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Posts posted by Redman29

  1. 2 minutes ago, Augustus Charles Hobart H said:

    Eventually you will remember I have no alts, but until then I bet that LV comes back and becomes friends with everyone and bakes all of us a cake

    Well if that happens I'll give you access to all my accounts. But I think hell will freeze over due to a nuclear winter long before that happens. 

    • Like 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, Augustus Charles Hobart H said:


    Even when you don't play any more this is still better then a soap opera :P 

    Well you do have to give it to the Dane's and Swede's for keeping it interesting for us retired "Caesars" and we don't even have to log in.

    So let's get a pool going. It feels dirty but I'm putting my money on the Dane's.

    • Like 2
  3. I will leave this here. As for everyone posting about chat abuse, I suggest you read the attached links.

    Also, if it is F11 by the players in the port battle to report the bug, then it's not an exploit especially considering this is a known bug. And this was bound to happen with this bug there now that a player in the port battle with get a conquest mark "tax" as it was.

  4. 30 minutes ago, Anolytic said:
    I’d like to report a bug. 
    The British nation has clearly not been correctly implemented. Has their admiralty store received any blueprints at all? We went to visit their capital, a two hour sail, and all we could find was basic cutters. None of them had been delivered the courage to go out in bigger ships (except one unlucky fellow). Some of them even escaped battle to save their basic cutters from destruction (wtaf?).

    Most of the British Veteran players like myself and Augustus Hobart Hampton, GeneralPas, etc. are not playing or have gone to the global server like Bobzilla, skmarsh, Xyster and so on.

    There still a few left on the EU server from the old guard, but not enough to make a difference.

    So yeah, might be a while before you see an actual British fleet come your way and why would randoms take their super expensive ships to fight the RDNN/RUS fleet? Just to have you take them?

    Will miss fighting y'all but I'm just too frustrated with the current state of the game and don't have the time like I used to have to actually play.

    • Like 6
  5. 49 minutes ago, Rouleur said:

    This is griefing at best and if they shot at each other which I believe they probably did - its an exploit - certainly the mechanic should not make it possible the set the fires so quickly or cause the the amount of damage involved as they will repeat this over and over.

    I agree it is greifing but there have been several instances in the pass were agreed upon green on green is allowed.

    In the last cycle the fire ship became a big tactic in RvR and your fleet would fire upon it in a green on green instance setting it on fire so the timing was right when it come in contact with the enemy fleet. This was brought up and the Devs said this was in fact allowed since it was agreed upon green on green.

    Personally, myself and several others have brought up the poor implementation of the fireship mechanic in the game, however it has usually has fallen on deaf ears.

  6. The patch is how many days old before a major controversial incident happens in this game, say it's not so. 

    Surprised this hasn't been locked yet, but then again I have to agree with Augustus and prefer to watch the world burn. 

    Got to give it to SORRY though, they never do fail in giving me a reason to check the forums from time to time. 

  7. 2 hours ago, rediii said:

    Battle in Orinoco Swedish POV.

    Had to cut after 1 hour because of secret talking by a drunk guy in teamspeak and my laziness + lack of editing skills. :D 

    Yeah, was watching this before coming to the forums and was like what the hell happened to the  end damnit, need to know the outcome lol. 

    But yes, we have always had those individuals in our TS, one of the reason I don't recording anything. :) 

    • Like 2
  8. Just now, rediii said:

    Oh i though he meant the mechanic like it is right now. doing it with points is realy perfect.


    The mechanic right now is the best possible solution in my oppinion. only the points generated or the max points should be tweaked a little bit.

    Yeah, would agree with that. Castries yesterday is a perfect example of how I think port battles to be and they really do mirror the historical battles of the time at least that one did. 

    Both fleets made their opening moves as a fleet and once contact was made it quickly turned into several individual ship/area fights over the map, (which is what Nelson preferred). For fleet commanders it's harder true b/c it is impossible to micromanage the fleet but it promotes the use of area/squadron commanders. 

    And that battle was won with a lot of ships sunk on the French side and quite a few ships sunk on the British side with several heavily damaged (I know b/c I spent the last 30 minutes of that battle trying to stay alive, lol) And, even though the Defender has the advantage slightly with the initiate point accumulation it is equaled out by the attacker having twice the area to chose their initial fleet position and usually starting with the wind. 

    The system is not perfect, but it is a far step above the previous system.

    • Like 2
  9. 38 minutes ago, monk33y said:

    Typical pathetic brits strike again.

    God I feel dirty belonging to this pathetic once great nation (come on munkey I missed your comments recently) 

    First, you are now one of these pathetic Brits and this great nation has been doing fine on our own before you came over.

    Second, When I actually see you help generate a port battle then you might have a little bit of a leg to stand in criticizing our national policy with regards to a ceasefire over a holiday generally practiced by most people on this game. Speaking of which I have seen a lot of LV's screenshots of players from my clan, ZERG and TOXIC running joint fleets together and for some reason I haven't seen your name in those battles. 

    Third, I have done my utmost to help support TOXIC and to actively promote joint operations and cooperation between that clan and the other British clans. Aiding in helping your guys out in regards to ships, gave LV a stronghull Aggy and loaning several to Bounty, Warmanner and others. But alas, you are never around when I am handing ships out for a PB. 

    But my good will only goes so far and I can ignore a lot of stuff but your comments are starting to piss me off. If you have a problem I suggest you tell your clan leader so he can bring it to me on TS or better yet you can come and complain about it to me on TS, but otherwise I would suggest you shut up and keep it off of the forums. 

