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Posts posted by Mrdoomed

  1. PLEASE remove the rookie zone. its killing thise game along with the roe/ai tagging . 

    Everyone is just poaching newbs or playing there hording resorces because its a damz ez mode zone and veterans are almost in God mode.

    If we are that worried that  new players need protection that none of us had then give them a damn rookie server witb caps on all progress !  Once the game is finished and has proper UI and proper settings and guides new players will be fine.

    Not a rant moderaters just the game as i am wittnessing it. If i go ito rookie zone i see players ( veteran players) everywhere just ez mode hording resorces to ship back to thier faction .  The few rookies i see are running for thier lives from sharks. This is the reason for all the negitive steam reports. the rookie zone is what i warned. Its just a feeding ground for preditors.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Wesreidau said:

    And if I recall correctly, PotBS didn't go so well.

    Potbs did remarkably well for a 17th century sailing game and even had a good f2p terms.

    Yes 10 years and outdated graphics and 5 new consols later it was down to 3 servers.

    What killed potbs was the sony hack that closed it down for weeks. loyal players left then. i had a clan and subclan of over 100 before hack and less than 20 after.

    A lot of things are 10x better in NA than the arcady magic spelly potbs but please dont act like potbs was a flop. i think if thehack would have happened NA either wouldn't exist or it would have even less players . 

  3. 53 minutes ago, Hodo said:

    Sorry but I think todays PVPers are just soft.


    Back in my day in UO pre-trammel, we would roam around looking for fights.   The same happened in WWII Online, and in Mortal Online.  We didn't have some handy warp tool to get us instantly to every fight, you just had to be there.

    You would spend hoursand hours or a day or two to get wherever but itwas fun and exiting and you never knew what would happen. Open world is so damn fun if people would just do it !

    Why cant you play your game in the gulf region (just an example ) and play there ,  fight there, quest there eextra .  Why does everyone think they have to cross the globe every day 10x just to play?

    Build your region to be your empire, your home and you still can build outposta all over to instantly teleport to. So you have to acually sail there ONE TIME in a year to permanently have a one click instant travel.

    The developers are going to ruin this game by listing to kids who are going to quit anyways as soon as the next shinny comes out.

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  4. 43 minutes ago, Wraith said:

    Look, I understand your point of view as I to prefer to sail the world and enjoy the chance encounters, etc. But when I or someone else is itching for a meaningful PvP fight it just is hard to be had at the moment outside of meaningless (duels) or costly (small/large battle) mechanisms from an RvR and time-sink perspective.

    The original idea and "easy" system of fast travel via outposts worked great to generate PvP when we had free outposts to use as forward bases of operations. But the fact that we have to dedicate outposts to player production (because there aren't enough traders/producers in the game to keep material costs low), in order to keep ourselves in high-end PvP ships which requires *far* more sailing with materials and *time* than it used to, which then makes the opportunity cost of producing those ships drive down the amount of time we're willing to devote to sailing for hours on end just to finally find a fight or two a night that isn't just a chase or gank... All of this interacts to make it no surprise at all that the average player (and I'm talking most players here that can afford to spend 4+ hours a night) is well and truly pissy.  Now imagine how someone who can only afford one hour a day feels...  Hence... server pops of below 120 at US prime time == dead and dying.

    I sorta get what youre saying. i do agree a player has to spend WAY WAY WAY to much time just to make a single ship. My clan is made up of solo pirates who only hunt traders or weak ships so we do not have a large orginied clan production plant (which is ok we know what are place is) but since the patch im a level 50 crafter and have not been able to build ONE exeptional ship or even a fine one for that matter.

    So i do agree making ships is to hard now BUT maybe thats ok. I mean not every battle should be 50 exeptional 1st rates. Ithink whats upsetting the balance now is is that clans all still have 600 st rates in storage .  If we all started from scratch the new system can work maybe. i dont care if im in  a green or blue ship as long as most players are too. Hell i can beat most gold ships 3x my size now in blue captured ships so for me i dont want to say the new system in no good. To early to test.

