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Posts posted by Porpoise

  1. Hunting  traders without AI reinforcements available is nearly impossible.

    You can only sail in pair. One tags the trader in, the other one is waiting outside until the traders hits AI button. After that your buddy joins the battle with another ship and kills the single AI while the original attacker captures the trader.

  2. Absolutely true Slamz. The PVP should be and must be challanging content. If there is no risk of losing items/gold/xp/whatever,  then it is not true PVP. Losses should have their consequences and wins should have their rewards. This is what makes PVP thrilling. 


    If there is mechanics that allows to remove valuable assets from players without risk or risking "free ship" only then something is wrong. Especially in the endgame, which 3rd rate probably is. I can imagine in few months that PBs will be all about Vickies and Santissimas, but for now the ammount of disposable 3rd rates are really hurting the RvR environment where all losses should count and have their consequences. 

    I like the limited number of labour hours. It is great mechanics to make capital ships, high grade upgrades and exceptional ships rare. This will be even more emphasized when the endgame ships will be no longer available for free. 

    • Like 1
  3. Well, if yoloing capped 3rds are making the zerg think twice about bringing out their vics I think it's a great "feature". Some of us have done this a few times already; The SOL creep is about to get real.


    But this makes 2nd and 1st rates only overpriced luxury, when anything can be achieved with "free" ships. If the devs want working and player driven economics, they should get rid of captured NPC ships. Or at least limit their potential.

    • Like 3
  4. What about just limiting the quality of all captured ships to basic teak? There will be huge difference between them and the crafted ones, but the ability to replace ships for free will be kept.


    I really do not like the situation now when yolo 3rd rates gank victories without caring about their own losses, because they can cap limitless number of them. When using crafted and expansive ships, they will more care about the tactics and survival.  

    • Like 1
  5. How about you Simply Stop Tagging Smaller Ships in their own Waters and instead seek Fair Fights with Enemies of your own Size ???


    Its already a Joke that a new Player is just Happy to have his First Brig and is Immediatly Faced with 2 Frigates because some Enemy Player Decided to Tag him in his Own Mission where he cannot even Receive Help from other Players.



    You want to Scare Away New Players right off the Bat by constantly having them Raped even in their own Waters ?

    You think Attacking a New Player in a Pickle with 2 Frigates is Fun or what ?


    Actually raiding sea trade was the main purpose of frigates and smaller size ships. It was far more common to attack trade routes than sea battles against well armed ships. And once more this mechanics is making proper piracy/privateering a joke. It should be kept to create safehavens arround ports, but the range of reinforcements should be reduced and visible on map or indicated in the UI even for the opposing side. 

    And btw. If you get cought in a basic cutter by frigate, you are doing something wrong. There is nearly no way for bigger ship to catch a well sailing 6th rate ship as they are always much faster upwind.  


    Keeping the AI reinforcements as they are now is killing PVP opportunities and making a PVP game risk free, which is bad. Mastering OW is key to not being ganked and key to this game at all. I am newbie to solo PVP, but I managed to get some good kills only because I worked out an open world advantage. And I am even engaging bigger ships than I have, but catching traders is nearly impossible for me as there is always annoying ship of the same class. 

    • Like 1
  6. Today we saw a battle where pirates lost 20 3rd rates while killing 4 Victories and call it a victory. Yes, it was economical victory. They lost 20 captured vessels which will be replaced immediately without any serious effort. On the other side the Brits lost 4 capital vessels worth 40 days of crafting for a single player.


    I do not think this mechanic is good for the game. I mean having endless resources.

    • Like 4
  7. Sure. Because autoloss in this case makes perfect sense..... <_<  What about autoleaving battle when nobody's shooting my ship while I'm off? Because this cony was running away, nearly dead. I did not sink, so why did it took my durability???? :angry:  Sry devs, but this is just too bad to carry on..... I refuse to grind endless hours only to lose ships this way. And since 1st rates have only 1 dura, this game is dead for me untill I manage to get better connection. And in a small village, there's no else internet connection to choose from. Maybe in couple years......


    If there were no cosequences of leaving battle (disconecting) it could be easily abused by players just quiting the client every time they get into the trouble. 


    Example1: AH, the Trinco is tagging my Cerberus Alt F4 - problem solved. 

    Example2: Omg, he called reinforcements and now I have to fight 2 ships instead of one.... ALT F4 and nothing happens.


