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Wolfram Harms

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Posts posted by Wolfram Harms

  1. After looking through the suggestions, I am glad that most other "sailors" here seem to desire the same as me:
    a most realistic game and simulation about the age of sailing ships.

    And after reading the developers throught and plans for the game on their website, I am pretty much sure 
    they have that same desire - to move away from the crash-boom-bang gaming, towards a "simulation" 
    about the aera of sailing the seven seas.

    Some may try to come up with hints and wishes towards the other end - but they can play NAVAL ACTION.
    Don't underestimate the number of people over fourty, who have an urge for more realism rather than quick rush action.
    And the have the capital to support and buy such a game/sim.
    We have love for detail, patience for history, and a strong desire for deep immersion.

    I do not buy dozens of games anymore - in the end, most of them are "slayer games" and quite similar to what I know already.
    So now I like playing sims more, and I like to play in a world full of other people.
    No bot can replace the complexity of a human mind in real time action.
    No bot can replace the feeling of camaraderie, or even friendship.

    And because I believe to read a very similar mindset from the Dev's announcements, I do not make any suggestions here yet,
    except this one plea: stay confident to your vision - don't water it down to please the BlitzKids one more time.

    I wish all in the dev team and all who want SEA LEGENDS as much as I do, a merry Xmas and a healthy & happy new year.
    Later in our histories we may all remember: 2021 was the year when SEA LAGENDS was give to us...

    • Like 6
  2. 22 hours ago, Liq said:

    it's not an alt account. Waldron is a legit player. Issue is that MONKS/MONX is based in two nations - giving them the option to sometimes join battles which they should not be able to join - and therefore have to join on the "enemy" side while not actually helping the team.

    Yes, I know. I don't even plaid for "not guilty" for Waldron.
    What I meant to point out was: ANYbody can do that same trick by using an ALT Account - and I am absolutely sure people do it.
    I witnessed such things several times myself.

    So either the Devs stop that exploit - or it will be misused again and again. No matter if they "shoot" Waldron or not. ;)

  3. NAVAL ACTION allowed for many tricks in the past, and maybe still does. And some people use that.
    I do not know Waldron much, but why only accuse him - I bet, that many others did such things with
    Alt-Accounts. But there you cannot see it so easily. I had such strange behaviour with other people.

    So, instead of accusing and bashing single players, we should ask the Devs, if something can be done
    to stop that exploits. But Alt-Accounts earn them more money, and so I don't expect something will 

  4. 1 hour ago, Archaos said:

    ...only people who are successful will get the crafting permit points and as such will be able to craft the bigger ships and become unbeatable.

    Archaos, I don't think so - they could have the "big ships" but couldn't do as much against frigates or 4thRates, as they could do now.
    And for conquering Ports, they could not work alone - they would have to give the big ships to their Clan members also, or at least those BUILD POINTS.

    Without a Clan, they wouldn't get very far with the big ships.
    So, those CRAFTING PERMIT POINTS would be needed for the whole Clan.

    • Like 1

    Realistische Schiffe durch ein neues Belohnungs-System

    (Vorschlag eines wahren Fans - keine negative Kritik - hoffentlich wird es nicht gleich wieder nach wenigen Antworten geschlossen)


    Jedes Multiplayer-Spiel hat ein Belohnungs-System, welches den Spieler antreibt, etwas davon zu ergattern.
    Bei NAVAL ACTION sind das BOOKs, BONUSe, PERKs, UPGRADEs und so weiter.

    Leider bringen solche UPGRADEs eine starke Verzerrung in jedes Spiel, denn dieselben Schiffe in NA sind dadurch nicht nur sehr verschieden -
    sie können häufig auch Dinge, die für den Schiffstyp eigentlich nicht möglich waren. 
    Das diese Sonderfähigkeiten dann auch noch meistens eher bei den Top-Spielern zu finden sind, verzerrt das Bild nochmals sehr,
    zu ungunsten des Anfängers oder mittelmäßigen Spielers. 

    Wenn nun aber ein erfahrener Commander natürlich alles viel besser umsetzt und so dem Anfänger ohnehin schon weit überlegen ist -
    warum sollte er dann noch all diese Super-Ugrades benötigen? Einzige Antwort: weil die anderen Top-Spieler die ja auch drauf haben.

