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Posts posted by Husserl

  1. Grouping is a very fresh feature. After we ensure that it works ok. we shall proceed in improvements. Just to note here that 5 is the limit of the assigned groups. You can have unlimited unassigned groups (for moving, targeting, etc.).


    Is the charge used often by all 3 axes of AI characters? The aggressive axes  should use them more often bu nature.


    Topography is under constant experimenting for finding the best solution under the limitation of  2D. 

  2. Does that Corps Commander who would arrive, give bonus to brigades whom are not part of his Corps, if he is only Commander present?


    Good arguments can be made on either side of the argument.  My suggestion would be that Corps leaders do give a bonus to all troops in their command range; but for troops not under their direct command the effect should be reduced.  


    The Generals can inspire all units. However, the units that belong to their Corps are inspired faster and more efficiently.



    I think (but am not certain) that the idea of UGG is that the player is General Lee or General Meade?



    Yes, this is the idea.


    Please have in mind the Generals presentation as special units is not final. The starting plans included Divisions commanders as well. However, adding many such units with special abilities might affect unpredictably the gameplay, so we are in a slow course here. 

  3. Hi curtlegion! Thanks for supporting UG:G. Do you hold the middle button and rotate the mouse the same time? Line of Sight appearance has changed. Now you will see the LoS area of a unit normally without any colors, while the rest of the map will be covered by the Fog of War. Also in game's main menu, Options, Gameplay options, you can choose if you want the LoS indicator to be on by default or not. In the first case the unit's LoS will appear immediately with the unit selection and in the second you will have to keep left click shortly to activate it. Try both to see witch one is more suitable for you.  

  4. There is a good variety of pre-determined positions for the units between phases and game picks the most suitable calculating previous positions of the units, terrain advantages and the strategic points of the upcoming battle and the historical facts. These calculation take in mind not only the individual positions of the units but also the entire division/corps/army's last position that units belong to and the new position of the enemy. Generaly these positions will be close to the previous ones.

  5. It is not actually an OS problem, the game will play fine under Win XP. However there might be a problem with old hardware that usually is met with Win XP systems. If your hardware meets the neededrequirements, then you won't have a problem.

  6. We are missing the images for three Confederate artillery battalion officers and we need your assistance to find them:

    Cpt Willis J. Dance - CS II Corps, Artillery Reserve, First Virginia Artillery Battalion

    Maj John Lane - CS III Corps, 1st Division, Cutt's Artillery Battalion

    Ltc John J. Garnett - CS III Corps, 2nd Division, Garnett's Artillery Battalion

    If you can spot any of them in your resources, please upload the image(s) here, along with the resource reference. If you spot them in a web sight then just post the link.

    Thanks in advance!

  7. The big problem with a slower pace is that when you get experienced with the gameplay, then it looks so... slow, especially in moments with less or no action (armies are deployed, reinforcements arrive, etc.). We still struggle to find the best choice.


    Have also in mind that, for not destructing the video flaw, it was captured without the use of "pause" at all. Perhaps this increases the speed feeling of the battle pace.  

  8. I'm curious what that might mean in terms of BETA (or Alpha tester) access and real dates. How exactly does this work in terms of Steam Greenlighting? Can we expect to see this game in some form in 2014? I'm looking forward to paying for this one, early or not.


    We keep all engines in full speed. Can't provide details about Steam Greenlight version but I can say that you won't have to wait too long in 2014 for game's release.  


    Btw, I saw your specs in another thread. Where do you... park your machine? ;)

  9. UGG covers both cases the same time. If you follow the historical moves (e.g. for first day, Heth's rush and blind first attack, Rodes uncoordinated  first attack on Oak Ridge, Union advanced defense on Barlow's Knoll, etc.) then you will reproduce the historical battle of Gettys. If you improvise then the scenario changes. Actually one of the powerful futures of UGG is the tenths of alternatives scenario/maps that offers, according the player's performance. For example Confederates will have the chance to attack Cemetery Hill from the first day (according your performance) or having a fourth day to finish the job. 


    Though the AI initially follows the historical openings, it constantly reads the the battle escalation very effectively and adjusts its performance to exploit player's weaknesses for achieving a successful attack/defend. However in the decision room (not available in focus test build) you will have the chance to select between different strategies/deployments that will affect the initial positions of both armies. There you will be bale to strength the historical scenario, or follow a completely different course of action.    

