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Rikard Frederiksen

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Posts posted by Rikard Frederiksen

  1. 5 hours ago, Oberon74 said:

    I got the G key and pressed it a bunch for no result.  Then it started pulling and I found that he was boarding me!  Determined defender???  Everything went fine after that though.

    Actually, that was a problem I had. It wasn't really a problem, but I couldn't initiate boarding actions when we were both at a dead stop, flank on to each other and it ended up being the AI doing the boarding.

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  2. 7 hours ago, Archaos said:

    He also said it would be prohibitively expensive, so I wouldnt hold out hope of getting one soon.

    But this example reinforces my point as to why there is a requirement for a safe area to test newbuilds out. It doesnt need to give xp or loot but allow someone get the feel for a vessel they have not sailed before or to try different gun loadouts. 

    That would have been handy, as I'd only wanted to see what it could be like in combat. If it is available at a prohibitively expensive price I doubt I'd go for it*, but at least it won't be lost to everyone forever.

    *I'd hoped, from the pictures, that it would be akin to ships like this, but it is so bizarrely (and heavily) armed and looks quite odd, as well as feeling a little sluggish to me in the one combat I had, so I doubt I'd have gotten on with it anyway.

  3. As much as I'd love to have given feedback on this ship, I was jumped before I could even try using it in a PvE mission (as a test run) and lost it to a Trincomalee. Typical of my sort of luck, really; here, have a one of a kind ship you won't be able to get again! Oh look, you've lost it.


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  4. Completed the Endurance exam, but I had to go about it by using the 'Attack > AI Defends > Fire Deck Guns' behaviour in a 'rage board' to get rid of the first ship so I could duel the second ship into the depths. All of my other attempts ended in disaster as I couldn't take down the first Brig quickly enough to be in a good enough shape for the second Brig. Otherwise I can't see how anyone could pass the examination as it currently stands unless they got lucky. I feel as though I got lucky on my successful attempt as it was the only one where I didn't have a yellow/red rudder 90% of the time.

    If I were to change the Endurance exam, I'd switch the two Brigs for two Rookie Brigs, or I would otherwise drop it completely and add in a tutorial based around tactical positioning in battle (i.e. angling the hull). As it stands the Endurance exam was far too frustrating for me and reluctant as I was to use the AI's boarding behaviour against it it was the only way I could manage it. I'm not looking forward to the final 'exam' now...


  5. 1 hour ago, Sven Silberbart said:

    Yes, clan based is the best option.

    I wish they'd gone for a clan-based system whereby:

    • Each nation remains with a single capital port that can't be taken.
    • Each clan picks its nation on creation.
    • Clans can create a unique 'Look at us' type flag (like EVE's Corporations, I think it was) from in-game options (colours, symbols, etc.) that could also be their ensign in battle.
    • Non-clan players are a 'neutral' nation, as it were, in that they can access every port and do as they please until they join a clan whereupon they become part of the same nation, with the option to raise a nation's flag as your own, but can change it as you wish and desire. Maybe.
    • People who opt to go pirate get mechanics for disguising their flag for entering port/engaging at sea but are revealed by close proximity of other players on OW.

    Could have been an interesting twist that keeps the nations present (variety) but allows clans to accomplish things of their own, create their own content, and force them to look to hold their own territory but always have the fall back of their national port to regroup and rebuild. Could be a bit of a 'special resource' jiggery-pokery to make ports worth capturing to allow monopolies on certain specialist goods. I don't know, this is just what I've conjured up in my old grey cells from reading this thread.

    Of course the forger DLC makes such a system difficult now people are paying for additional stuff with real money; can't just take that away from them!

  6. On 17/02/2018 at 2:03 PM, admin said:

    They can of course buy or cap a light ship and participate in shallow waters fighting, learning shallow ships. This will allow us also to make light ships historically strong in some things as we wont need to balance them for silly progression for rookies anymore.

    Now this intrigues me. I'm awfully curious to know what you chaps have in mind.

    This tutorial/examination business: what happens, I must ask, if a player fails this M&C tutorial 'examination'? Do they have to keep trying until they succeed? Or will they start at a lower rank with a 6th Rate? I'm glad that you're taking steps to solve the issue of new players & square-riggers, but I still have some reservations about this 'examination' thing. I'm sure once we have the information it will all fit into place but until then it seems a little peculiar, especially the claim that it will be really hard to succeed on.