    Ginge es auch anders? Könnte man einem Spiel ein Belohnungs-System geben, das keine unfairen Schiffsvorteile hervor bringt?
    Ich habe lange überlegt, und hier sind meine Gedanken dazu.


    Wie wäre es, wenn man all diese unrealistischen Sachen streicht und folgendes Belohnungs-System einführt:

    Es gibt nur noch CRAFTING PERMISSION POINTS als Belohnung für alle Anstrengungen.
    Diese CRAFTING PERMISSION POINTS werden zusätzlich zum Baumaterial benötigt, um Schiffe der oberen drei Klassen zu bauen.

    zum Beispiel: 

    - Bau einer 3rdRATE benötigt 30.000 CRAFTING PERMIT POINTS
    - Bau einer 2ndRATE benötigt 60.000 CRAFTING PERMIT POINTS
    - Bau einer 1stRATE benötigt 100.000 CRAFTING PERMIT POINTS

    Nur ein Beispiel, welches die Devs genauer austüfteln würden.

    Da JEDE NATION solche Großschiffe braucht und haben will, wären diese Punkte Antrieb und Belohnung genug.
    Kleinere Schiffscommander und Trader bräuchten sie nicht; sie haben ihren Antrieb im Handel und im Boarden von Schiffen.
    Dennoch könnten auch sie die großen Pötte von den besseren Spielern ihrer NATION gestellt bekommen, wenn eine PortBattle ansteht.

    Und endlich hätten wir wieder "ganz normale Schiffe", bei denen nur noch das Können des Commanders den Unterschied macht.

    Jedenfalls beinahe - denn da sind ja noch die Hölzer. Auch hier könnte man folgende Änderung vornehmen:

    Alle Schiffe ab 5thRATE können nur noch aus OAK, TEAK, MAHOGANY, CAGUAIRAN, WHITE OAK und LIVE OAK gebaut werden.
    Leichtere Hölzer könnten die vielen schweren Geschütze gar nicht tragen - sie würden sich verwinden und schon bei mittlerem
    Seegang auseinaderbrechen.

    Leichte Hölzer wie BERMUDA oder FIR nur noch für 7th und 6thRATEs. Diese hätten dann wenigstens einen realistischen Speed-Vorteil.
    Und die Größeren könnten keine Stunts mehr performen, wie die INGERMANLAND, die meine NIAGARA kürzlich auch hart am Wind
    noch einholen konnte. Da kommen jedem echten Segler nämlich die Tränen.


    Was meint ihr anderen Admiräle, Commander und Kapitäne - wäre das nicht toll, wenn das funktioniert?
    Wäre es nicht wünschenswert, wenn wir so nah wie möglich an ein realistisches Segeln kämen - wie damals?
    Sagt mal eure Meinung.

    • Like 5
    (A Proposal from a true Fan - not a negative Criticism - I hope it will not get closed after 1 Page?)

    Every Multiplayer-Game has a REWARDING SYSTEM, with UPGRADES, PERKS, BONUSES etc.
    The Players want their rewards to struggle for with their activities.
    So far so good.

    But - most often, these special UPGRADES, PERKS, BONUSES etc. create a growing difference 
    between for example "average ships" and "ELITE SHIPS". This difference is even more amplified by the fact, 
    that it will be rather the good and excellent players, who have these BONUSES.

    I fought a ship recently which still looked like an INGERMANLAND. But it could follow my NIAGARA
    even hard into the wind, without losing contact. And that wasn't realistic for me at all.

    For the really good players, these BONUSES are not even very satisfactoy - they'd even prefer to show,
    that they could also do it with standard ships, and they only use the BONUS PERKS, cause their oponent
    top players also have them.

    But how can we get away from unfair BONUSES and PERKS, and still give the Players their well-deserved REWARDS?

    Well, how about this? 
    The players receive CRAFTING PERMIT POINTS for their actions (depending on the difficulty).
    Now, the ship classes 3rdRATE, 2ndRATE and 1stRATE could only get built with enough of those CRAFTING PERMIT POINTS.

    - 3rdRATE needs 30.000 CRAFTING PERMIT POINTS
    - 2ndRATE needs 60.000 CRAFTING PERMIT POINTS
    - 1stRATE needs 100.000 CRAFTING PERMIT POINTS

    Just an example, the Devs would surely sort out how it should be balanced.
    We would still need all the MATERIALS for those ships - but we could only build them with these CRAFTING PERMIT POINTS in addition.

