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Posts posted by Redman29

  1. 4 hours ago, admin said:

    @Redman29 is a good guy and was not quoted out of context. Prices for some woods allow trading opportunities, i was wondering just about the malabar teak at 47000, there are no trading opportunities for malabar teak at such price. 

    On the other woods the example is noted. It only appeared since last hotfix.

    Sorry, should've added a little more info on that screenshot. I used that one to demonstrate how the market was flooded by people liquidating their rare woods assets due to the high buy price of the NPC. 


    That's Vera Cruz today for example. 

    Compared to the buy price at KPR.


    If you buy at 17.5k per log you can still make a profit if you sell it at Vera Cruz, of around 9-10k per log. So a 5/5 TLynx that can go 17 knots with 500 tons loaded can make a profit of around 4.5-5 Mil. 

    What's really bad about this is that all the ports have good prices from the NPC. As the logic in game is the further the sail the higher the price. So there are ports that are hardly ever used by anyone that are buying for 29-30k per log. At least with trade goods you can predict the route in which traders take as most trade between capital to capital. With the rare logs you can choose any port, regardless if it is a capital or not and for the most part avoid those players that hunt traders as there is no predictable pattern compared to trade goods. 

    Take a British player for example. He can buy the rare logs in KPR and as long as he gets them at 20k or lower, he can then sail to San Fernando (In the Gulf), which is hardly ever used and sell the goods for 3.5 Mil profit and in a TLynx that's a comparably quick sail. And with Trader Lynx's the risk is little to none as there's only a handful of ships that can catch it and unless you have one of those ships most players pay you no attention. Yeah they might turn towards you to see if you are afk but once you turn off they keep going on their way. 

    It also have ramification on the player driven economy. As if I can sail the woods to a port in which the NPC buys for 30k per log, then why would I sell to a player for anything less than 29k. And for rich players this is just supplemental income. It takes say a day or 2 for a contract to fill, and in that time they continue trading, making more money, and then when their contract for 500 logs is filled make and easy 3-5 Mil with little to no effort or risk and just repeat every other day. One could average around 10-15 Mil per week just from buying and selling rare woods from NPC to NPC, this on top of the income you get from trade goods and other trading. 

    I believe in these items being treated like shipbuilding resources, but the NPC prices dissuade the use of these in shipbuilding and promote their use as a trade good, also in which it is treated different than all other shipbuilding resources. That compounded with the the minimum price being 10k, the minimum price for the frame of a Connie being 6 Mil, for planking an additional 6 Mil. So if you can get a wood for the bare minimum you are looking at 12 Mil for just the wood for a Connie. In reality the woods are running 17-20k which means 10 - 12 Mil just for the frame parts for a Connie, 20 - 24 Mil for both frame and planking. Even for the richer players, those prices are simply not worth it to use in building a ship out of, so better to buy and sell to the NPC.

    • Like 1
  2. 12 hours ago, admin said:

    We don't hide this fact.
    New woods are a great way to extract reals from rich players. Wood supply is SO limited that they wont have any real influence on the overall pvp. Based on your comments you are on PVE so not sure how you are affected by the these woods. Remember you can trade in safety.

    The issue is that with the changes is the rich got a lot richer.

    Looking at supply and demand, simply put some of these woods are not worth 10k per log. Greenheart was selling for 6-8k per log before. Danzig Oak in the 4-6k range, same with Riga Fir. They were accessible to many players in which supply and demand drove the price and now the minimum buy price for them is simply not worth buying it to build a ship out of. 

    With that said I have huge concerns in regards to NPC buys prices for the new woods. If today is evidence for some woods they are much more useful as trade goods in selling to the NPC rather than actual woods for ship building. 



    These are just some examples, I have much more and we have seen some such as the Caracas screenshot. The prices of these logs are are continuing to rise and in my opinion mostly going up not because they are valued in shipbuilding but because you can sell them for insane amount of money to the NPC. 