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  7. Well, if I were told to think of three ways to encourage players to return, I would do the following...

    First: Introduce PvP 'hotzones'. Regardless of how they emerge (placed by server every couple of hours, or built off of where battles are taking place), what I would do with them is have them increase in size as more battles take place, and rewards begin to increase. The more battles that are going on the bigger the zone, which in turn means higher rewards, so more and more people can get in on it and feel rewarded for fighting. Also some minor rewards for input, not just for winning.

    Second: Ditch permanent upgrades (maybe retain ship knowledge, but in the guise of officers*). The game is supposed to be about skill, not farming for stuff to get a statistical advantage that can nullify an opponent's skill. So I'd throw them away. However! Anyone crafting a ship would be able to boost an (one, singular) aspect of a ship in a small way, dependant upon crafting level. Except speed. Leave speed out of it. To take a current 'upgrade', a level 10 crafter building a Lynx would be able to craft it with a reload speed increase of 1%. A level 50 crafter would craft the Lynx with a 5% reload speed increase. The only downside, I suppose, is that people would only buy the level 50 craftsmen ships, but at least it would make being a high level craftsman worth it. Frankly, though, I'd rather see the ship crafting system redone, along with 'crafting level', but within the confines of current systems, the above is what I'd do.

    Third: Already mentioned in this thread but worth it for the repetition, insurance for ships!


    *An idea I've had for a rather long time, and one I am rather partial to, is that you employ officers to serve on your ship to give you a minor boost that might be dependent on the officer's experience, depending on their role. The number you would have depends on the ship's Rate. If you have a 1st Rate, you have space for 5 officers, for a 7th Rate, 1 officer. Anyway, that is by-the-by.

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  8. 32 minutes ago, Flash Jack said:

    In real life the crew if a 6th rate would throw the captain overboard if he ordered them to attack a 4th rate plus.

    The marines on a 4th rate  would slaughter the 6th rates crew as soon as it was in rake range.

    Ships should not be able to tag two classes above themselves. It did not happen for a reason. 

    Limit tagging to 1 class above own level and unlimited below.

    To turn that on its head, surely we should have an auto-surrender option for when crew losses hit a certain percentage, because crews aren't stupid and won't fight to the death.

    Game mechanics have to be taken with a hefty pinch of salt at times and this is an area where that perspective is needed. If PvP in this game is meant to primarily be about skill, why deny others the chance to show their capability? Keeping your 6th Rate out of the line-of-sight of a larger ship's batteries is not an easy task. Judgement of distance, speed, turning speeds, reading opponents' intentions and timing are crucial, as staying on a tack just too long, or leaving a turn too late, misjudging distance or an angle, or the relative speeds of ships  can leave you being pummelled by a hefty broadside. It is tricky, and there are times when I find myself gritting my teeth and emitting an 'eeeeee!' sound as I desperately try to finish my turn before I am in the arc of the larger ship's guns!

    Hiding larger ships behind a safety blanket of 'Ha-ha, you can't attack me!' nullifies PvP opportunities, removes an element of danger from the open seas and negates a daring playstyle. The 'little ship' captains should not have their fun removed because some people are scared of not being able to fight off smaller ships. My fun should not be considered less important because I don't choose to sail a large, ponderous ship. Even a 5th Rate in a Captain's fleet would do wonders to deal with 6th Rate ships. Otherwise, find tactics to deal with them.

    6th-5th Rates really should be the bread and butter ships of the game, but I suppose the allure of a huge, hulking man-o'-war is far greater than the nippy, speedy and lightly armed frigates & sloops-of-war. As I said in my post above, redoing the mechanics for turning to include acceleration & deceleration and momentum would help in this area, not a blanket ban on smaller ships being able to engage larger ships.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Jean de la Rochelle said:

    It isn't really my intention to argue for griefing, but against any regulations that would separate the realm of the 7-6th from the 5th rates and up. Basically you're saying that your playtime is more worth than anybody's else and that gives me the itch.

