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Michael JD

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Everything posted by Michael JD

  1. right and when this happens repeatedly you dont have a problem with that?
  2. I believe that if you're sunk while out at sea you should re spawn at your capital rather than the nearest port. It is punishment enough that you died. Why force the player to have to get a basic cutter to sail all the way home. Especially considering if you're in hostile territory you get targeted over and over in your basic cutter
  3. My clan personally has our own "Capital" if you will. I think this is a great idea. To prevent trader abuse/other abuses just put it on a cool down of 7 days or something of that nature.
  4. Commander for UMAD here: We decided to test the water and figure out what the Spanish actually could bring to a fight prior to committing actual resources ie... 1st Rates/2nd Rates/Full Dura Bellonas. After taking a look at the ship count, and seeing that we were way outgunned and outnumbered. Our connie Captains bravely went down swinging allowing several 3rd Rates to Escape. Our Crazy Southern Mascot heroically went into fire shock and blew up next to a Santissima in his Trincomalee. RIP brave crew. Nice form up in US time zone Donny Dons, we will see you again soon, its not over. P.S. We wanted to test out the mortar brigs for shiggles. They are absolutely terrible in the current meta. Anyways good fight gents and we will see you soon.
  5. First off let me say that waiting at a battle screen tactic is WRONG and needs to be removed. However, any limitation to ganking in an Open world PVP server is just wrong. However, the 1.5 battle rating discourages any kind of strategy when "baiting" out an enemy force. You are practically saying, "hey I know you worked hard recruiting 40+ members and I know that baiting an enemy squadron out takes both patience and finesse. However, the enemy fleet that attempted to gank your member requires a fair fight and must be able to see what you bring to the field so they can decide not to take the fight and run back to port. Therefore you can only bring a portion of your force." Please don't ruin this game by catering to the carebears who whine just because they got sunk. If they don't want to fight, pick either a safe spot on the map or go to the PVE server. Heck, form a defense fleet and chase us out of the area. But please get rid of this ridiculous 1.5 rating. We fight the Spanish, frequently down in Victoria. We have been highly successful at baiting the Spanish out of port using a Le Gros Ventre. The same people who were going to gank the Le Gros Ventre then complained when we dog piled out of port and jumped into the battle just seconds after the tag finished. Why should we be punished for defending one of our players by counter ganking.
  6. Any limitation of ganking on an Open world PVP server is just wrong. That being said I agree that having people wait at the battle screen is unacceptable and an unfair tactic. However, the 1.5 battle rating discourages any kind of strategy when "baiting" out an enemy force. You are practically saying, "hey I know you worked hard recruiting 40+ members and I know that baiting an enemy squadron out takes both patience and finesse. However, the enemy fleet that attempted to gank your member requires a fair fight and must be able to see what you bring to the field so they can decide not to take the fight and run back to port. Therefor you can only bring a portion of your force." Please don't ruin this game by catering to the carebears who whine just because they got sunk. If they don't want to fight, pick either a safe spot on the map or go to the PVE server. Heck, form a defense fleet and chase us out of the area. But please get rid of this rediculous 1.5 rating.
  7. Glad to see that the care bears are negatively effecting the game just because they are not capable enough to watch for sails on the horizon.
  8. All my +1. These are great ideas but I also think it can go further. This is probably my favorite. If you start a fight then pay the consequences if he has friends especially considering this is Open World.
  9. We are a US clan on PVP1 EU. Come drop by our teamspeak: noquartergiven.tsservers.com Or register for our website and submit an application: https://no-quartergiven.com/index.php We actively PVP, AI Grind, and support our crafters with an in-game network.
  10. I believe it is unacceptable for a group within a nation to dictate whether or not I can sink/kill/capture a member of another nation. I think we can see the obvious lack of success that a council has done for the United States of America. I find it especially Ironic that you caused one of the largest clans in the faction to defect to pirate thanks to your antics. Look at how eve online's political structure: their loose political infrastructure has created one of the most famous if not infamous in gaming history.
  11. My buddy who has recently has considered joining the dark side (Ie.. switched from console gaming to PC gaming) is really interested in playing naval action and is considering purchasing a computer to do so. Now I have suggested a dozen different gaming rigs he could make or even purchase. However, he is caught up in the Alienware Steam Machine bandwagon. TLDR: Will Naval Action Run on the Alienware Steam Machine with the linked specs: http://www.dell.com/us/p/alienware-steam-machine/pd?oc=dkcwa03s&model_id=alienware-steam-machine https://gyazo.com/a3a3a73cb6ee47e3deff5aa7507fa279 https://gyazo.com/d278c67254f83a8f227063bed4b9c7d3
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