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Posts posted by MikedaBike

  1. They slow down due to marine growth in the form of weeds worms (eating the wood) and barnacles and the like. Black tar would keep it at bay for a limited period but a copper layer below the waterline was toxic to all marine life and so the hull would stay cleaner, but copper would also create a different problem in the form of electrolysis between itself and iron iron nails used as fasteners.


    Modern day yacht all fit a zinc anode on the under water section of the hull, usually near the bronze prop and in my personally experience a big ole lump of zinc, which is lower on the metal eating charts gets eaten in a matter on months.


    Moving over to copper nails and roves (no idea what time frame that happened) helped with that problem, but any metal other than copper even above the water line would start the electrolysis problem in any damp weather or water contact. I even know of folk who have run a soldered wire from every copper nail to the sacrificial (Zinc) anode, to help prevent what is called nail sickness and electrolysis to that which is basically holding the hull together in a wooden ship.

    Spent many an hour lying on my back in the mud with a beached wooden boat, banging in new nails whilst a friend holds the dolly on the inside to tighten them. 


    Anyway sorry got a bit carried away down memory lane there lol. Just some boat bottom info for anyone not in the know.

  2. didn't help here lol But once the AI prob is sorted it should make the battles longer, although i have had many going a fair while anyway. For people who have less time it may mean they do not get more than a single battle in there free play time... not truely sure how long it has increased battle time as the ai spawning in large numbers makes it tricky to work out so far.


  3. Boarding would have to be redone to return a large amount of crew to the victor.

    could be a part of a captains stats, like charm or charisma or something, maybe it could affect a surrender in battle, but i like the idea of something to help replenish men without a long haul back to port each battle.

  4. I do not agree, i think the same ship that is stationed in space orbiting the planet, you know the one that is beaming all the ai into battles at present, yep that one. Well if it can teleport ships all over the map then a few crew should be easy going. ;)


    On the other hand without that highly advanced piece of 18th century tech hovering out there zapping stuff all over, you may have a good point. I would say maybe there could be also an option to add crew from a captured ship, a random spin of the dice to decide how many are willing to join up. % chance increase decrease dependent on if at war, naval or trader type ship capped...blaa blaa blaa!

  5. Another problem with being out of home waters and no ai support is shown in the photo below.


    I attacked a lone Traders Brig in my once 5 dura Suprise, what happened next was out of a horror movie...... 8 SOL spawned all around me, i was completely and utterly in the middle of your worse nightmare as a sea captain.



    I do not know if any help would have been of use, but nothing came to my aid. As i said i was surrounded completely on all sides. Result is a 6000 gold bill which is 5976 more than i got from that battle. At present rate of gold incoming that ship is going to be in dock for a very very long time.

    I lasted less than 1 minute as you would expect from 8 SOL all landing with loaded guns pointing straight at you.

    Not impressed lol.


    If i did not have another ship this would have made the game a no longer playable option as i have no gold because you took it all :) or back to a free Lynx to earn 6000 gold to repair my main ship... hmmm that is truly unrealistic. Hope this info helps in someway.

  6. New patch:

                     Having been testing the new battle system with ai help, and have had the same results confirmed by other players there is a major bug if playing away from home waters.


    It appears that the AI are directly affected by what AI assistance enters the battle instance with you. I was testing (as English captain) down along the Spanish held coats at the southern part of the map, as such i was receiving no ai back up at all, which was fine, despite the Spanish fleets getting plenty. While attacking these fleets the ai would behave in a very dumbed down manner which included doing nothing, sailing off al all directions plus the odd battle, but normally only one ship out of a fleet.


    Frustrated with 100% messed up battles i decided to head to home waters where entering a battle gave me ai assistance jumping in to help. Straight off the battle was a completely different set up, all ai fought and the game became a lot more fun again. I tested this in several battle both with ai support and without and the same results pretty much every time.


    With no ai support on your side the enemy ai become sheep. Add some ai on your side and they brighten up again.

