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Posts posted by Celtiberofrog

  1. Hello gents,

    Now that Dev's has decided to give a chance to explore the feature of DIFFERENT LOCAL SERVERS with restricted PB's windows,

    The EU server population must be as positive as possible and happily test/play without feeding over-complains.





    • Like 3
  2. Hello captains.

    As we know talking with nieghborhoods becomes extremely important within the current NA theater.

    For Spain, the VLTRA clan has its official diplomat "Senhor Lenhador" ready to discuss with any other Nation clans.

    • Like 9
  3. 6 minutes ago, Grundgemunkey said:

    they havemt killed it for everyone just for Brits ..its quite obvious devs dont want Brits on eu server  ...pre wipe we had most globally diverse nation ...pb time zones . meant a lot of our players were forced onto global for content

    we started with no reasonable access to any of the rare resources such as coal silver or gold .. if you think having coal available in Road Town is reasonable your off your trolley

    devs see there mistake and give us access to coal ...in Belize and Bridgetown wtf  are we supposed to do at bridgetown

    then they change the conquest marks to pensions ..we take two ports and earn ourselves 50 conquest marks a day ....the spanish win 2 PB and get 150 conquest marks a day

    everytime we seem to take a step forward ..we get knocked back 3 . ..

    our capital is gank central you can walk from kpr to carlisle on the decks of enemy ships waiting for easy pvp points from pubbies and newbies

    those that think its fair as we had advantage in numbers pre patch ..its not the same .. its 25 v25 in a pb with equal ships doesnt matter if you have 100 in nation or 1000 ...

    when your 25 have indefats and your facing 25 l oceans because of an unbalanced pensions system ...the game becomes unplayable because we cant compete at any level






    "..its quite obvious devs dont want Brits on eu server  ..." 

    yes, this might be a crusade against anglo-saxon heretics !!!

    please, analyse, organize your group and utilize the existing features while it's still available.


  4. 9 hours ago, Darayavahus said:

    From what i've just heard on GB Nation chat since yesterdays PB in Cartagena de Indias Spanish nation received 75 Conquest Marks (and they will still receive it daily). Not Mentioning Neuve-Orleans which gives the same ammount aswell.

    Great Ballance devs, you just killed the PvP EU - 10 Spanish L'oceans and 10 Bellonas just arrived near Belize. ;) And until the end of the next week GB Nation might be wiped out with current way distribution of Conquest Marks works.


    You got it wrong, add the current available features and you'll understand that a minimum of organization between players would allow you to grow faster.

    Brits have got many territories as well as number of ACTIVE players.

    Mutual friendly flips are allowed now ! talk to your neighbors, arrange it.

    War could come from East... now it's time to prepare War.  


  5. We should be all aware that we are still testing, the current features should be understood and utilized as long as they are available.

    There will be many further adjustment, today my guess is that DEV's want map ownerships re-rebalancing as well as fasten war ships manufacturing (hence friendly mutual port flips) , tomorow they will again adjust to reach other balances,

    let's follow up, apply provisional features and work (play) for NA optimization.  

    • Like 1
  6. Bonjour à tous,

    Compte tenu des récents évènements et de l'état actuel de la communauté Française sur le serveur EU de NA,

    Je me permet humblement d'exposer mon point de vue (extérieur) pour que ce groupe ne devienne pas minoritaire et que ses joueurs laissent tomber le jeux à terme.

    1) Organiser une réunion extraordinaire avec 1 seul représentant de chaque clan actif (y compris ceux qui se sont déjà installés dans une autre nation).

    2) Envisager la possibilité de tous vous unir dans un seul clan en organisant un vote qui nomera 5 joueurs qui dirigeront un nouveau conseil de guerre (décisions à la majorité dans ce conseil)

    3) Ce nouveau clan mettra tout en commun (les mines et matériaux, les PVE, PVP et Conquest marks) dans le magasin central et devra inclure vos spécialistes du crafting (Kair ? etc...) qui construira des navires (Le clan en sera propriétaire) qui seront prétés aux joueurs actifs lors des PB's.  