    KPR is a perfect example as players who I have never seen place buy contracts for Greenheart started today of all days after the price to buy them doubled. As long as you can buy for 20k you are still able to make 5-10k profit for log depending on the sail. And then one has to account for the weight as since these woods are treated as shipbuiding resources they weigh 1 ton. 2 Indianman's full of these logs can sell at the right ports for 150 Million and if you buy at 15k per log you are looking at 60 Mil profit, 30 Mil profit if you buy at 20k per log and this is with 2 Indianman's. A single Trader Lynx can carry enough goods to make 15 Million, 7.5 Mil profit if you buy at 15k per log. To compare this, a few weeks ago, Anolytic posted the video of the treasure fleet that sailed from Vera Cruz to Bermuda and back. That fleet consisted of 62 Indianman's and sold it's goods for 300 Mil, with a profit of say 260 Million, which requires extensive work on the players part. Why would I use these woods for shipbuilding when I can make insane profit from such little work compared to trade goods. Unless the price got so high there is no longer any profit margin. And at that point, there is no point in using the wood for a ship because it would be too expensive to risk losing, I mean 17.5 Mil for the frame parts of a Connie if you buy at 30k per log which is the highest you can sell the wood at to the NPC. 

    @admin Question is are these woods going to be treated like a trade good or as a crafting resource? I would suggest that the ability to sell these woods to the NPC for profit should be removed and treated like all the other shipbuilding resources. Otherwise, the richer players are going to use these woods as an easier way to make more money and not for their intended purpose which is shipbuilding. 

    • Like 4
  3. Oh, so the minimum buy price for the new logs is now 10k per log.

    So any contract below 10k is not filling and you can buy from straight from NPC. 

    Awesome, the price for some of these logs were at least somewhat reasonable, staying in the 3k-6k range per log. 

    Now, the only thing this those is super inflate the prices widening the gap further between the 1% and the rest of the player base. 

    Hell, the 1% already had an advantage when it came to the new woods, so let's make it so they are the only ones that can afford it by making the minimum buy price 10k per log. 

    These prices won't hurt rich players, but congratulations on ensuring 99% of the players never have a chance to afford these logs. I mean hell, just the frame parts for a Connie is going to cost you over 6 Million with the new woods. 12 Million if you included the planking and that's if you can buy it at 10k a log, which for a lot of these you can't. Not to mention some of these logs aren't even worth 10k per log. I'm not paying 10k per log for Danzig Oak or Riga Fir as it is simply not worth it, where as before I I could see paying 3k - 5k per since it wasn't in high demand. 

    It wasn't like inflation in this game wasn't high already. 



    • Like 1
  4. 21 hours ago, Archaos said:

    I do not see what is so epic about the trade run apart from if the whole fleet were alts. It says from one edge of the map to the other and indicates that one of the ports was Saint Georges town in Bermuda, but does not say where the final destination was. If the final destination was somewhere like Vera Cruz, then it would be epic as you would have sailed through some regularly sailed waters and run a high chance of interception. But if it was to somewhere like El Toco then the chances of being spotted are quite remote if you hug the Eastern map border all the way down.

    Anyway nice video and music, but it would have been epic to see you sailing through the Mona straits or past Cap Francis on your way to the destination not just out of sight of land.

    It was from Vera to Saint George's an back. Won't go too much into details, but figured I would add point A to point B for context.

    • Like 2
  5. 34 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    Takes 4 players for a HDF. Most clans do with 6.


    4 is pushing it. 5 I don't like, 6 is fine, more is optimal

    8 minutes ago, van stiermarken said:

    PLEASE name those clans who can do it with 4 ships against a home fleet.
    PLEASE, I really wanna know them.

    We can do it with minimum 8 ships (if you want the loot too). less is more a suicide mission.

    It can be done with 6 guys fairly ok. Not saying it is not challenging but doing it with 6 guys is quite common.

  6. 5 minutes ago, erelkivtuadrater said:

    So if i understand it correctly you have two ways to approach a port battle.

    1. Approach the port battle through OW without paying doubloons, but risk getting screened out.

    2. Approach the port battle through teleporting which gives you 300 second invurnerability, so you have 5 minutes to sail out from the port and decide where to join? 

    @admin am i correct? :)

    In one of the other threads it stated that you would teleport to where the AI fleets used to join and then would have 5 minutes to join PB from there. X and Y on the map. 


  7. 8 minutes ago, Robert Lance said:

    Wow if that isn’t a f***you to the small nations and solo players from the Devs. I do not know what else is. Good luck with this plan guys.