    I have been ganked so often, especially as a newbie, still I don't raise a campaign against it or any of the ship types involved.

    I must agree. As a 6th Rate user I know the joy and pain of being in such a small ship. The tactics our clan have developed, as we play in our hunting ships, have allowed us to overcome larger ships, quite often with barely any scratches. Most of the time when we've taken bigger ships it has been because the Captains try and run from us.* This led us to be so lax that when we found a captain who would fight. On that occasion Caroline Vodka, who was in either a 4th or 5th Rate (I can't remember which - long time ago), gave us such a bloody nose that we limped off in one direction and bailing water for our lives, whilst Caroline crawled away in the other.

    The big problem is that Captains, I feel, get a little too comfortable in the size of their ships, the number of crew, and heavy poundage of guns. Against capable captains in smaller ships, who know their vessels, a larger ship on its own can fail and that breeds frustration because how could such a large ship lose to smaller ships? I would blame the linear progression of other games whereby being bigger/more powerful = destroying anything weaker.

    One thing I feel that would help is to have slower turning capabilities for all ships, and acceleration/deceleration & momentum for turning, so that we can't perform doughnuts in smaller ships or switch direction with ease. Slightly slower yard turning times might help as well.

    As for the original post, I can see the frustration there, that you were hounded for the entire battle by smaller ships that didn't close to disable and sink/board your ship. However, this is just the course of a battle, and sometimes they take 20 minutes, other times an hour & a half. If they choose not to close and disable/sink then that is their choice, and you just have to roll with it.

    *Notably, we took one Surprise whilst two Trincomalees fled together away from us. Madness. They could have obliterated us but ran instead.

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  10. The three things I'd say to that are this:

    • Firstly, it has been that long (several weeks) since I've last been able to log into the game and play (hurrah for work and my current situation) and I had not seen the hotfix-update-patch that made NPC ships capturable again. Some people would argue that I shouldn't be making suggestions without very recent in-game experience, but when you've an idea...
    • Secondly, even with that change, with this suggestion you don't have to faff about finding an NPC ship, chasing it, dealing with anything interfering with your attempt to capture an NPC ship, or anything else that would get in the way when you're trying to get out there and PvP. Of course, if you did want to go out and find whichever ship it is you want to capture you can go off and do that, but if not you've a basic ship available to you.
    • Thirdly, the additional intent of the idea is to aid newer players in feeling as though they're progressing. They get up to whichever rank it is and boom, they've immediate access to a Sixth Rate. Hurrah! They're not having to go and buy a crafted ship which they might lose and be unable to replace, nor hunt down an NPC one to get started in square-riggers. This is why I suggested that perhaps it could be extended to include a Seventh Rate as a leg-up from the Basic Cutter. I would imagine people want to be in a 'proper' square-rigged ship as soon as possible than a fore-and-aft ship (although I love 'em personally).
  11. My suggestion would  be halving the map. Ish. In that the map goes from the Lesser Antilles to somewhere around the Greater Antilles. This would give a significant amount of land, ports and sea space, whilst bringing everyone closer together. Ahistorical divisions of territory would be required to start with, but if mechanics were sorted and the number of people playing grew then the map could be 'unrolled', as it were, to bring more territory and sea space into the game world.

    This may be a rose-tinted view, but when I first entered the Open World when it was released, as I hung around English Harbour in my Royal Navy days, it felt like there was always something going on close by. Of course this was pre-port battles, so it was mostly gank fleets or my being shown how bad a player I was compared to others. The French and Pirates were close by and we could sail out and engage others, and I knew that the Dutch were nearby, and so on and so forth. Sailing felt like it took little time because my in-game world felt tiny; I didn't bother exploring to the west because I didn't need to. Perhaps by reducing the current playing area it would help to concentrate the numbers of people, but reducing it by such an amount as the OP would not help, in my eyes. 50% reduction, yes. More than that would probably be too tight.

  12. Now, this may have been suggested elsewhere, but as I've not the time nor interest to trawl through every single thread and read every single post, I'm going to throw this out here as a suggestion and gauge the reaction to it; there may be flaws in it that I've not seen. The problem below is what I've gathered from reading threads about the forum recently (I can't be in-game currently), that the grind and access to ships is an issue, particularly progression from 7th Rates to 6th Rates. This is not an answer to solve the problem entirely, but it could help. On to the issue at hand...


