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Posts posted by D4mi4nNL

  1. Ah, our beloved spanish allies.


    always making some kind of demands from others. I guess we have to love the ones who know to demand what they deserve...


    NOW, dutch are beaten enough. GET YOUR ASS back to CUBA so we all can storm jamaica before port wipe.


    i would say come and try before you reach jamaica than we got 75 players ready for you


    ps danes should know this message when they tried to attack carlisle :)

  2. So you are saying that everybody of the Dutch who aren't fighting with you have no voice and aren't important?

    So have you been in the homewaters with all the pirates and spanish...


    Should we all hail you as the next Ceasar or a equivalent german term?


    this will go wrong let's stop about it

  3. For many deep-seated reasons, most of which deal with the DAS breakup. I won't be drawn into a conversation about it here, but trust me this nation has progressed through many stages in the last 2 and a half months. There was a mega clan named DAS. Now there are many clans not named DAS, but DAS exists as a small crew outside the pvp zone. Lookup every Dutch council screamer posting. Just about all roads do lead to the same place. Drama is everywhere sadly, and this is no different.


    i think that the problem is that dutch has 2 councils now since alot of clans  did leave the das council for some reasons

  4. Now I dont agree with Damian constantly pushing for useless war for useless ports but secure borders in exchange for 13 ports are a bit of a funny reward for overrunning a nation ;)

    Like what i said earlier it took brits alot of time to cap that 13 ports in yucatown

    As I have told you in general chat, you have not personally achieved nothing in this war.

    At least I can give credit that I have fighted Gooneybird and Pellasgos and others a lot of time. I wouldn´t remember you if you weren´t in the general chat spreding your toxinas.

    And thats why i disagree this treaty always is it my fault also in global chat with toxic while you guys begun

  5. I must confess that I did not like this thing at the begining. But seeing all the rections I´m starting to love it.

    Hey, if so many brits, dutch and americans hate it can´t be so bad.

    In regard to americans, I am sure that if the US returns Las Tortugas, Cayo Vacas, Cayo de Sal and La Anguilla, and put their feet off Cuba, no one would waste the wonderful nights of August in Spain attacking ports or destroying communities.

    I´m not diplomat, I´m a particular.

    Always do we give spain something and what do we get back? Nothing indeed

  6. Quite honestly stay out of this Damian... you have no idea what you vote for or what benefits your nation. You won't run out of ports to attack you'll merely change the enemies so pelase hold back.


    I cannot believe you Dutch palyers would carry out your private war on the back of a decent treaty that benefits pretty much all of us. This is a disgraceful behaviour and not befitting an ally of the British nation - quite honestly - get your shit in order before you post differing accounts of your nation on the forum again (pietjenoob, Olav, pellagios)

    Whats your problem mate

  7. Sometimes compromises need to be made in order to achieve something greater. Eyes on the horizon, my friend. There's a much larger picture than sacrificing a few ports nobody will ever visit.

    Because were giving it to spain and we werent allowed to push furthef
  8. My sources tell me this proposal has not gone through the dutch consortium, as a result this undermines what we have worked for to get a United Netherlands, as such no matter how favorable it would be to the united provinces or its allies I, Olav Van Deng, Cannot agree to this agreement and will do all that is in my power to make sure it shall not pass.


    -Olav Van Deng, Carebear

    I'm gonna do the same thing

  9. Says "Mr. I switched nation three times already" :lol: .




    i never wanted to be a pirate but my favor clan wanted so i did also go and that was only to fix pirates nation 'What never will happen" 

  10. Dear allies,

    Spain is fighting hard for many weeks, it is part a coalition that is born by itself involving several nations fighting common enemies.

    France is a faithful ally, Pirates is a friendly partner, Danemark is France's ally.

    In order to counter-balance the enemy coalition (England, Holland, USA & Sweeden) it is necessary to combine war efforts.

    Spain therefore ask its allies & partners to fight everywhere the enemies are located:

    - Danemark should not tolarate anymore the Sweeds surrounding them through recent Sweeds port conquests in Northen Haiti.

    - France should not anymore grant safe territories to Holland & Sweeden, the signed treaty has only served the enemy coalition (mostly England) to strengthen.

    - Pirates is presently reorganizing their command & fleets and should strike back enemies on unexpected targets.

    Spain has faith on the rightfull coalition that will eventually defeat England and its servile allies who only fight for England gridiness and imperialism desires.



    your just make your nation more shamefull with this things soon you have no allies to help cus your trying to break the treat between danes/french and swedish/dutch while danes and french made it


    come with better things than this


    wierd guy

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