    4) Nomer:  

    -1 seul diplomat avec un remplaçant

    -1 trésorier qui collectera la taxe hebdomadaire de chaque joueur apartenant au clan

    Ce jeux existe pour que vous y trouviez tous du plaisir, mais pour ce faire, chaque joueur doit freiner ses instincts d'indépendance et, pour certain, freiner sa tendance à vouloir décider seul pour un groupe. Seul un petit nombre élu par votre communauté pourra et devra prendre des décisions, celles-ci, une fois prises, seront respectées pour le bien du groupe.  

    Bonne chance


    • Like 3
  7. 7 ports attacked against same nation in the same day is not sustainable unless Dev's are "currently" allowing that mechanic purposely in order to aim for territory ownership balance in the map. 

    If it's the case, we'll end up with the logic "most populated nation = biggest land control" , at that time, the biggest nation with its possible allies, will be able to destroy a smaller nation quite easily.

    Let's hope we'll be reasonable regarding balanced alliances...

    or Dev's will have to implement some restrictions in a future patch.

  8. Very nice one Don Lenhador !!

    As mention above, ATLAS clan is the brother clan of PLVS-VLTRA clan.

    First one is mainly english speaking while the second one is mainly spanish speaking, but both will strongly help any new players in Spanish Faction.

    PLVS-VLTRA will be only present in PVP EU server (not the global one).

    Also, any new player or group of players, that might be reluctant to join our clans but would rather start its own clan, would be equally helped out and instantly considered as brothers in Spanish Faction.

    In any case, you must know that the TeamSpeak server that holds the main Spanish clans channels has got the following adress :

    Visit us any time !!

    See you captains


    • Like 1
  9. Pirates are extremely interesting in NA (in gameplay as well as commercialy).

    It gives the possibility to break (boring) stability and makes success in economy harder.

    Now I guess it would the right time for Dev's to discuss about the best way to finalize the Pirates habilities in NA.

    Veteran player like Lord Vicious may have lots of good suggestions to offer.  

  10. Thx for your comments gents, but this thread regards interest to get as many as possible players & clans to settle in the (historicly) mighty Spanish colonies (in new EU server).

    In that way, we may get a chance to have balanced nation population and set up historiclywise conflicts between powerfull kingdoms such as British, French & Spanish, as well as dealing with dynamic diplomacy with smaller colonies.

    And the more Pirates in EU server the better (from my point of view). 

    cheers all

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Christendom said:

    With the alliances removal, splitting of servers and now removal of global chat this game is going to feel more and more like a ghost town (it already is)

    Alliances removal : Great opportunity to test a different dynamical diplomacy between clans & factions

    Splitting of servers : Another opportunity to test "maximized population to solve PB's"

    Removal of global chat : Good opportunity to test "realistic lack of enemy information" as well as calm down player's rivality


    * obvious trolling content removed * - The Moderation Team

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  12. Rickard,

    The thread does regard another subject: build a fresh & populated balanced server

    This is only a testing experiment and it'd be nice to test a map with Spain as populated as other faction, the large Spanish territory should logically be proportional to number of player playing as Spain.

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    Dear sailors & captains,

    The [VLTRA] Spanish clan (about 40 active players) and the [SH] Spanish clan will migrate to the new server « PVP EU », they decided to test NA in a more strategical way thanks to Port battle mechanics & region controls managed & defended within a prime time window during a maximized player population.


    The server new start is expected to include a map wipe, with a return to original territories configuration.

    With a Major historical nation like Spain, owning a huge territory area, it is our conviction to look for an as balanced as possible (in player base terms) geopolitical situation between the other historical powerful nations such as the British and French colonies.


    Therefore, the [VLTRA] clan warmly invite as many as possible new or old clans to settle in the Spanish faction.

