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Posts posted by Batman

  1. By now it should be obvious to all who wants peace and who would rather see a nation go down in flames. Lord Vicious has offered peace on generous terms only to be rebuffed.




    What a weak Argument.


    SORRY offers Peace, the US leaders says no (i think some of then have 2. accounts). Cant see that SORRY is the problem. The problem are players who cant accept a military defeat. Hope that the normal us-players forced this narcissistic leaders in the council to make a peace. Otherwise they can hang his leaders and reestablishing the old british goverment.



    It's always easy to offer peace to a nation you just stomped down to one, two or three ports. You would do the same.

  2. Capturing all these ports just ruins the game for newcomers. They realise that cannt go two minutes away from "home" withou being attacked. They try it a second and a third time - then they leave and tell all their friend this game is no goo fo newbs. Good Propaganda, as if we are not losing enough players.

    Sometimes, as a community we should care about the game itself and not some running battles between a few players who hate each other.

    • Like 5
  3. It's the first time I actively noticed it. I wonder why you don't notice it when building the ship.I mean, you build the hull, then the rigging. I think I woud be like "Oh, there is a cannon port,  I cannot put rigging infront of it. Damn,  I must have made a mistake somewhere."

  4. Earlier today, I was in battle outside Carlisle with some other guys when my game crashed.

    I was not able to reconnect, although I tried several times, my ship surrendered in battle and the player Alessio Duca di Savoia from FIRST clan used this opportunity to capture my ship.


    I had no chance to keep them from capturing me as I could not log ino the game and I hope a solution can be found.


    Courageous British captains engage French ship and take it as a prize.






    The BWITC captured this guy, too. We got him when he left Concepcion. He did a good fight, run at first, but then turned and dismasted our Trincomalee. This, however was his Tombstone because HMS Bellona came in range and with her first salvo, she managed to take off the front mast on the french ship.



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