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Posts posted by MDHansen

  1. christ allmighty smite me! I finally got the time (gf is away for the weekend) and sat down to get this started. I got the programs, ive run them... and im so lost LOL

    now. it took me a minute to figure the SamboyCoding out, but I did it, running it from the cmd. the il2cppDumper is all ok and good. ILSpy is up and running (ive used dnspy before, but not really actually used it. 
    Regards to ILSpy, do you actually do anything there, or is it for perusing only?

    Ghidra... completely lost. :D it's installed and running, but.. yeh

    Well, I got the time to make sense out of this. I can see the files in Samboy directory. I recognize most of it


    I've been getting really good at rumagging around using UABEA through the resource.assets and sharedassets files, knowing what to look for (for the most part), but oh man is it tedious. I've replaced fonts, resized different windows and popups ingame, information windows, replace/resize flags, etc etc etc.. 


    Would you be able to hop on to BrotherMunros discord one day for a chat ? @NathanKell



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  2. @t5cy

    aiAdmirals - follow the setup of the other nations
    aiPersonalities - make a new personality (this strictly isnt needed as you can use one of the other majors)
    partModels - either make a new set, or just use another nation (e.g. gun_16_x1_italy, newnationname)
    parts - same as partModels (e.g. bb_7_bismarck,,hull,Super Battleship II,,-1,-1,2.33,1250,bismarck_hull_a,1.4,,,germany, newnationame,)
    players - use the setup for the major nations when promoting the minor
    provinces - add home nation to your country
    relationMatrix - follow the setup in the file
    shipNames - follow the setup of the other nations

    Saying this. at the moment we can't add new home territory, because it is hardcoded, confirmed by Nick in my thread here 

    I also highly suggest using MelonLoader and UnityExplorer when modding, as you get a live log on what's going on when you start the game.
    However, there is a log in C:\Users\"name"\AppData\LocalLow\Game Labs\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\Player.txt / Player-prev.txt

  3. what I want most of all, and is what I do ingame by using UE through MelonLoader, is to change the UI resolution. The game says it runs at 3840x2160, but it really isn't. Infact UE says its running at a native 1024x768. On a 60" gaming screen running at full 4k, then blown back again to 1990 era resolution... Minecraft comes to mind😝

    So I change the resolution, and then all the information popups on the campaign map. tedious, takes a few minutes, but worth it. Sadly have to do it each time I load the game. I am not fluent enough in this unity/c++ language to do anything about it sadly

  4. I think an option to attack minors is needed. It's been mentioned before several times.

    something like this maybe;
    -place a fleet (50kt (it's a minor after all)) on top of the minor port you want to attack <same procedure as you would dock at your own port>
    -next turn an event pops asking if you want to attack said minor with the potential consequences of warring a major nation
    -if response is yes, the allied major nation will decide if it's worth going to war with you. say 80/20 for/against
    -next turn the invasion happens as per usual

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  5. Hello

    I am making this thread to spread my knowledge and findings regards the UI ingame. I will keep updating this as I find more information and ways to play with the UI


    1. Get UABEA and understand how it works.
    2. Open the resources.assets file located in "steamapps\common\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts_Data"
    3. Press F8 (scene hierarchy)
    4. Instructions for individual areas follows below

    FYI; You can find the asset in the resource file by right clicking the component in the right hand column and choose "Visit Asset". It will then jump to the correct object in Assets Info. Edit the object(s) and you can then extract them out, so you can add them back in after a game update. Skips the process of doing it all over again every patch.


    First off is the annoying damage floatups. This has been a thorn in my side, along with the bad resolution/scaling ingame. @brothermunro has somehow disabled some of the floatups ingame, through means only known to the Man himself (no, not Munro, he doesn't know how he did it).
    1. Scroll all the way down and find "FloatUpCont"
    2. In the right hand column look for "Canvas Base", right click it and choose "Edit Asset"
    3. Find "1 UInt8 m_Enabled = 1", and change it to = 0
    4. Hit ok and ok to the message popping up.
    5. Close the Scene Hierarchy window and save the fileFvjujSk.png


    Remove individual sounds (aka remove the annoying effects in the shipbuilder, ui click sounds, end turn, etc etc)
    1. Find music_world_peace. About 1/7 down the page
    2. Everything below(with no expanding triangle) is sounds/effects (music_world_peace -> con_generate_ship)
    3. Right click+Edit Asset "MonoBehaviour Base (soundpack)" in the right column, counts for all
    4. Find  
    "0 float volumeMin = "
    "0 float volumeMax = "
    and change to = 0 (or something to your choosing between 0 and 1)


    Box and Font Size campaign map popup messages (typcal "confirm" and "information" messages)
    1. Find MessageBox (all the way down)

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