    Now, I don't like having to be PVE to get flags but something to consider about what you wrote.

    Solo players won't be doing Port Battles......

    And Port Battles need on average 12 guys to do them. If you don't have enough to do a HDF (Which require less) then you don't have enough to do a Port Battle.

    Now for some nations without easy access to HDF's, then yes it can be a little more difficult. 

    • Like 5
  8. 21 minutes ago, Botq said:


    Lol can you decide ? :D

    Yes, and if you bothered to read the other posts that I wrote after that initial quote you will find I changed my opinion. 

    See stats only say so much. 

    Testing a half a dozen different builds in instance show things not shown in stats.

    And I have every right to change my opinion and if you bothered to read the detailed post I posted, which you chose to ignore you will see I suggested a nerf to Locust.

    But yeah, if you're going to quote me; make sure you quote everything I say and not pick and choose.

    • Like 4
  9. I understand the frustration and the work put in. I know I was the one that had to build a Locust farm.

    But in all honesty, Locust needed a nerf and is something that needed to be done and was simply broken. It simply replaced almost all woods in basically being the only one worth using other than the rare woods in regards to PVP, RVR, PZ, etc. 

    I mean a frame that makes both Live Oak and Teak pretty much pointless, says a lot and needs to be changed. 

    • Like 3
  10. Trade good or contract really doesn't matter either way. 

    The same players that pay extremely high prices for these new woods are the same players who camp ports to begin with to get trade goods. That's the reason they can afford to pay those prices to begin with. 

    Moving the goods around and making the spawn spawn port random will not solve things. The same players as I said above will be the ones with the time to move and get the goods.

    In my opinion the only true way to increase the supply to players is to expand the number of ports that drop it. It will decrease the concentration of players camping a single port and potentially lower the cost somewhat (however with my NA experience not much if at all). 

    • Like 4
  11. First, I like the change in frame parts and planking as it evens out the quantities and wanted to state that first as I will touch base with that later. 

    Heavier Woods

    - Live Oak and African Oak for the most part I like where they are now. The nerf to the thickness of LO is necessary considering the hp buff it received and these two woods are really similar with a trade in speed and turn for more hp. 

    - Greenheart, Really like where this is. Great hp in trade off for speed and thickness. 

    - Locust. Due to the thickness value of Locust I consider it a heavier wood. I believe that the speed and turn inertia of this wood should be nerfed. Decreasing the speed of Locust (S) by -3 % and the speed of Locust -4 % as well as increasing the turn inertia to the 15% range would place LO and Locust on a level playing field. 


    As you can see by the screenshot, Locust has a .5 knots advantage over LO (removing .2 knots due to fast modifier) as it currently is now. Reducing the speed difference between the two from 5% to 2% will bring the difference to .2 knots and still give Locust a worst turn inertia but the difference will be 5% vs the 20% it is currently at. This will give the players a choice between LO and Locust: You can either have high thickness w/less hp, slightly better speed and maneuverability or less thickness with higher hp. Buffing LO thickness and making it the highest in the game again will make this far too op and will see Locust regulated again to what Cag was, worst than LO just with better speed that didn't make it worthwhile. I firmly believe that with a speed and maneuverability nerf to Locust will put both builds on par. 

    - White Oak is still relevant as a planking and less so as a frame. White Oak has primary been used as a planking for some time now and still holds true especially with the change of the planking amount. 

    - Daniz Oak is a cross between White Oak (S) and White Oak which I feel is a good place for it. 

    - Sabicu gets a well deserved buff. Before Teak was always better than Sabicu in almost every regard, now Sabicu is better armor wise but sacrifices speed for it. What's even more important is Sabicu could is relevant in use for planking on numerous builds as shown on the other thread with Locust/Sacicu.

    - Teak, with this one I have several misgivings about. It did receive a buff but in comparison to the Locust/Cag buff it got severely power creeped. In regards to other teaks/sabicu it sacrifices thickness and and hp in return for speed which I am fine with. But with the speed of locust it kind of makes it irrelevant as shown below. 


