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Sir Henry de Montfort

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Everything posted by Sir Henry de Montfort

  1. The problem with the 3rd Rate is dual.... Positive 1) Players need them to level (great kill/assist) exp. 2) It's the first real lineship, a player uses and most frequently in game for grinding and port battles. 3) Makes a player lots of loot if sold along with guns. 4) Large amounts can be captured during several hours of team grinding. Negative 1) To easily capped and in large amounts. This makes crafting and losing a 3rd rate in battle of little regard. No point crafting and taking care of a 3rd rate, like you would your trincomolee or bellona. I could just go cap another in 15min. Port Battles are getting silly, example. Pirates and Danes throw 2 fleets of 25/25 capped 3rd at Jeremy every night for almost a week defended by british. They lost 50 third rates attacking each night for 7 nights. That's 350 sunken third rates at 1 port. That is ridiculous... It makes crafting kind of pointless in the 3rd rate catg. Unless your a cpt who likes good mods on your third. Port Battles at will.... the capping of thirds and port battles all day with capped thirds is putting so much money in people's pockets and the amounts of thirds capped...that port battles are happening TOO MUCH. People are getting burned out doing 3-5 port battles a night. I know thirds are a part of the world exp/port battle/money equation but my opinion is they need to go the way of the pavel. Port battles should be carefully planned battles where you SHOULD be scared to lose your crafted ship..not disposable ship that has 10 clones standing by. Make you think wither that attack is worth it.
  2. Another option is that you receive a crafting bonus for making mats/parts at your shipyard with a reduction in crafting hours used per mat. Along with cheaper ship repair costs or repair kits
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