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Posts posted by Yngvarr

  1. I had just returned from a mission, sailing to a harbor.

    i went into the harbor, and the name of that harbor was wrong, and half the UI was missing.

    I quit the game while in port.


    I restart Steam and restart the game.

    I can login, but now i'm stuck on the character selection screen.

    I click "Start" but nothing happens.

    This only happens on PVP EU,

    when i login on PVE EU, it works fine.

    • Like 1
  2. I'd remove marks entirely, and replace them with a standardized resource that is given as reward for all action in the game, PVP, PVE, RvR.

    In varying degrees of course. PVP would reward more than PVE, but at least this way everybody can get the resource although at different speeds depending on their playstyle

    Make higher level ships attainable for everyone, not only the people who are ganking newbies in mission areas to farm PVP Marks.

    The current restrictions that are implemented with the Marks system are just ridiculous, and contradictory to an open world/ sandbox game.


    • Like 4
  3. i also dislike the part where whole portions of the game are closed to you if you chose not to go hunt for player in OW.

    i'd at least include an exchange store, perhaps with an uneven exchange rate between PVE and PVP marks.


    i would have thought that "sandbox" means that there are multiple ways to get to the same goal.

    Instead we don't get Naval Action, but a railroad that needs to be followed and dev's that intend  "this is the way you MUST play"


    I did PVP before the wipe, now since the patch, not so much anymore.

    I''m not in the mood to lose a ship i've farmed resources for for multiple days, in 1 blow by a Pirate gank-squad that seem to have ships with jet engines, and only attack you when you are alone and helpless.

    That being said, i get no PVP marks and am stuck at the light frigate level.


    And for those doubting the definition of "Sandbox":

    Open world, free roam, or (more loosely) sandbox are terms for video games where a player can move freely through a virtual world and is given considerable freedom in regard to how and when to approach particular objectives, as opposed to other video games that have a more linear structure to their gameplay


    "An open world is a level or game designed as nonlinear, open areas with many ways to reach an objective."

    • Like 5
  4. @admin

    I suggest bringing Ship durabilities back, but somewhat modified.


    Since there are 3 types of Port Battles i suggest the following:

    Unranked, 7th and 6th rate ships:           3 Ship Durability

    5th and 4th rate ships.                            2 Ship Durability

    2nd and 1st rate ships:                           1 Ship Durability


    That way, on lower levels, the loss of a ship is not quite as harsh and unforgiving.

    It would be more forgiving to new players, and keep them in the game longer.

    Also, i might suggest the loss of a percentage of the cannons, disabled during battle, say 25-30% of the cannons (barrels get damaged, carriages get shot to splinters).




    • Like 1
  5. Hi,

    Most Gold and Silver resources looted from ships and Shipwrecks are often in the form of Coins.

    Also, cannons drop as loot, often not the caliber of gun you want or need.

    Therefore i suggest the following:

    Reverse Engineering for some items.

    This should be the case for Silver Coins and Gold Coins, that could be re melted into Ingots.

    Also for Cannons, since they could be taken apart and have the barrels melted down and recast again as ingots to be used in Cannons of a different caliber.

    As we can break down ships, i find it makes sense to be able to do the same with other materials that can be reworked into a previous state.

    This would help with the Gold and Silver being scarce, and being essential to building ships.



    So perhaps, a break-down button for certain materials, which refund x % of the resources used to make them.

    Remelting Iron, Silver or Gold does not really lose that much material in the process, so the percentage could be fairly high, say 75-80% of the original required resources.

    Remelting 100 Silver coins would then return some 70-80 ish Silver Ingots.

    Since you need to work a forge to to this kind of work, perhaps coupled with a operation cost of Coal?

    I suggest the same Coal cost as the casting of these Ingots.


    It would give the Silver Coins and Gold Coins a second purpose, next to being used in Refits and such.

    • Like 5
  6. Read the damn post.

    If you have nothing constructive to add to this, just shut up.

    I'm not in the mood for accommodating forum trolls.


    i said i did not have an issue with Pirates hunting our water.

    It is what they do.


    i do have a problem that they can pop in and out of a Free Town, without us being able to do anything against it.

    For some reason, all their ships seem to have superspeed, and we're never able to catch them.

    They just hide in their Free Town, pop in and out for a few minutes until we leave, and then just resume hunting again.

  7. @admin

    I'd like to see some limitations put onto Free Towns.

    For several days now, the Dutch nation has been plagued by certain Pirate players, that enjoy hunting in the area between Coquibacoa and Fort Zoutman.

    The hunting part, i have no issues with.

    The part i have issues with, is that when we chase them, they just run back to the Free Town, and then pop back in and out for a few minutes until it's safe to start hunting again.

    For the Dutch players, this just becomes an unending game of whack-a-mole, and there's nothing we can do to stop that.


    I'd suggest some kind of timer on leaving and re-entering the free port

    Another option is a port battle-like mechanic that allows a nation to blockade the free port for x hours.

    This would allow only ships of the blockading nation to enter and leave the free port for the duration of the blockade.

    • Like 1
  8. @admin



    A few ideas, people might recognize some parts from the Assassin's Creed Black Flag game:


    - Treasure Fleet:

    * This could be an AI Treasure Fleet sailing from port to port long distances, to be intercepted by enemy player. (this fleet would have AI military escorts)

    * This could be a fleet-mission in which the players need to defend a player or AI Treasure fleet, in which the Treasure fleet needs to get to another port.

    (possible to be an OW kind of mission, or perhaps an instanced one with AI attackers to defend against)

    This port should not be within a certain range of the starting point of the mission.

    The players would be rewarded for successful arrival in the destination port, and enemy players would be rewarded when the enemy ships are sunk or captured.

    Perhaps enemy players could be made aware of the possibility of a Treasure fleet passing through their territories, with a starting point and a heading maybe.

    * This could be a sort of instanced battle with AI Treasure fleet, but with players from 2 nations, that have to battle the AI naval escort and the enemy players to get the rewards of the treasure fleet.

    (The loot distributed throughout the participating players, not just the ones that kill the ship(s), if they actively contributed to the battle)


    - Legendary Ships:

    * Large, powerful and rare ships that sail around the oceans, to be found and captured or sunk by players.

    (The loot distributed throughout the participating players, not just the ones that kill the ship(s), if they actively contributed to the battle)


    The rewards for the above should be more valuable then standard missions, but no items that are otherwise impossible to get.

    Otherwise there's the feeling these missions "must" be done.


    Anyway, i'm open for constructive criticism.




  9. as said above, the fact that there are serious issues with the Marks mechanic, aka exploits, is wearing on our people and driving them away.

    and they only pose 2 possible scenario's:

    either the exploits and bugs get fixed, or they'll just leave the game, leaving us with a game that bleeds players on a constant basis.


  10. @admin

    The result of a PB between the Dutch nation and Spain.


    As you can see, that specific clan has gotten a large amount of heavy ships very fast.

    rumor = (Apparently this is the result of Spain collaborating with Pirates in order to exploit the Conquest marks system by flipping ports with only minimal defence.)

    i mean, this is so predictable, it could have been avoided.


    Also, what where you thinking putting half of the crucial resources in Spanish territories, this gives them a huge advantage in resources.

    At this point, it's pretty much impossible for the Dutch nation to take the Cartagena de Indias region.

    We get almost no Conquest Marks, and are are deprived of crucial resources for shipbuilding, furthering the setback we suffer as a nation.


    If the point of the mega patch was to push Spain in front of every nation, well done.


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