    I think the new ship building process should be different .  i think if you want to build your gold ship you can without using the 200 fine wood or 200 copper imgots etc BUT i think RNG should play a part.  say you build a gold trinc and make it for speed but instead of 200 fine wood and ingots you only put in 20 or 40 or 3. This the goes into RNG and the crafted shi can come out with less than perfect stats. maybe its not a 3/5 with gold speed upgrade but only a 2/3 with green speed upgrade. Of course it could still come out 3/5 with gold speed so that ALL PLAYERS even casuals and small clans can still get a perfect ship .

    I think alot of these things would make the game so much better for everyone but im not the dev.

  5. 23 minutes ago, Wraith said:

    I wholeheartedly agree, and honestly, with a finer grained system of detecting where hostility is rising/falling (give us a damn heatmap already) I would argue that we might remove AI hostility missions with open timers entirely and replace them with hostility patrol zones where PvP'ers meet for war. We could supplement those zones with non-open timer missions for newbs and people not looking for that type of action, but the general idea of loiter and patrol I think is a good one.

    Yes. Players blockade a port or sit in its "zone of control " so to speak .  Hostility begins to raise without a large alert BUT say once it reaches 25% then the alarm sounds and a red heat bloom could apear near the ports being blockaded and an alert would post in red letters in nation chat. PLEASE NO ALERTS ACROSS THE SCREEN ha ha ha thoseare so annoying . 

    All playerd then decide to fight or not etc. it could generate huge pvp battles it could generate small engagements if hunters tag ships comming to defend etc. pirates of course would stil be off doing there thing.

    The only thing i would say must be done is a limit on ports capturable per 24 hours. With it being much easier to trigger a battle i wouldnt want to see one clan just run the table at midnight.  Say limit to 3 ports that can be captured every 8 hours and the top 3 hostility points being the 3 eligible for a attack. You can still have unlimited ports being triggered but the top 3 are only open to attack.

    Of course the map will change drastically the first week as high population factions claim all they can but it will then turn into real borders to be fought on .

    I have no idea why this plus my other ideas wont be put in the rvr part of the game. I see no exploit or way to abuse it, it gives all players equal chances to participate whether they are hard core or casual.

    And if the ai fleets are adjusted to a much more appropriate level so you dont pull in 50 every attack then the players triggering hostility just by being in a zone of control will attack ai ships to speed up the process thus giving constant action either vs people or bots . 

    Anyone see any real negitive to this method ? 

  6. I have a wonderful way to create the hostility on a much more easy and faster way but its not worth the effort to explain because the devs do what they want .        

    I will say this, hostility should be raised by another means too, and that is the presence of enemy ships near a port. Not just sitting on the outskirts but in visual range. One ship alone would take days to trigger it BUT if lots of ships where there ,  it would increase just at a better rate. couple that with attacking the ai ships and missions and pvp it would be reletivaly easy to trigger a port battle. Blockade tbe port by sitting in its harbor will increase it more. These types of triggers would be posted in nation chat that ships are blockading port xx and large fleets are patrolling port xx.

    The pvp that COULD come from that alone if people wouldn't be cowards would epic sized battles thatmany want. winning battles helps increase the hostility till the port can be attacked.

    Since this makes it prety easy to trigger a port battle the battles would have to be limited to a certain amount spread over 24 hours to give all a chance . 

    Anywsys that is a part of my idea but lime i said it wont matter.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Wind said:

    Unfortunately it won't change for better until Devs get more PvE content in the game and make travel around the world easier. 

    Exept travel around the world cant get any easier .  You and apperantly most people just dont understand the game world we play in.

    I for one hope for once the devs stick to thier guns and keep this part of thier original idea and let people who dont understand how easy it is twist on the wind. 

    Im sorry but yall just dont get it.

  8. 49 minutes ago, Rramsha said:

    People forget that to maintain any basic form of reality to the age of sail there can only be two types of fleets and they work with the current ROE.