  7. Guns are pretty useless without powder how ever stupid or ridiculous you seem to think the need for it is.


    400 men have there own jobs, powder monkeys had their set tasks and it was up to them to fulfill that task, should they be a module? No, they are crew. If a crew does not all work together on a sailing ship, then that ship sails less efficiently, if you have ever crewed or sailed you should know that, if you haven't then take it from someone who has sailed thousands of miles on sailing boats.

    The powder is as important as every other job on the ship, saying slow delivery or running out of powder does not create a bottle neck seems stupid in its own right.


    Quoted from the article linked below


      Therefore, the very performance of the ship, its output of fire-power and ultimately its
    effectiveness in defeating the enemy was dependant on the ability of the powder monkeys to
    supply gunpowder quickly and efficiently.



    • Like 1
  8. Yeh, or hire grown men to do it, increase the fire rate 20%! Then they could have built a shed on the deck to store the powder and shot in too, increase the fire rate 30% ! They could have tied ropes around whales and had them tow the ship, increase speed 50% !


    There are certain improvements that are sensible and there are some that aren't..

    Powder monkeys were all young boys mostly about 12 to 14 yrs of age, thy were chosen for the job of getting powder to the guns because of their speed and the size, which allows them to move much faster than a grown man could, in the limited deck spaces between the magazine and the guns. A Grown man would only ever do this job if all the powder monkeys were dead, they simply were to big and slow compared. This though should be a crew upgrade not a stick it in a module box . Good powder boys would mean the powder was all at the guns as it was needed and would make a huge difference in a battle. They were an integral working part of a fighting ship. Long live the monkeys i say.. hurrah!

  9. No names seems good, but identifying ships in the middle of a battle needs some assist i feel, in real life you have hundreds of eyes looking all directions, officers and mates keeping tabs on situations and passing up information, losing sight of you target is unlikely when you have that many people under your command. I would say once within a certain distance identification should be made easier as this would help reflect the amount of info a captain can get from a good crew. In game we have only one set of eyes that must be every where and this is where some assit. for information should imo. offer something to qualify enemy and foe. Something needs to replace the eyes of the officers and crew.

  10. Modules are a stupid idea to begin with in my opinion, they belong in arena games like WoT and WT etc. No idea why they are even in the game.


    If you're going to have some kind of upgrade feature then there are better ways to do it and rather than improving the modules they should put time into finding a better way of handling upgrades full stop.

    I don't think they are a stupid ideas as such, there are many areas they could be realistic and useful, quality boost on items like ropes and sails for one, a set of high quality well cut sails makes a lot of difference, light wind sails made from fine light weight cloth for lighter winds, if they get introduced. Different grades of rope also make a huge difference, i remember spending ages trying to decide on what type and weight of rope i would use on my boats. Clean hull, top speed increase, copper plate, slows marine growth which causes drag, many of the modules in game now have value, just not quite as they are implemented at present on that i agree. There should be many ,many useful ways to tune your ship, the module way gives you x boxes to limit the amount, we need to have a lot of very useful choices so not everyone are using exactly the same ones thus making them pointless.

    • Like 2
  11. Restart steam and then go back into properties to the drop down menu and the open world option should appear. Same thing happened to me and that fixed it so hope it helps :)

    Yes  what he said ^^^^^^ spent ages messing around trying stuff, a simple restart and there it was :) welcome

  12. 22,567 posts on this already why not one more :) Once you reach the Santi ship in sea trials you will get an automatic invite to OW, if you are not able to do this then all purchased copies of the game will be allowed in within the next 3 weeks, (so we have been told)  either next patch or the one after that. Personally i achieved the Santi in 6 days playing, put some time in and got straight into OW, it is very doable and anyone who wants access to OW then it is sitting right there waiting :) good luck

  13. Fond memories of the days back in the early 90's when Sir Timothy John "Tim" Berners-Lee the wonderful English man gave us the ability for the internet (for free) to connected those of like mind within the gaming community, a time when meeting people from far flung places was exciting and a pleasure, where Americans first started to learn they did not invent pizza and friendliness was something you shared with your team and your enemies.