    Despite the [VLTRA] clan is mostly Spanish speaking, some of us will be dedicated to optimize communication in english between clans. We would actually hope to reach a majority of English speaking clans into the Spanish faction.


    Any clan interested to this constructive intention can visit us in the main Spanish faction TeamSpeak server ==>

    in order to discuss the best way to help & cooperate for your settlement.


    Thank you & good wind all



    • Like 21
  14. I guess most of those who are still heavily posting in this forum, those who project themselve to be active in both servers, those who discuss franticly about alliances, those who are speculating about number of players coming back after the wipe; 

    Are the one who can afford spending hours every day into NA.

    It looks like those are totaly forgetting about the large amount of occasional players. For these occasional players the wipe means many hours of crafting, of sailing & trading before being able to pay attention about diplomacy and conquest.with descent ships. Most of them left NA testing because they reached limits of interest as the economy was jamed, the crafting was polluted by redeemables, the fighting merits were only collective or ramdom.

    These occasional players will come back massively after the wipe as it's gonna be a new game to be tested. At this stage NA's balance is gonna be completly unpredictable.

    So all that can be done untill the wipe is to be patient and experiment progressively in testbed



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  15. Let's cheer the gentlemen behavior offered by Kierrip. 

    Let's admit that unfair mechanics & unbalanced TZ population have spoiled the comunity mood.

    Let's give a try (before final release) to TZ prime time servers in addition to global server.

    Let's test & enjoy heavy upcoming wipe !!

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  16. 5 hours ago, pristien VanDiesel said:

    Does this include ports and buildings you have ,

    We are assuming that there will be a Map wipe with restart from original region ownership (there gonna be new server too, with TZ prime time)

    Regarding buildings, as economy is modified as well as crafting mechanics, they should all be wiped too.

    5 hours ago, pristien VanDiesel said:

    And can you stock pile resources

    All assets means everything (ships, materials, goods, etc...) wiped except XP & craftXP 

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  17. La Faccion Española a pasado a traves de muchos problemas por tener incapacidad de coodinar operaciones y pretender a defender eficientemente al teritorio suyo.

    Aquella desorganisacion, por tener muchos clanes independientes y muchos individualismos nos ha hecho perder casi la totalidad de las regiones (a su tiempo).

    La union de varios clanes ha sido la unica manera de ser mas eficientes.

    Sin embargo, hay un total respeto a los clanes que han preferido quedarse independiente, de algun modo siguen siendo muy utiles para la faccion. Unas fuerzas independiente queda muy imprevisible para el enemigo.

    Aquellos, que se pueden comparar historicamente a los corsarios, pueden decidir de juntarse o de apoyar a operaciones importantes, es una ayuda muy valiosa. No veo aqui ningun motivo de desacuerdo o quejas.

    Siempre habra el interes global detras de cada accion del clan mayor de la Faccion Española (los VLTRA's), y creo que nadie lo dude.  

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  18. We purchased an unfinished game in order to contribute to get a final product.

    All these months of testing have been very exiting, with certainty that the base of this "pre-game" is absolutly awesome.

    Those bad reviews are pityfull and mostly come from peeps that wanted to play but not test. They are frustated as their toy has been constantly broken with new patches.

    Keep up that great job Dev's, be sure that all these foss will not prevail, you are very skilled in coding, your project will succeed .

    (I witnessed & played games since Comodor/Amiga ! my game choices have always been very selective with very little hours played when not convinced, your project has created addiction from the very begining ! for me NA has entered into my best ever list TotalWar series, Half Life series and Mount&Blade series, and NA it's not even released yet !!!)

  19. 3 hours ago, admin said:
    • Preparation of the server merges and reorganization by 19th of April
    • Opening of servers 19th-20th April

    Hello there,

    Have we been informed about what will be applied onto the PVP map when server merge or servers opening ?

    Will the maps (global Server & EU server) be wiped too ? or will region ownerships will remain unchanged including a mirror mapping for new EU server ?

    thx for your comments


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