    1. Scout Fleet - Fleet stays separated to cover large amounts of ocean, with the side effect being that engagements will be with smaller player numbers as not all ships will be able to join the battle due to the distance.

    2. Firepower Fleet - The Fleet sails together to make sure that all members join the battle instance together and in good locations, allowing the fleet to utilize its organization and fire power at the expense of no longer being able to cover huge amounts of ocean.


    Can you mix the two types of fleets? to an extent Yes, but you have to always realize that any time you spread out to cover more ocean you may end up in a battle with limited reinforcements its the nature of the age of sail.


    Unfortunately I have realized that the development of this game has finally reached a point where casual play with a stable game world is not really possible because the game changes and is modified at such an accelerated state. All game mechanics will continue to change as the games content continues to expand. It is the ROE that gets the blame while its truly the fault of the ever expanding and of course unfinished mechanics which are truly to blame. That is the nature of game development I fear.

    I agree .  i like the new roe and do not have any issues trying to keep small fast and big slow ships together to join the battle. Has been fine since first day.

    My and our and many people only issue with the new roe is that when youtag a enemy you will pull in 5, 7, 10, 20 ai ships with him almost every time and since the new roe we have had hardly any battles we could stay and fight or that where anywhere closer to fun or realistic . 

    Even our targets have said they agree with us running and that the friendly ai fleets and ships are just ruining the open world.  If you want a god fight you and the target have to both agree via pm to move way way way out to sea .  Yeah thats so immersive . 

    The new roe is not the problem for dead servers the ai ships being pulled in is.

    Also i agree somewhat with Wraith about the econ. I dont think it needs to revert to the old style but more of a hybrid between them both along with crafting of ships. ive got a good idea how to do it but im not wasting 20 minites typing it all out because the devs are going to do what they want.

    Wraith i also prefer the new rvr system WAY WAY WAY more than that stupid flag bum rush system. I think the hostility points are the way to go BUT I would have implemented them difrently but again not worth my time to type it out.

    I think the biggest population killer problem right now is the ai ships being brought in.

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  9. 6 minutes ago, Wraith said:

    I'd need to mull on that aspect.. I actually think escorting your own traders, in this world of low server population, wouldn't necessarily be horrible.. The only thing it would mean is that if you attacked an AI trader you'd be taking on the risk of not being able to ignore the escort, which is basically what you can do now with escorted AI traders.

    In other words you'd need to think harder about whether you can actually take on that LGV with Reno escort in your Rattler rather than just assuming that with one broadside of chain and knowing the AI LGV will sail in a straight line forever you can just wait out the reno falling behind, etc.

    Yes i agree about the risk but the risk needs to be on both sides. if a player wants to forgo not playing on the ow amd lets aindo it then he needs to pay that price for not playing. Otherwise he gets the best of all worlds and us hunters get the worst of both.

    If he gets to jump into his ship once its attacked then i want the option to send my pirate ship out searching for player ai controlled ships and then click in once the attack starts.  See what I mean ? 

    This is also my basis of not wanting players to ai control ships because this is instantly what the game becomes .  Captain( na csnt call them captains anymore )no mouse clickers just sit in a port all day letting the ai do the work while they acrade style zoom in for battles .  To much of a slippery slope .  If you ar on pvp2 Yes our population sucks bad after the last patch but im trying to envision the game after launch and what it would mean.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Ser_Slack said:

    It's true to an extent no doubt. Its never going to make everyone happy. And for your style of play I could see why you'd want insta-close. For my style I don't. Everytime I'd sail out with friends on a hunt I'm fully committed to losing my ship in battle as long as we had a good scrape. And we got it alot of times. Sometimes it was hilarious because under some of the iterations of ow tagging (see BR limiting from months ago) the revenge fleet could never get rid of us. I'm not sure what the answer is but either way some people won't be happy.

    They really need to try the circle thing with no or low ai drawn in. 

