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Everything posted by BeeRanch

  1. The reason that the Americans lose consistently to the SORRY clan is that they lack competent leadership. Rank requirement have been cut in half and the new fleet orders are more lucrative than any "reinforcement exploit" ever was. After you got your ass kicked the first time you should have ranked up, built first rates and practiced fleet tactics. In stead you make excuses and rationalize defeat. It seems that your current strategy is to curl up in a fetal position and hope we will stop beating you. You believe the British will save you. It is time for you to man up and save yourselves. You have more players than SORRY. You have more resources than SORRY. You have more crafters than SORRY. There is no excuse for the American Nation to be as weak and wimpy as they are. At some point SORRY is going to let you off the mat and you should use that opportunity to consolidate your best players under competent leadership and learn how to fight as a fleet.
  2. NO MORE DUMBING DOWN THE GAME!! Learn how to sail. Keeping a tight formation is a skill...learn how to do it.
  3. The most fun I have had in this game has been in a Port Battle where my team was defending. We were out gunned and outnumbered but we went toe to toe , throwing hay-makers and gut-punches. We were narrowly defeated. My ship was sunk and I had a BLAST. Unfortunately , most of the pot battles I have been in have been uncontested. Shooting undefended towers suck...BIG TIME. The way that the game is played now , most ports have so little value that they are not defended. If a clan or nation had a financial incentive to take and defend ports, there would be more PvP port battles. A clan should have a common bank to be administered by its leaders. Any port captured by the clan will pay regular taxes to the clan bank. Money can be used however the clan sees fit. Active and aggressive clans will be rewarded. Nations would be forced to give battle. Shipyards and buildings should not be allowed in ports that cannot be attacked (free ports). Buildings should be destroyed when the port is lost. If you cannot defend your stuff you should not have it. For example: In the resent war of the U.S. nation (the Council) vs Pirates (Sorry). The Pirates stopped aggressively prosecuting the war after it was clear that the U.S. had retreated to the Gulf and could no longer mount a credible defense. If there was a strong incentive to take and hold ports the pirates would have continued to roll up the Americans until they would be forced to stand and fight or sue for peace. For the Care Bears: To keep weak Nations from being knocked out of existence, the citizens should be able to vote to sue peace. A cease fire would be enforced for a time to allow the weaker nation time to regroup. During the cease fire they should be allowed to buy back their ports for ten times the cost of the conquest flag. Capitals should be allowed to be attacked and taken, thus ending the war automatically. Once the war is ended the capital is returned and a cease fire is enforced for a time and the defeated are allowed to buy back their ports. Port defenses for capitals should be two or three times stronger than for normal ports. However it is accomplished, I believe that Ports should be much more important to hold than they are now. We should have a way to end a war decisively without completely destroying the enemy and we need more contested port battles.
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