    Free ships for all!

    Problem: This appears to be two-fold but centered around the 'grind'. Firstly, it is difficult for new players, unaffiliated to a clan and lacking knowledge of the game, to progress from the fore-and-aft ships to square-riggers. Secondly, replacing ships can be difficult, which makes PvP unattractive due to low rewards and the difficulties from losing a valuable asset.
    Frederiksen's Answer: Free ships. Alright, more detail below.

    Now, I'm not advocating everyone having access to every ship for free. That is ludicrous. However, what if, what if the game gives you access to a free ship depending upon your rank. It is a simple concept. Currently we have the Basic Cutter. Brilliant, a free ship with free crew and repairs and is not for PvP, but gets new players started and can be used as a barge to get around for ranked up players.

    What if, once you reached the relevant rank for the crew numbers, the game gave you access to an Oak/Oak Sixth Rate, perhaps the Brig. The ship is free, purchased just like the Basic Cutter, but you must pay to arm it, crew it, repair it, same as a normal ship, but it is free for you to get hold of. You don't get a choice in wood types of which Sixth Rate, maybe you can't mount permanent upgrades on it and its 'knowledge' upgrades are restricted to, say, 3 boxes. That makes the free Brig viable in a basic sense as a ship to take to PvP or PvE, you can waste it in PvP without issue and get another. Yay! Taking this further, it could be done as well for Fifth Rates, maybe the Cerberus is available as a free ship, or the Renommee. It would also follow the same procedure; you pay for the crew and repairs but to get it it is free, but you lack choice in wood types, etc.

    Now, where this falls down is the potential for 'spam', as we saw with Basic Cutters; using a free ship to attack ships with no loss for the people using the free ship. How do we counter this? A cooldown? You can only have one free Sixth Rate per 24 hours, one free 5th Rate every 48 hours? It still gives a leg up but means that if you lose it you will need to buy a replacement ship.

    In short:

    • When you rank up you can 'buy' a Sixth (and maybe Fifth) Rate for free at the relevant rank (when you'd have enough men to crew it) in port, same as the Basic Cutter.
    • This free ship has a set wood/wood type, perhaps no permanent upgrades and limited knowledge upgrades.
    • Repairs, crew, cannon etc. are paid for as usual but the ship itself is free.
    • Combined with other ways of incentivising PvP (decent rewards) it gives a fallback option for PvP/PvE that isn't back to square one in the Basic Cutter.
    • Can treat it as the ship issued to you by your nation's navy (goodness knows what excuse the pirates would have, but hey).
    • Leaves player-made ships being worthwhile as they can be customised by wood types, will have all of the upgrade/knowledge slots available to you (if you have the knowledge) and can be an investment, but if you need a free ship for some PvP, boom! You have an option.
    • Perhaps this could be introduced for a free 7th Rate ship beyond the Basic Cutter to give new players a sense of progression.
    • These ships cannot be traded or captured (suggested by @The Wren).


    • Would need a means of preventing spam (my suggestion being a cooldown).
    • It is giving stuff away for free.
    • Anyone think of anything else that would be a problem with this?

    As always, thoughts on a postcard, address being the reply box below.

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  13. 42 minutes ago, Cmdr RideZ said:

    There is a change that you are right, just that...

    Almost always if a player has a change to sink another player, he will take it, someone will soon take it.  Kill first, talk later, like in every game.  It is more important for players to put another player in position that he cannot negotiate and has to humbly ask his stuff back, feel the powah!  Read some Naval Action politics, you will see the same there.

    I do not disagree with you at all, I'm aiming for the positive & optimistic side of things. Ultimately in a game such as this people will do exactly as you say, but I'd hope that the War Companies would realise that protecting shipping in their area (well, the traders at least) is important for their income/resources and keep a tight rein on their members.* At least I'd hope that a War Company from an opposing nation(s) would prompt the home nation's War Companies to push them out of the area ASAP. It might also increase chances of OW PvP closer to capital/home waters.

    I love the NA politics section, it is incredibly entertaining stuff at times, both for the EU & Global server.