    As you can see, Locust/WO has 800 more hp, 300 less structure, 9 more thickness with a speed difference of .3 (Accounting for the difference between Sail 4 vs Sail 3). This hits Teak/WO or Teak in general quite hard as .3 speed is almost inconsequential. This difference is further shown with Malabar Teak, African Teak, and Sabicu which has similar speed values to locust but far less thickness. This further reinforces my belief that that Locust should be nerfed -3% speed for for seasoned, -4% speed for non seasoned and the nerf to maneuverability.

    - Fir and softer woods. I realize fir has been hit hard, especially in regards to mast thickness. Suggestion is the buff the mast thickness of the softer woods while nerfing the thickness of the stronger woods. And fir probably could use a slight speed buff. 

    - New woods. I believe that the number or ports that drop the new woods should be doubled or even tripled. As it is now, 8 ports drop the new woods, 3 of which are unconquerable. For those ports which are not unconquerable they essentially have a target on their back and in all cases that happen to be a crafting ports. I do like how the new woods are rare but increasing the number of ports slightly will still make them relatively rare but increase the availability somewhat. 

    - Seasoned Woods. The gap between seasoned and non seasoned woods has decreased which I am all in favor of. In regards to Teak and White Oak the gap has been reduced by half. With Live Oak, Cag, and Sabicu the gap has been reduced by a third. However, seasoning logs is still extremely expensive and 3000 labour hours equate to 70 seasoned logs. I would recommend decreasing the labour hours per seasoned logs by half as this will make crafting seasoned logs much more efficient and worthwhile. 

    Overall I like the changes for the most part. Somethings should be tweaked here and there, especially in regards to Locust as it edges out both T/WO and LO/WO which has serious balance issues. I also like how woods like Sabicu and Locust do become useful as these are essentially harder versions of LO and Teak now. 

    • Like 3
  12. 3 hours ago, Holm Hansen said:

    no, it's not useless.

    But it doesn't bring this group of players looking for exactly the same features they found on LO/WO before the patch to the same degree as it now brings Locust/Sabicu.
    You can see how important these properties were to them, by the fact that they are even willing to accept a not insignificant speed penalty for it. If they had looked for HP then they would have chosen WO/WO before the patch.

    So for the satisfaction of the players who had been looking for exactly these properties and now still do it, it has become a kind of useless, because exactly these properties what they are looking for, have been put on another wood-combo.


    2 hours ago, Jan van Santen said:

    Holm and I are PvE....the timing of repair (restoring hp) is much different from PvP as ai doesnt shoot sails.

    So is the influence of speed as warship ai doesnt run away from player 

    In short : armor thicknes is way more important than hp. 

    Ive done a few testruns in high lvl kill missions (eg 1 LO vs 2 ai LO) pre patch: armor thicknes always resulted in faster/smoother fights compared to hp/speed builds.


    In regards to same features before. Do you realize that you lost 2 thickness in the change? Yes, it no longer has the highest thickness values as that now rests with Locust, but LO fared extremely well with the changes compared to other woods say like Teak, and especially better than the softer wood such as Fir. 

    I mean Pre vs Post change


    For a Buc 113 thickness is the highest now, but 108 is still a significant amount especially considering the previous cap was 110 and as far as I know nothing has been done with the guns. And 3000 hp, 5600 structure, and .5 knots in exchange for the loss of 2 thickness is quite significant. 

    I understand where you are coming from, but the "nerf" to LO really wasn't that bad.

    Note: I'm writing a more detailed post on the other thread that I will finish hopefully tonight. 

    • Like 2

    14 hours ago, Never said:

    Locust still seems overpowered. Compared to a Teak frame, there's barely a loss of speed/hp, repair is only about 20s longer and you get a massive boost in armor thickness. I guess we need time to test how it will actually works in practice with the slower turning/reps. But at least on paper it doesn't seem to have much of a downside, specially for large fighting ships. Live Oak and Greenheart for example give you a huge boost in HP but at a much higher loss of speed. Plus we also have to consider that even normal Locust is giving very high thickness that make it even comparable to much rarer woods. 

    Is it strong yes, OP no. Compared to Teak yes it is really strong and makes T/WO basically obsolete. Compared to LO, they are comparable and trade offs. Normal locust may have one of the highest thickness values but has one of the lowest structure values. At 7% it is only slightly better than Riga Fir and Mahogany. 