    Every NATION needs those ships for their bigger battles and PBs - so that should be enough "drive" for every player
    to struggle for these points. No other UPGRADES, PERKS or ELITE stuff - all would fight in "normal" ships again.

    Another thought, about the woods:
    To avoid unrealistic speedy SHIPS, it would be great if the SHIPS of RANK 5 and higher could only be built of woods,
    which would have really been used in real life: OAK, TEAK, MAHOGANY, WHITE OAK and LIVE OAK.
    Bigger ships could not be built of FIR or BERMUDA CEDAR - those woods were to light and would have warped, if their decks
    had carried 18pounders or even bigger cannons.

    If only small ships (Rank 7 and 6) could have these woods, the smaller ships would have some advantages back which
    they really had: speed and agility.

    With all this installed, we could get a more realistic sim of the age of sail. Without dropping the REWARDING SYSTEM.
    What do you think about this?

    • Like 6
  7. Na, bei dieser Wortwahl ist es dann wohl leider klar: wieder ein Herr mit einem Damen-Namen. Schade!
    Suche seit Jahren eine Dame in NA zum karibischen Flirten - und dann hat sie meist doch wieder Bartstoppeln unter der dicken Schminke.

    Naja, Damen waren halt selten in der Seefahrt... :unsure:

  8. 16 hours ago, Graf Bernadotte said:

    Natürlich wäre mir Ihr wütender Widerspruch weitaus lieber gewesen, Gnädigste. Schließlich bin ich Widder. Und das ist ein Kriegsspiel und kein Salon.😊

    So also flirten Admiräle mit Admiralinnen (oder wie immer deren Plural lautet - müßte man die Feministinnen fragen...) :wub:

  9. On 5/10/2019 at 4:51 AM, MKev said:

    ...mit eurem Cpt. Harms ingame per Chat gesprochen habe. Dieser hat mir unmissverständlich klar gemacht, das Ihr zum 1. nicht jeden newbie/wiederkehrer aufnehmt
    und ich mich beweisen müsste wegen Spionageverdacht. Zum 2. hättet Ihr zur Zeit sowieso Aufnahme stop da ihr zu viele seid. 

    Also, um das mal etwas geradezurücken:

    - ich habe nicht gesagt, das wir MONKS zuviele seien (was ja schlecht wäre), sondern unser selbst gesetztes Spieler-Limit erreicht haben. Unterschied!

    - Zweitens: ein Wiederkehrer ist jemand den man kennt - Du aber warst im Dänisch-Schwedischen Krieg, als ich noch gar nicht geboren war.

    - Drittens: ob Du das nun für glaubhaft hältst oder nicht mit den Spionen ist mir ehrlich gesagt schnurz - es geht darum wie wir das sehen und händeln.

    - Viertens: am Ende unseres schriftlichen CHATs hatte ich Dir zugestimmt, daß das per TS wohl besser zu besprechen wäre, hatte aber keine Zeit mehr.
      Ich hatte Dir gesagt, wir sollten am nächsten Tag darüber - im TS - sprechen.

    Leider hast Du es vorgezogen, Deinem Ärger (den ich teilweise durchaus nachfühlen kann) hier sofort Luft zu machen.
    Daß Du dabei auch noch meinen Namen und den Clan-Namen nennen mußtest, war für ein sympathisches Kennenlernen nicht gerade hilfreich.
    Ich war noch nicht mal dazu gekommen, der Clanführung davon zu berichten. 
    Kein guter Stil, finde ich. Solche Ungeduld ist nur plausibel, wenn Du noch Teenager bist - danach wirds peinlich.

    Allerdings finde ich es durchaus erfrischend, wenn einer sich so richtig aufregen kann (eine meiner stärksten Eigenschaften) -
    denn dann ist immerhin Leidenschaft vorhanden. Nicht die schlechteste Voraussetzung für ein eventuelles neues Clanmitglied.
    Dies entscheidet aber allein Lord Loorkon am Ende. Am besten also sprichst Du direkt mit ihm im TeamSpeak. 

    Wenn Du aber schmollen solltest mit uns, oder Lord Loorkon "nein" sagen sollte - die PREUSSEN suchen auch immer gute Spieler, die Deutsch sprechen.

    "Nothing for ungood!" wie der als Brite getarnte deutsche Spion sagen würde...