    *Of course there will be War Companies that exist purely to 'grief' others relentlessly. Because apparently that is fun.

  14. 3 hours ago, Cmdr RideZ said:

    I am a new player, I sail in my waters doing my stuff.  Other nations WC owns the ports, so waters are full of enemy warships.  Did I misunderstood something?  If I did not, this might be a problem.  New players see the map, sail in their national waters and enemy warships are allowed to come and go as they please?  I hope I misunderstood.

    I think there are a couple of things that need to be taken into account:

    • Taxpayers: The clan running the port will want an income from it. If they're killing off all and sundry and stealing cargoes, no-one will want to go to those ports. This would make the port a weight about the clan's collective neck, especially if a daily upkeep were required to maintain possession of it and its defences. They'd have to send out their own traders to get the resources required to replace lost ships or create new ones. Those traders would in turn be in danger from the opposing nation's warships.
    • Enemy Waters: By running a port in an opposing nation's waters, the clan ships themselves are vulnerable to ships from that nation, and also from that nation's War Companies. They will have less distance to go, will be closer to the resources of their capital and if multiple War Companies decide they want that one 'enemy' clan out of the port, they can work together to achieve it.

    Of course this is all theoretical, but just because the foxes would have taken over the henhouse does not mean they'll kill all of the hens. If there aren't any hens left, what is there to feed off of?* If anything, the result of this could be that more vigorous patrols are undertaken near 'enemy' clans ports and as a result potentially more OW PvP. I know, I know, ifs & buts, etc., but there is potential in their idea. Plus it would probably be pretty damned difficult to take and maintain a port deep in enemy territory. Guess who will be claiming those ports first & would have to be shifted?

    *Awful analogy, I know.

  15. 1 minute ago, Daguse said:

    I get the idea of keeping nations, you need them for port assignments, and well people want a flag to sail under. However, we can drastically reduce the number of nations to let's say 4.

    Why reduce the number of nations? It won't achieve anything if the whole nation-vs-nation element will primarily be reduced to OW PvP. The only thing I can see such a move doing is alienating people who can no longer sail for their chosen nation. If these changes do happen and the RvR focus becomes clan based rather than nation, then I see no issue with retaining all of the current nations (bar pirates, who should have their own mechanics).



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  16. Firstly, I'd like to thank @admin and the team for telling us of their idea and asking for our feedback. I didn't think you guys would want to do that again, after past experiences, but I'm glad you have this time.

    I like that these War Companies will be able to set up their own princedoms, as it were, and that they can use the port(s) under their control to make money to support their expansion or protect what they've already got. I like that it allows players like myself, being in an OW PvP clan, to get on with what we enjoy; hunting down targets and giving them a cannon shot or two. The general idea is good and I'd actually quite like to see it.

    However, I'm also a little concerned about one or two elements. As was raised earlier in the thread this idea of allowing 'normal' clan members to enter any nation port is problematic. A proposed solution was for only allowing 6-7th Rates to visit any port, which I quite like as they're the ships I sail (isn't bias terrible?). However, I'd advocate for trader ships only. No longer will you require the smuggler tag, you just waltz into the port you want to visit on a trading ship. That way the main threat will be warships from the nation where that port lays, or those out hunting and patrolling the waters of other nations.


    21 minutes ago, SUN said:

    in some nations will be zero national war company then all ports will be controled by players from war companies from other nations this mean that all non war company players of that nation will be ganged 24/7 in their own nations ports and no need for their ennemy to make a trip for that they be based in the same port just go out and hunt

    mean trade will be dead!

    I would argue the opposite. The ships sailing into that port are taxpayers for the War Company that runs the port. Without the taxpayers the War Company makes no money from the port. Ergo, theoretically, it means the War Company will have to protect shipping around their port(s) to protect their income. If traders are being sunk they won't get the tax from them. If traders are being sunk, it is harder to get materials into port. Therefore trading ships in the area near the port are the responsibility of the War Company. However, whether that would be how it worked in reality, I do not know.