    You guys CAN all still play like you did it just takes a slower pace,which you may not like, but when i do sail with someone we just have to keep our speed close in open world then the tag ship heards the enemy into range of the slow ship.

    Right now hardly anyone is playing because of thecircle but for 2 different reasons hahahaha

  11. 41 minutes ago, Wraith said:

    As long as those goods were sailed on the open ocean by AI traders, sure.. :) If trader/crafters are willing to incur the risk of sending/receiving goods on the open ocean I'm all for it.  You can even pay extra for AI escorts, which is a system I've wanted to see for both trade and outpost-to-outpost ship transfer for a long time.  Eliminate teleports!

    The ONLY thing i will add is that the player never be allowed to " click in" once he sees his ship getting attacked  ( i believe you had ask me why i dislike the ai click in) . if he wants to play the easy game then he should also suffer the risks that come with it.

  12. 9 hours ago, Ser_Slack said:

    And to be clear I'm not advocating for a 15 min timer either. 5 seems like a reasonable timer. People were having fun. And you could get a response fleet together if your territory was being "raided".

    5 minute timer was horrible unless you are a port hugger or sail around with a ton of fleets. 2 minutes wasnt to bad but still allowed for massive exploits. the new two circle system would be pretty good IF it would dosomething about ai all over getting pulled in.  It keeps away port hugging gankers and revenge fleets have a much harder time ganking you.

  13. 35 minutes ago, TheSlickOne said:

    Nobody said anything about excluding any kind of player. It appears you also want the game to work for YOU. Either that or your comment has no merit. I'm talking about EXPANDING the possibilities without taking away from the existing play style options. But if you want to have a niche game, good luck making it financially viable at this scale. I'm pretty sure you care just as much about having a good player base as I do. That is all I intended to help with.

    This game hardly works for ME. i just understand what the game is and was and what i could devote to it. i adapted to exel in the area i can afford to devote time to.

    You on the other hand want the game to change to fit " your life". instead of manning up and play to a style your time allows.

  14. 2 hours ago, Hodo said:


    Something I have seen before.  But this comes down to the clans having to take an active role in the helping to offset this effect.  They should setup outposts in farther regions fighting over the "obscure" untouched areas.  I can tell you now some of my fondest memories of PvP have been in places where few people go. 



    Its pointless to try and explain reason to these people .  they are all interested in sailing from the antilies to Belize in 5 minutes, from Bermuda to Columbia in 6.  they are not interested in thinking,planning ,or acting like they are part of this game world.


    These people want a instant econ game with clicky port battles .  So far the devs have found ways to make it easier to avoid the open world in order to placate them. So far it has led to dwindling populations and cries of bordom .  Gosh wonder why there is no fights anymore?? maybe because nobody needs to sail anymore lol. DUH.

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  15. We need to be able to teleport several minutes away from battle.  with the 2 circle system i havent had much problem with revenge fleets cuz they cant tag me with a lynx and all the 2nd rates pop in next to me but its still a complete time waste to be taged over and over. 


    Only thing ive been killed by since patch is ai ships being drug into battle. rear admirals skimming around in fast ships pulling me into battle with 15 or more ai over and over...yawn log out time.

  16. I simply cant take anything the OP says seriously .  Every idea he has is either to turn this insto world of warships or its geared to getting him the most help he can get in fight . 

    HE acually argues bother both sides of some issues in separate posts all in the name of 15 vs15 or 7vs7 moba syle fights or to let people and ai rescue him.

    I really hope the team dont take his ideas seriously anymore because the more easy this game gets it dies off with each breath.

  17. I wish we could get some concrete answers about what will be changed or not changed for pirates. As it seems since last patch that the pirates are SERIOUSLY being made into a ntional faction with a black flag...exept no diplomacy no treaty no anything.


    If this continues our clan has decided we will probably play french as long as the servers dont merge.  We wil acually be able to play more like real pirates flying the french flag than the black flag.

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