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Posts posted by Porpoise

  1. 21 hours ago, n_Ka said:
      Some information on enemy actions will be removed from boarding to discourage last click action.
    NPC chasing abilities improvements + NPC aggression in the open world (when AI is confident it can catch and the target and give it some action). Captains will have to plan the movement around clusters of enemy ships (players or non players).

    sound like epic battles!

    I am sure everyone is excited about being tagged by these 12 ships AI fleets when sailing in the OW from A to B.  

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  2. IMO all exams are OK. You can find them challenging as a new player and that is good.

    I have completed every task on 1st try except the final exam which took me 2 tries (I am mediocre player at best with some NA experience). The rewards are great for a newbie and the instant promotion to MC is great too. If you can pass the exams then you are competent to sail a frigate. Good idea, I like it a lot. 

    I also think that new players should not skip the 6th rates completely. They are great source of fun and fast action with minimal risk. Losing your Herc right after completing the tutorial could be painful.  

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  3. True. If you want to do some AI raiding in the remote areas then you have to spend enormous portion of time hauling reps there. I suggest all neutral ports should drop reasonable amount of reps every day (even for higher prices), so the raiders could use them and it will increase their time spent in OW dramaticaly. And there should be at least 30% chance to find some reps in the loot. 

    • Like 1
  4. Removing US insignia and making the "2nd connie" look more neutral could be nice. There is really no need for 2 identical ships. Acheron is fine.  

    Acheron in MC movie is actually a Constitution, but the filmakers did not want to place the movie in war of 1812. So they came with background story that Acharon was made in US for the French. 

  5. If there is a BR limitation introduced (for example you cannot attack a snow in a frigate) then there is no reason for having anything but ships of the line in the game. The 90% of naval warfare in the age of sail was about disrupting the trade routes and capturing small, mostly unarmed vessels with frigate size ships. These ships are designed to do that, with superior speed which helps them to run away when being chased.

    The nations and older players are responsible for guarding their space and repelling the intruders. Small ships have enough speed in most cases to run away from frigates. If players do not pay attention to intel, or the intel is not provided, then it is players fault, do not blame game mechanics for that.

    Any limitation in a sandbox game is bad. I know there must be some mechanics and rules, but do not try to make the game equal vs. equal. It would take out the fun from the hunt away from the game.


    I play for 3 months now, was killed once in PVP by 2 ships of similar size. When I was tagged by larger ships, I always managed to escape and I have solid number of solo/small gang victories on my account. The way how to do it is simple. Do not use big, slow ships in the OW alone. My favorite ships are Renommee, Surprise and Trincomalee, they can manage nearly every situation if you are not surprised in the OW. But with all those players who just grind with their 3rd rates it is really a golden age for small frigate gangs moving quickly trough the hostile territory.

    • Like 5
  6. Without the surrender of La Blanquilla and Saint George's back again to the Dutch by the Swedish, the status quo has not yet been achieved to formalize anything, I'm afraid. I'm sure however that the end of this war is for the fearing, the survivors and the uninvolved to see *when* it happens in due time, not *if* it happens in due time.


    But we have to buy a flag first right? No battles occured for 2 days, which is shameful for us. Still many people being involved in fighting pesky pirates near Coquibacoa. We probably need another punch below the waist which resulted in the insane mobilization effort last weekend.


    PS: Common Swedes, give us a fight, we are too lazy to sail anywhere. Come to Macanao. 

  7. This is an example when the idea is not thought through properly.







    Relative direction will make ganks easier not harder. You sail further than swords - and voila you are near the enemy or maybe even ahead of him

    Relative direction existed before in early version. It did not work



    short timers reduce gank for me. If the fleet cannot organize themselves the stragglers will be sank.

    This actually happened multiple times during napoleonic wars. Short timers teach players to sail as a fleet, not as a disorganized mob.

    Losing a station position was a punishable offense. Exactly for the above mentioned reasons (losing station = possible loss of a ship or death) 


    That is true, but I still think there should be an extended timer for the reinforcements to join if there is a big BR difference. It will bring more challenging experience IMO. 

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  8. Even when signals are cancelled by voice, it would be a nice feature. 

    Watching ship moving towards the enemy with "attack signal flag" is just awesome. And every small toy you add for the players is good thing to do. 

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