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  17. Goodness me, another pirate thread? We've had quite a few of them recently.* They really should have a dedicated thread for this subject for ideas, to keep them together. Obviously how the pirates are currently handled is one element (parts of) the community want changed. I'm not going to repeat my views word for word (last reply to the 'Make Pirates Pirates' thread, if you're interested), but a quick, general list will suffice:

    • No capturing ports, but raiding should be an option
    • Turn MT into a Free Town, pirates operate out of Free Towns.
    • Can capture any player ship, but limited production capabilities up to 6th Rates
    • No nation chat, no clans, nothing in-game to help pirates be organised. Pirates should primarily be individuals romping around attacking traders/ships they're confident of beating; if they want to be organised they can do it outside of the game.




  18. Another shout here for pirate specific mechanics. They should not be a faux-nation, but should be individuals making opportunist attacks on shipping and raiding ports when in groups, as a more hardcore experience in NA. There are plenty of ideas that float around here. lots to provide inspiration, so it would be nice for us to know whether they're going to be sorted out or just left as is.

    Also another cry for reducing bonuses quite heavily for mods and books. They should provide a small boost, just a small one, and not make such a massive difference.


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  19. It looks, from cursory research, as though la Renommée was designed and built by a different team, but using the Ollivier family's concepts and ideas.

    I'm rather surprised that despite my assidiously keeping an eye out on this forum for such little ships that this thread slipped past me. A marvellous little ship sloop, the sort I'd happily sail around in in Naval Action. I would love to go trader hunting in it!

  20. On 16/07/2017 at 0:28 PM, monk33y said:

    I guess the easiest way to make captured flags have a lifespan. Say a captured flag is only valid for 5 server resets. More than enough time to get resources, Contracts etc and escape.

    The captured flag system would mean being a famous pirate would have drawbacks. And forces players to pay attention to open world more.

    The thoughts I personally had on the flag thing are as follows:

    1. When clicked on in the Open World your rank and nation reflect those of the person who inspects your ship.
    2. Possibly when you're within half-range of the circle the fact that you're a pirate is revealed OR it is revealed once you click on the 'Attack' button.
    3. Upon leaving the battle instance there is a timed cooldown until you can resume being a pirate safely, i.e. once again you will show as the same nation as the person inspecting you after 5/10/15/20 minutes, or whatever.

    For the first, it is exactly as it sounds. If a Spanish player clicks on you, then your nation to them is Spanish, your rank gets converted into the Spanish rank and to all intent and purpose you are a Spanish ship. Thus, if a British & a Dutch player both click on you at the same time, you appear as the respective nation and rank to each of them - I know this doesn't reflect just having one flag raised, but it reflects your captain's attempt to pass the ship off as an innocent vessel. As your notoriety grows across the server and your name becomes easily recognisable amongst people, the harder your life as a pirate will be as people won't be fooled by the flag system. Just when you think you're going to get past those 5th Rates, bang they hit 'Attack' and you're having to run for your life like a pirate should.

    The alternative is that your flag reflects the region you're sailing in. So if you're sailing in French waters you'd show up as a French ship, or if you're in American waters you'll be displayed as being American with the relevant rank for a Yank captain. I prefer the first option as it shows specifically hunting that ship and its nation, but this alternative might make more sense as you are purposefully sailing in that nation's waters. Maybe this could be what happens when another pirate clicks on your ship, you show the nation & rank of the region you're in. I don't think pirates should be able to advertise to each other that they're pirates unless they're at Mortimer Town (which probably should remain as a single pirate port/haven).

    Of course when disguised you can enter any port as usual and do what you want to do in that port, but once again the better known you are the riskier it becomes as people will just get into range as you sail in, hit attack and then you're revealed as a pirate and have to leg it.

    What I would hope such mechanics would achieve is an organic use of smaller ships, of 6th & 7th Rates as people realise that they'll be better for hunting than taking out a big ship. So leave them with access to 4th, even 3rd Rates if they can crew them, but dam'me, you'd be mad to go hunting in one!

    EDIT: As an extension of this, and the ideas below, these 'pirates' can be invited into groups with nationals. There are holes in this, I recognise, but bear with me. This is to i.) help maintain the illusion if they're unwittingly invited so that they can continue to pretend to be under that flag and effectively act as the same nation once in that group (like joining a battle as a national in the group would normally), and ii.) to allow pirates to be hired.

    Hiring a pirate privateer...

