wait for the testing, i like it in terms of balancing out the potential crew/morale/whatever damage. If you keep the 0-3-x range of killing crew + the adjacent giving up because of cowardness you will have even more one hit fights. In combination with the leaking issue that would take away the most appealing thing for me personally, the raging fights over more than avg. 8 minutes (like some other games)
  5. I am looking forward to that, it may take gunnery in terms of efficiency a notch to boarding again. If i understood that correctly, only penetrating hits will influence your crew in any way. Imho this will give the crew the importance, it deserves instead of being a mere number at the bottom left of the screen. But SoulPYTHONs question is more interesting to me: may the wood type the ship is made of have influence on that in terms of generating splinters? There is no autokill. IF a shot penetrates, it will affect the crew IF it hits --> wounded, morale drop, scared, dead, unwilling to fight. turboedit: morale drop/fear/wounded were not considered imho, yet.
  6. 1 and 2 for sure + a separate mechanic. Surrendering means handing over your ship to the victor, so you admit defeat without being sinking. 3...not so much, because if the victor shoots you into the sink, it is his own fault. Stopping you into your tracks if he wants the ship he should not benefit from destroying his prize. The aforementioned mechanic may be: "Abandon ship" You floor it in slups and small boats whom where installed, on bigger ships at least. Or the crew drifts away on the planks that fell in the water after being shot at (or not). You will save a portion of your crew and the officers live (maybe), but you will be punished if additional status changes like fire or taking on water are active on the ship. A sinking ship will most likely pull people with it due to hydrodynamics, even a wooden one.
  7. Exceptional Cutters for everyone \o/ after a hard wipe, ofc. I wouldnt mind tbh, i like doing stuff in this game the hard way (even the recent changes killed my preferred fail: being in the middle of the seas and not nowing for sh...ts where i am at) Just keep up the work devs *cheers
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