  10. Gee - a new frigate is always very welcome! From what we can see it looks beautiful - I guess I will sail it a lot!
    Great to hear that you worked out more for NAVAL ACTION. I play nothing else since a long time!

    Seeing that you still tweak values, I would like to hint again to do more with FIRE values and consequences.
    If a ship on FIRE would have more trouble fighting (crew all busy), or more resulting damage (sails?),
    this would bring new aspects into combat.
    Also, this would make more fire-resistent woods interesting for ship building again, like MAHOGANY.
    Right now, MAHOGANY has hardly any meaning.

    BUT: you are on a good way and I feel I'll sail NA for a long time.
    Perhaps you consider selling PAINT packages or single PAINTs for small money - you might be asthonished
    how much money you could make with this? I'd buy them, if not too expensive.
    And every lost ship would refuel the business... ^_^

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Ruthless4u said:

    1. How many are willing to spend money on something they can lose and have to repurchase if/when lost? Even low dollar amounts add up over time.

    Believe it or not, but people pay small amounts with not too much worries. I would. Just because it's fun to sail your own PAINTs.
    Of course there'd need to be some rich choice of PAINTs, and they should look believeable for the time.



  12. 19 minutes ago, z4ys said:

    And why is everyone complaining about sailing in a sailing game? That bulding ships is hard? So much time effort?

    Well, I'm not EVERYbody, I'm just SOMEbody - but I never complained about those things.

    Maybe the devs could find other solutions for those not into crafting. And after all, you can buy many ships in the SHOP -
    at least in my NATION Sweden. Also, our clan organised the crafting stuff - so not everbody has to care about that.


    EDIT: don't get me wrong: I still LOVE NAVAL ACTION. That's why I'm afraid it is about to lose what makes it so good.



  13. Two or more years of development have gone into NAVAL ACTION - only to finish it off now?
    Woods and crafting specifications, reasons for trading and for building ships - all wiped off the table?

    Now, anybody can come to make some trouble in his HERCULES or REQUIN, and if he isn't pleased with the BATTLE,
    he'll give up his vessel and hop out, to come back with his next PAYWARE ship.

    There are SO MANY GOOD and INTERESTING bits in NAVAL ACTION - why is all that never getting finished and improved?
    Why does a FIRE not make a ship helpless (everybody trying to extinguish it; sails burning down etc.)?
    Why is it useless to be a PIRATE - PIRATES could have things and advantages the NATIONs don't have?
    Why should anybody care about trading, if it is not necessary anymore, cause everyone will sail a SHOP-ship?

    You are about to kill it all - the game will become something completely different; something like WAR THUNDER (argh!) -
    and will be totally unattractive for the clients you attracted so far; people who are rather 40-plus, with an interest in the age of sail.

    No idea if it can still be stopped, or if you even want that - but for me, the time is coming to an end, when NAVAL ACTION
    was a VERY PROMISING development - a rare thing in a time of "crash-boom-bang"...

    Makes me so sad - it really does...

    • Like 8
  14. Many changes sound interesting. But to be clear about this: if you Devs introduce "pay to win" like in the crappy "WAR THUNDER", I'll be gone.

    It is one thing to offer PAINTS for money - but stuff to make some people stronger - that's a VERY bad idea.

    • Like 3
  15. 7 hours ago, rediii said:

    Frigates are useless in current PBs sadly

    Not only Frigates - we see no big variety of ships anymore in NAVAL ACTION.
    Neither in PortBattles, nor in the Open World.

    Everyone is running around in the same few ships - which is a pity, with all the ships we have.

    As for PBs, maybe 3 - 5 types of PortBattle sets could be fixed, with certain numbers of each ship?

    For example "Port Battle Type II" (Just an example)
    Three 6th-Rates
    Seven 5th-Rates
    Six 4th-Rates
    Four 3rd-Rates
    Three 2nd-Rates
    Two 1st-Rate

    Just an example of such a PB ships set, with 25 players in battle. Other weightings of ships, like "Shallow Sets" would be possible.


  16. Many good ideas there - sounds promising!

    - We may see Endy, Trinco etc. more now.
    - Players may get attracted by better loot, to leave the SAFE ZONES - so hopefully more PvP.
    - More damage by fire was long overdue - in reality, sails easily burnt all down.

    I didn't understand the "Port Battle"-changes you made - better explanation needed.
    But a BIG wish from my side: bring more variety to PBs - add "5thRate", "3rdRate" and "2ndRate" port battle types!


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