    • Like 10
  10. With Christmas and the holidays coming this weekend it is a time for us to spend times with our families and friends and not have to worry about the RvR portion of naval action. With that in mind a ceasefire has been proposed were all nations will cease hostility generation until the 26th of December. 

    All port battles currently scheduled will be fought as planned since they were generated before the arrangements of the ceasefire went into place. 

    Any port battle that is generated or any port taken by another nation during the terms of the ceasefire will be returned to the original owner at the end of the three day cool down. 

    Signatory Diplomats

    Redman29 - Great Britain, Verenigde Provincien, and United States

    NorthViking - Denmark-Norge, Sverige, Espana, and France

    • Like 13
  11. 14 minutes ago, Snoopy said:

    Delighted to see so much PvP!
    I am buried with work.. did anyone record those fights for this NA-starved Beagle? :)

    I know right. Spend the hours leading up to the battle helping to herd cats and then minutes before they start have to go to work. 

    Oh, and we have noticed that since Manuva has joined OCEAN he has yet to sink in a Port Battle. What is this heresy, and we have a new objective :P 

    • Like 3
  12. There was no regional bonus then!

    And if you wached babay stream you know that the Vicks and Santis had no chance against the Oceans with the hull bonus. Again, nothing agains the Danes, they are using and doing the best with the tools they have. But the buffed L'Ocean are way unbalanced!

    Tbh it really has nothing to do with the ship. Before the patch and the regional bonus' the Santi and L'Ocean were pretty were balanced with the Vic lagging behind due to it having a lesser broadside weight compared to the other two when running carros but better sailing qualities. 


    Post patch, with the carros being nerfed, all 1st rates are even more balanced than before the patch as you have to be super close to penetrate with carros. Any 1st rate built with the new regional bonus' will far outclass any 1st rate that was built before the patch and the same goes for all class of ships. 

    • Like 1
  13. ZERG1.jpg


    So a British player on a Bellona, Constitution, Ingermanland, Belle Poule, and 2 Indianmans with a fleet of 8 AI vs a SORRY fleet of 8 players is what you call a fight in our favor. Including the fact we would have to sail out of the range of the forts to engage you so then it would be 4 players in warships and 2 traders coordinating an attack against 8 SORRY players. 


    I mean come on, but hey if you want to claim that this was a fair fight then be my guest. I just wanted to see the forts in action since I have yet to see it in person.

    • Like 5
  14. Whenever this comes up the 1st thought everyone has is gankers and trying to counter the waiting in battle screen to sink the gankers who just sunk your buddies. I know I have been there and have been on both sides of the spectrum having to log out because of superior forces outside and camping a group of gankers hoping they come out of the Battlescreen. 


    But what we fail to realize is that this would also have drastic effects on the RvR portion of the playerbase to an extent that you could lose entire 1st rate fleets if they are kicked from the Battle screen after 5 minutes. For example you attack a port and fail to capture it and during the port battle you lose 7 1st rates. So now your 25 man 1st rate fleet is down to 18 man 1st rate fleet and the enemy has 30+ 1st rates waiting for you outside the port that you can't enter and have no way to escape. It hurts to lose 7 1st rates in a battle but now it comes to a point where you are no longer given the choice and could lose your entire fleet which would be disastrous for a nation especially when in the next patch, 1st rates and exception ships are going to be harder to build. This would make attacking a regional capital potential suicide for a full fleet given the current Port Battle mechanic which favors the defenders and would reduce the people that are committed to participating in RvR. 


    As I said, I hate the waiting in battlescreen as much as the next person when it comes to gankers, but looking at the bigger picture. I much rather would lose a dura on a Bellona or Bucentuare to a gank fleet rather than risk losing entire fleets of 1st rates when attacking a regional capital. 

    • Like 1
  15. From the title I think he's playing Britain...

    Lol, That's what happens when I try and respond to something at 0430 in the morning




    As per title I am looking for a clan with a AU/NZ player base. Large or small not too concerned. I enjoy most aspects of the game. 

    Would like to do more PvP but it's not a be all and end all for me. 


    Teamspeak is fine (although mic not always available as it tends to spin my RL kids out!) 


    Basically looking for a clan that is friendly, laidback, has some general aims but isn't all uptight about members taking part in every event etc etc. 




    Get in touch with Jack Steel with the AUS clan or Jeheil with KIN. 


    Both of those clans have a good amount of AU/NZ players

  16. C'mon gents, it is a game, anyone can impersonate :)


    Best not to judge, especially bringing a ad-hoc psychological diagnosis lolol


    Lol, +1.


    But in all seriousness the back and forth and general bantering gets kind of old after a while. Had to go through it during the battle with a constant flow of messages and now it's continued to the forums 2 days after the battle took place. Besides, I quite enjoyed that battle when I agreed to fight Puchu 1v1 and had a good little fight going for a while.


    If SORRY wants an even fight and an arranged fight then I propose the following idea that was posted on the forums a while back that was offered to the French and Danish but was declined.



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  17. True...and that in turn is because the game incentivizes craft level, but not specialization.  Players are simply acting rationally.  


    There is a widespread belief that any future asset wipe, however near/far in the future it might be, will remove everything except rank and craft level (whether true or not is a completely different question).  Therefore reaching level 50 is logically perceived as the only worthwhile crafting goal which will persist past game release.


    Well one have to also take in to consideration clan crafting needs over crafting for the economy. I know with most clans when they get low on a particular item they ask a few guys in that clan to craft it until they have an acceptable quantity again. 


    And the nations with smaller populations do suffer greatly from a lack of crafters posting materials for sale on the market at their respected capitals. Those that do specialize in one item have done so to craft for profit and in those cases there's very little competition to drive the price down which results in super-inflated prices. 

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