    The mechanics is set to prevent this unfair behaviour. I understand it is painful to lose a good ship because of disco, but you will not be reimbursed for that in any other MMO. For example when you disconects in WOT, WOWS you have chance to jump back and finnish the battle. It works similar in Naval Action. But when you lose your tank during the disconection, then you still have to pay for your repairs and etc. The same system is in EVE online, where the loss of the ship could be 10000x worse than here. Simply you can not sort accidents from intention automatically. This must be done by support staff. Imagine how many players are experiencing the same issue during the day. It is impossible to fix these situations.

  8. I like the new system that was introduced with this patch. The level requierements are fine, because they project your experience in the crafting to the quality of produced ships. 


    I like the idea of 3 different notes type, because they made 2 useless materials high demand goods. I only think, that there should be a way how to craft lower level crafting note using higher level ore. For example: 1 low level note - 60 copper coins or 40 silver coins or 20 gold coins. This could bring more versatility to crafting ships.  

    • Like 2
  9. This mechanics must be preserved as "autoloss" when you are not able to recconect in short period of time. If there was no such mechanics, the pople will just abuse this feature and disconecting whenever their ships is not going to make it. 

    I am sorry for your loss, but only your provider is here to blame. 


    The only thing that devs can do is probably stretching the period of time when you are able to recconect back to the battle to.. 5 minutes maybe?

  10. I tested the guns weight effect today on my Belle Poule.



    Exceptional Oak Belle Poule + gold speed bonus, no speed upgrades


    12lb L guns + 2x 6lb L guns on the upper deck - top speed 11,5 knots


    I replaced weather deck and rear chasers with 24lbs carronades and the top speed was 11,9 knots. 


    Pretty nice difference. 

    • Like 1
  11. The Brits should focus on giving some real fight to the Pirates. But they always come in and run. I wonder what is actually more humiliating. The underpopulated Spanish losing to the biggest faction or the biggest faction slowly being kicked out from the Carribean by "no nation"?

    • Like 1
  12. Port battles need tweaking. Now we can see how can be underpopulated nations swept outta map.

    I got even more radical solution - reducing the number of nations to Britain, France, USA, Dutch, Spain.. I know that Swedes and Danes have beautiful flags and are definitely naval nations, but their presence in the Carribean was not significant. But what is the point in having 4 underpopulated nations?

  13. Hi captains,


    I started this topic, because there are few things that really annoy me.


    Call reinforcements option - I think this mechanic really needs reworking.it kills OW PVP. Yes, of course there will be ganks, but who cares? This is PVP server anyways and you can outrun your enemies in many smaller ships when you have the sailing skill and high game mechanics knowledge. There are some points I would like to see:


    1) Call reinforcement will be available only in the close area near friendly harbor. For example if you see the name of the town in OW, then you can call in the reinforcements. The devs can make this distance a bit longer to allow easier escapes from ports.


    2) No AI reinforcements from the neutral ports.


    3) Calling in AI reinforcement costs you money. This should work similar to the AI companions mechanic. Calling in AI ships should not be free. The price should be determined by your level. The basic rank can have this option for free.


    4) Ships type is determined by the type of the harbor from which you are the reinforcements comming. This means that only shallow water ships will come help you when the shallow port is the closest one from you and deep water ships will join you when there is deep water port nearby.


    e) Make AI reinforcements not available at all when the BR difference between attacker and defender is not higher than 10-20 maybe? Simple as it is, this mechanic could bring a solo PVP experience.


    There is one more thing that is truly annoying. It is abuse of unrealistic range of cannon ball shots.


    Battle disengagement mechanics 


    1) Keeping players in battles with super accurate sniper chasers with crazy firing range.This mechanic is highly abused by players keeping you with ball shot on extreme ranges (even 2 km+ shots) in the battle. They do like 1% sail damage every 2 minutes but eventually it leads to forcing you into repairing sails and continue this chase for another 15-20 minutes. It is OK when it is done on realistic distances (up to 1 km). I think the effective range of this era cannons is no more than 600m actually. So it should be reduced or the dispersion should be much bigger when firing over this effective range. 


    2) replace the timer disengagement mechanics with the range disengagement mechanics - It is simple, when there is no enemy ship nearby (like 2 km) you can leave the battle even if you are being sniped from distance. This will be more realistic and it will bring more importance to tactical ship maneuvering.


    Please discuss.


    edit: correcting typos and misplaced smileys :)

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