    Captain Jim, known as a scourge of French waters, is approached in-game (Global, whisper) or out of game (if possible) by Swedish players who want to hire him. Captain Jim accepts and puts an item into his hold: a Letter of Marque. He sails to a rendezvous with the group who wish to hire him and they invite him into that group. The Letter is automatically activated by Captain Jim accepting the group invite and all of their income from battle is increased to 200% to represent Captain Jim being rewarded for his assistance. Then when Captain Jim wishes to he can leave the group, or the group leader can kick them out.

    As well as the Letter allowing ol' Captain Jim to gain an income by being hired by nationals, the activated Letter ensures the owner cannot be attacked by the hiring nation for a set period of time (in my mind I've plumped for either a real-time estimate of 3 or 6 hours) and vice-versa. This prevents national players using it as a ruse to just destroy a pirate's ship. I'm not sure whether the Letter should be a free item or paid for through marks, with a maximum limit of one at any one time, and perhaps with a cooldown.

    Other things I would suggest, and either have been suggested in the past or in this thread (treat them as backing for other peoples ideas), for pirates are the following:

    • No nation chat whatsoever, nothing to tie pirates as a 'nation'.
    • No in-game 'clan' mechanics - can't form them, can't join them, can't do anything like that. If you want to sail together, organise it outside the game.
    • I like the idea of crew attrition when you dock at port - crew leave the ship so you need new crew to join.
    • I've always liked the idea of using Free Ports as Pirate bases, and should be the only players able to use them as an outpost, build a shipyard and stock their materials/plunder there there.
    • I would allow Pirate players to be able to craft up to 6th Rates, but not higher - the larger Rate ships should have to be captured from players.
    • I would allow Pirate players to capture NPC ships up to 6th Rates
    • I would allow Pirate players to only have one (1) ship at any time. You have your ship, you sail your ship, you lose it then you need to replace it.
    • I wouldn't allow Pirate as a starting choice, but something that can become a choice at a certain rank. You sail for a nation as a learning experience and if you want to be mad and go do pirate-y stuff then the option becomes available through attacking your own nation's shipping at a set rank (first attack you get a notification warning you that doing it again will result in your being seen as a pirate by your nation).
    • Of course I am on board with the not being able to capture ports or regions but raid them narrative.
    • Oh yes, a choice of flags of the most famous pirates would be nice. Especially that Ned Lowe's flag...
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  21. Regarding upgrades, they should be scaled down, quite a bit; they are, as you rightly say, over the top at the moment. They should provide a small, noticable boost, but it must only be a small one. Perhaps the error can be also be found in the number of upgrade boxes available? Perhaps they should be cut back for all ships to, say, three permanent and three 'book' upgrades? Or base it around the ship's Rate, so that a 1st Rate has access to 3 permanent upgrade slots and 5 'book' slots, whilst the dinky 7th Rate has access to 1 permanent upgrade slot and 3 'book' slots? I don't know what the answer is, but my Pickle currently goes at 14.9 knots loaded, has cannon dispersion reduced, and several other bonuses that make it rather a mad little ship as it currently stands.*

    Rewards for PvPing need to be examined and boosted. If you spend an hour fighting, you should get something worthwhile out of it. As an example, three [HEC] members (including yours truly) spent an hour and 17 minutes chasing, disabling and then boarding a Renommeé with our little Pickle schooners. We barely broke even financially upon taking it, and the guy who lost the Renommeé would have gotten nothing. Yes it was fun, but was it worth that much time? I love the danger of single durability ships and the loss it can entail, but at the same time there is a distinct lack of compensation for the time spent engaging in PvP. Why should we spend that time sailing off to another nation's waters, engaging a ship and chasing it for over an hour, when in that time we could go and do PvE missions and be rolling in money and experience?

    Maybe we need PvP missions of some sort with a suitable reward? Pick the nation, get an objective and off you go. Perhaps getting rid of PvP marks was the wrong move? Perhaps something similar for fleets to enable the large scale PvP Sir Lancelot Holland mentioned further up. I wish I knew the answers.

    *On a mildly related note, ship speeds need to be examined and, I think, reduced by 1-2 knots across the board. It can be ever so easy to push a ship to the 15 knot cap at the moment.

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