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Posts posted by D4mi4nNL

  1. 10 hours ago, AfkSailor said:

    Total Wipe NO!

    Make resources more available everywhere NO!

    Remove teleports between outposts so nations have to fight on fronts. If you want to build hostility at a distant port, you have to sail your SOL there. NO!

    Remove pirate ports, let their starting port be La Tortue but let them raid ports which allows them to use the port for 3 days NO!

    Add collections, like the rare fish which can be only found in certain areas of the map, which when completed can be turned in for rare ships, upgrades, paints. Bring expeditions, as suggested a couple years ago, for rare items to collect for a colection: while sitting outside a port you can send out an expedition and you have to return to that port after a certain time to pick up your crew. YES!

    More PVE content such as daily patrols & blockades at each port that can be only done 1/day for admirality points  YES! (only when there is a pb made!) (for example brits attacked les cayes and you got 46 hours to blockade and do daily patrols at that port)

    Admirality points gained for open world PVP, being on the winning side in a PVP match on the OS gives you points based on damage done and the points are scaled based on BR so even fights or fights won that were not in your favor give more points.  There is a daily limit on the points you can get. NO!

    Admirality store for ships, paints, and upgrades. YES!

    Remove crafting of SoLs.  SoLs can only be bought through admirality store. NO!

    Remove 2nd circle pulling in of AI fleets NO!

    Make the ability to have a fleet a 6 point officer perk for anyone that is over the 3rd rank NO!

    Remove map coordinates but make an officer perk which allows players to see the coordinates (since they are needed for shipwrecks and some players want them) NO!

    Change the signal perk so that the battle stays open until the player with the perk leaves the battle, is sunk, or surrenders.  No BR restrictions. YES!

    Get rid of PVP events or link them to raising hostility.  NO!


  2. Just now, Ink said:

    In case there was any major connection issue there would be more compaints, but the fact you both use the same ISP indicates that the issue on your ISP side, lets hope it will be solved soon.

    seems balticsailor got also problems he said this don't think so, to [D4mi4n] ah packed loss? my chat gets buggy some times when my wlan is bad he doesnt has ziggo

  3. Ping statistics for
        Packets: Sent = 25, Received = 24, Lost = 1 (4% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
        Minimum = 125ms, Maximum = 163ms, Average = 143ms

  4. 1 minute ago, Kloothommel said:

    I think the package losses are too high for the game. is there an IP where we can pingtrace to find the issue?

    dit zegt ziggo, 

    Problemen met internet op Windows 10

    Door een update van Windows 10 werkt internet mogelijk niet. Dit wordt in samenwerking met Microsoft onderzocht.

  5. Just now, Ink said:

    It seems Captain D4mi4n uses the same ISP, could you both please call ISP tech support to clarify there are no temporary issues?

    there are some problems with the provider but why does it only do problems on naval action pvp eu

  6. Just now, Kloothommel said:

    Ingame menus and tabs (in port) are very laggy and respond badly, long deloays in reaction/loading. Are the database servers for the game bugged/damaged/under attack?


    idk a asked my clan on ts and they were saying that it did work normally

  7. 3 minutes ago, Kloothommel said:

    I'm having very high pings (300+ms) to pvp eu 1 as well, normally I'm at 19ms. Loading into the servers is very slow as well, to a pint where I can't get past character selection.

    Is there an issue with the datacenters?

    get the same things took me 5 mins until i finally logged from player selection but than chats that wont load spawned at a outpost from france than ships that wont load

  8. hi guys

    idk if im the only one with this but im lagging when im trying to log into game it shows this ping for me. And sometimes it shows no ping, it's only pvp 1 eu and pve one pvp 2 us works fine for me







    Edit: my network works good no problem with it got 186 ms



    As a prosecutor of the Frisian Admiralty:

     i  see it as a case for the tribunal as it is a  war crime


    the case  (PB on 4-11-16 danes vs US )


    i want to see to trial all the Danish participants of the PB on 4-11-16 Danes vs  US


    for the crime:

    The deliberate use of an known exploit :


    - A  Attack with fleet logs in, in front of the port to circumvent the screening fleet by mechanic and not by skill! 


    its an  attack against game mechanic.


    its an attack on morals. and bad conduct


    it is even an  insult :

    to all the sailors in front of the harbor who wants to protect it 



    There should be a  investigation on the participants on that particular event to see who they are


    And i demand a 2 weeks ban for all the participants on the danish side who used this tactic


    A apology from the participants to the US players


    and even without a fair trial.......i let them walk the planks for it...


    i agree with that 2 weeks ban

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