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  10. I totally agree with you. Please see the use of "Day 1 to Day 3" as the necessary historical time line limits and not as the limits of a predefined course of the battle. UGG is very open to "what if"  scenarios for both sides, even from Day 1. It is depending on the player's performance reproduce or rewrite the battle of Gettysburg.


    Given victory points will never be the required objective nor will define directly the outcome for any battle in UGG. You'll never see a "capture hill A for 50 victory points!" objective. They are just numerical interpretation of the capturing points which appear only in the outcome report for every battle. Added to other numerical factors (e.g. casualties) will produce the final score for the current phase of the battle. However, as noted, this score is a secondary evaluation for the battle outcome. The main important factor will be always the capture points.


    Every scenario victory should be influenced these strategic campaign goals.  This puts movement, speed, flanking attacks, and efficient planning and command at a premium.  In short; a game of strategy.



    The need of using strategic plans and tactics will be more than necessary in the battle as well. Especially the upper levels of AI characters will keep "remind" that to the player on the battlefield. Here is a small part of one of my battles (Day 1, Phase 2, player US against Defensive AI character):


    "(...)  From the moves of the AI, I can see that he aims to Oak Ridge. I have already fortified it with artillery batteries and enough infantry. Fresh reinforcements allowed me to extent the front line Seminary - Oak Ridge to the south of Barlow's Knoll, creating a Γ line, protecting the same time Oak Ridge from the east and the city from the north.


    That was just in time: new enemy reinforcement approach from north east towards Barlow's Knoll. Now Defensive will be able to attack Oak Ridge from west, north and east. Should I stick to the plan protecting Oak Ridge at all cost? Or I should re-deploy my forces on a new line Seminary - North Gettysburg? I cannot afford loosing Oak Ridge and let the the enemy deploy his batteries over there. I can stand an attack from west and north. If he will move his north east forces to attack there as well from the east, I'll bring my forces south of Barlow's closer to Oak Ridge reforming my front line from Γ to Λ. The same time my reserves in west Seminary, could help by attacking from the south to his attacking forces west of Oak Ridge. It looks like a good plan.


    But it was not good enough against this Defensive. AI made a couple of sporadic attacks from the north which proved it was just for diversion. Almost the same time he launched a simultaneous attack against my both flanks. My right line which it was supposed to move closer at the east of Oak Ridge, was breached and cut off. My left flank was pushed hard from his right flank, unable to help the imminent main attack towards Oak Ridge (...)"

    • Like 1
  11. Under the current planning for the first official release, UGG will focus on the battle itself and not generally on Gettysburg Campaign. The game will start with the first skirmishes between Heth's advanced forces and Buford's reconnaissance forces on Day 1 and will finish on the evening of Day 3. The term "campaign" that sometimes is used by the developers is referred to the flow of the battle which actually is about a series of battles per day. There are many thoughts on developing further UGG adding more campaign elements but the main objective of first release remains for UGG to be a tactical battle simulator. We are strongly committed to create first the solid base that will permit us to construct safely our vision for strategy games. 


    So with this background defining topographical metrics for victory doesn't make much sense (capture hill A for 50 victory points!).  The goal of the campaign was not to take and/or hold ground. 



    I agree that victory points are indeed a secondary element and so it is in UGG. However, capturing points in UGG are very important because they constitute critical strategy points that will define not only the outgrowth of the current phase of the battle but also the total flow of the battle for the given day.

  12. LoS is unbelievable real but should not be confused with fog of war, which is unrealistic and will not be present in UGG. The map will be seen by the player, simulating the fact that generals had detailed maps and thus a good knowledge of the terrain. However player will be able to see the enemy units only after they get inside (the real) units LoS of his army. Sorry for not providing more details, but the imminent first focus test prerequisites that testers should know as less details as possible about the game and its mechanics, for getting a good feed back of their first met with UGG game play.


    @ Gwack


    Thanks for the info. All comments have a value for us so feel free to start your own thread about battlefield (or any other aspect about Gettysburg). Except the game support, we aim to make this forum cover in details all fields of this historical battle.

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