    What it has devolved into, what the gaming community has sunk too is sadly a reflection of the type of people in todays world, lacking self respect and any respect for others. A breed of give me give me give me spoiled foul mouthed brats with no patience and no sense of wanting to achieve anything other than a quick fix of one upmanship by any means available fair or unfair.


    I hope the community here will be mature enough and like minded enough to, as the poster says, change that attitude within this game :)

    Sadly i think it is a war we may not win as those who bully and Toxify  < (real word?) seem to either out number those who don't, or seem to as they scream louder in general.

    • Like 1
  14. Respectfully, 1., you can't speak for others.  No one can understand anyone else's voice, but their own  (and I understand you're just playing devil's advocate).


    But more importantly, 2.  if you think it's too difficult now, how about when this game has 5000 players online roaming the seas...can we please stop trying to "consider" the carebears.  The crux of this game is PvP.  Without it, it's rather boring.


    Don't get me wrong, it's an amazing Age of Sail experience.  But that exciting will last about a month.  I have a feeling the devs are hoping people play this game for more than a month.  Once you've explored the map, once you've done some successful trading missions and have generated wealth, as a PvE'er, why keep playing?


    Other than traditional MMOs that generate constant specific PvE content (and that's debatable right there, because how long did you play a traditional MMO once you hit max level and had completed all the raids?), the excitement of almost every PvE game out there lasts only a month.  Unless it's Skyrim or something that has a ton of content (which this game won't really have) and has a ton of Mods that keep the game going (which this game will likely not have either);  or a game with incredible high replay value like Civ 5 or XCOM or something because it has a lot of variation and difficulty settings (which, again, this game won't really have either) and again, those both have a lot of Mods.


    PvP is a sport in a sense.  If a person's heart is too weak for it, if the thrill of competition doesn't drive them to keep playing and get better whether in victory or defeat, perhaps it's not the sport for them and they should find more peaceful games?


    Completely agree, please stop any more development on anything within this game that is not pvp, roll it all back to sea trials as anything more than that is carebear and boring.

  15. Folk seem to be forgetting that we are very early in OW world and asking for this and that now, we must have this, we must have that, is not taking into account the longer term plans of the developers. I am sure once political alliances are introduced battles will be changing to more open nation fights. What people seem to want open world to be is "sea trials" again, this game is bigger than bash bash death matches, skirmish mode will i am sure be offering more of what people seem to be after in this thread. We already have that option in game as yet to be activated. Positive ideas are great it is why we are here, but please remember this is just the wee top of the ice berg so far. Balanced game play has to come at a much later date than this in my opinion.

    Until we have more content within the game we cannot really be saying this is needed or that, we can point out problems and report game play / bug issues but trying to change the game play mode with a fraction of the content is a no win situation, if it is changed every 5 seconds it loses its direction, and then gets pulled all over the place without progress.

  16. This is a very confusing post.  What is the complaint here?


    I think in simple terms what is being asked here and it is a valid Alpha game play question in my book.


    Countries :   Green hitting Green of any nation is not allowed in game and it is classed as in many games, and frowned upon, as team killing.


    Pirates :       Green hitting Green in pirate faction is ok or not ok... that is the question


    within the group involved 3 say it is not ok and the one doing the team killing is saying it is ok.


    Everyone else, myself included, are just saying what ever...!


    Simple as it can be :)

  17. It seem most are completely missing his point here, Tash totally accepts pirates can attack pirates, he has mentioned doing it himself and within his group. Pirates on each side of the battle, ie red pirates and green pirates are totally fair game and in no way are they being questioned in this thread by the group. Tash is as far as i see completely right to ask if a member of your TEAM ie someone who is green to you is allowed to use that GREEN FRIEND SAME SIDE situation to attack you in the instance, and cause you to maybe lose your ship. IE friendly fire within the instance.


    I for one would not be happy if anyone who is GREEN / ON MY SIDE within the instance started shooting me, pirate or not green and red are the enemy, green shooting green should not be allowed if your a pirate or not, otherwise why do pirates get put into opposite sides if everyone is an enemy.

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