    Personally, I believe Locust (S) speed should be nerfed by -1 to -2% and Locust should be nerfed -2 to -3%. That would bring it more in line with the heavier woods like LO, African Oak, and Greenheart and open the gap between it and the teaks. This will still make it useful and open up options on how you choose to build your ships.

    Note: I'm writing a more detailed post on the other thread that I will finish hopefully tonight. 



    • Like 1
  14. 13 hours ago, Holm Hansen said:

    as far for the percentages, which I agree with.

    on the finished product it looks a bit different, although of course the numbers are still correct.


    here is the combo LO/WO for me clearly the loser of this patch, compared to, for example, Locust/Sabicu.

    as a side note: tragically, these are the woods what the players' stocks are made of, that were created for this purpose, including the existing ships.

    No, I was comparing frames. Adding in LO/WO vs Locust/Sab is adding an entirely new set of values in there. 

    But still, LO has 2200 more side hp and 3500 more structure hp in return for having 6 less thickness and .3 knots slower. 

    That's almost 6k hp less hp, that is not a small amount. Not to mention, the repair.....

    It's a trade off, yes the Locust ship is a little bit more versatile in that with that level of thickness you have more options, but doesn't mean LO/WO is useless, actually far from it. 

    • Like 1
  15. 5 hours ago, Never said:

    There is an issue with the stats of Locust and Live Oak. @admin you mentioned you would try to keep the values of the old woods in a similar position in relation to the other woods. But Locust seems to have taken the stats of Live Oak. Because Live Oak used to provide the highest thickness, which is now given to Locust (Caguairan).

    But you can buy Locust logs at some ports for very low prices, but Live Oak on the other hand requires you build an expensive forest and another expensive building to harvest it. The old version of Live Oak had the highest thickness but with the trade off being extremely slow. Locust on the other hand doesn't have that same negative impact on speed; it has much higher thickness than Live Oak while also being much faster. Live Oak has some other new attributes but not nearly enough to make it useful when compared to Locust. 

    My suggestion is to switch the thickness/repair stats between Live Oak and Locust. Keeping Locust faster and easier to repair than Live Oak and thicker than most other woods but Live Oak as the slower and harder wood. 

    Locust has 5 to 7 % more thickness, and 5% more speed over Live Oak but sacrifices hp to get it. Live Oak has 7 to 8% more side hp and 24 to 29 % more structure hp than Locust. Live Oak also has a quicker repair and repairs 1.2-1.3% more than Locust. Hell, Live Oak gives more hp to both sides and structure than White Oak does now. Other than Greenheart it, along with African Oak, gives you the most hp out of all the frame types.

    In terms of thickness vs hp it is a straight trade between the two and 29% more structure hp is huge, by far making up for lose in speed. Giving LO increased thickness will make it op. Nerfing Locust will make borderline useless again. The way I see it, there is a trade off between them and if you think LO is useless then you need to compare the stats again. 

    • Like 4
  16. 1 hour ago, admin said:


    New timber stats have been added

    • In general the changes can be characterized as following. Every timber will have main strength point and secondary strength points. Every timber will have a strong weakness (some stronger or weaker)
      • Oaks - HP and Structure HP (hull), secondary - resistance.
      • Teaks - hardness and resistance, secondary - hp
      • Firs - speed and acceleration, secondary - splinter damage
      • Other - specialized woods, giving strong bonuses in one area.
    • We tried to keep old woods around the same parameters. Please provide feedback on the philosophy and provide feedback on changes.



    The way I read the table is that structure and armor repair at different amount of time, correct?

    I know the base repair amount per ship is 20% and the base repair time per ship is 90 seconds. Do these values remain the same for both armor and structure?

    So far what I am seeing I really enjoy the updates and changes. 

    • Like 3
  17. 4 minutes ago, erelkivtuadrater said:

    So if the reason is to use them to fight with.. One could wonder why you can even break up these ships, open for thoughts 🤷‍♂️

    To get the best port bonuses. For example I have a Vic 65 that has good port bonus. But I keep redeeming them daily to see if I get a better one. If I don't I break them up.

    Same with most ships or a case of if I'm not using it for the foreseeable future why not break it up. Usually save several for the PZ's but not playing much atm so when I log on to burn my hours I redeem and break them up.

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