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Everything posted by MikedaBike

  1. Another way to limit 1st rate use would be to make a build contract for them... everyone gets a contract to start, but if you lose your 1st rate there is a cool down period before you can be issued with a new contract to build another, be it a week, a month, 3 months a year... Your admiralty is pissed at you for losing a highly priced asset, you are going to have to wiat/prove yourself to get a replacement.
  2. Love to see GPS removed, and replaced with tools to calculate your position to replace it. Love to see the ability to lower and raise each sail seperately as well as the system already in place. Hold a key down and mouse click a sail to set or stow. Love to see the ability to free roam on the ship so when sailing any distance you feel like your at deck height rather than follow cam, no need for avatar, just feel like feet on deck as an option.
  3. Rare is good, nothing exciting about everyday things, keep them rare so there is a real feeling attached to getting them. Any if anyone is stupid enough to paint there ship Pink i suggest a server wide hunt until they repaint LOL.
  4. Your crew get arm ache pulling on all the extra lines, and are unable to make and hold a cup of Tea, there for, it is in fact a real nerf for the British Navy as the crew all work at 25% as no Tea to boost them, i call for a Tea Perk where a char lady comes round giving a good fresh cuppa to all the lads pulling on those extra ropes...! Great vid thanks.
  5. If Real life was so great we wouldn't all be playing games to escape it lol
  6. To make it more interesting how about a mast has to be taken down from the top, in 3 sections, weaker at the top down to a sturdy base section, you have to work it down by sections, repairs would allow you to repair a section, maybe more than once, but you would never be able to spring 3 new masts with the magic mast beans you got from selling your family cow on the way to the market (jack). This would allow skill and time for both the de-master and the escaper..Obviously top masts would have to be a lot weaker as you don't want a 5 hour session knocking down 9 different sections to totally de mast, but with enough sections gone the job is easier enough to board. Just a thought.
  7. I would gladly accept an officer perk that took 20 points if it would offer the ability to mute the kid vicious and remove all his posts. Seriously my time spent reading interesting posts in this forum has decreased as his stuipid ego going on and on in so many posts just bores the shit out of me. Complete waste of time, and totally not wanted in any form what so ever... Played comp games since before the internet was invented, and in all the time since it has been, i have never read so much drivel from one person as pours from a certain hole located somewhere upon his person!
  8. Jees we even managed with no real probs before it went to steam without any in game map at all, we now have GPS how much easier can it get?
  9. Errrr i want club hauling as mentioned, where is my dropable anchor? Great review
  10. So let me get this right, this is a post to let a certain person, who has no ability to speak the truth, understand anything, has a huge ego based on delusions created by that said ego, a personality that represents all that is going bad in games these days. A post designed only to allow the motor mouth more rev space and NOT a post for those other fine folk to post about their own victories??? Have i got what this post is about correct. So so bored with the constant crap one player spews endlessly in every single post!
  11. Exactly, a poll that has only one side is not a poll. Add never, don't want or something to actually tick on the negative side and i will gladly tick it for you.
  12. Great idea, having read the post and understoood it (something half the posters seem to have not done) i fully support the testing of these new ideas to check if they are as viable as they seem. Good job.
  13. Good advice but he obviously felt he could trust him or he would not have given his stuff to him..... Nobody gives stuff to people they don't trust, it is only after trusting that you find out he is a twat.
  14. any update on this situation, not tried it lately as the guy i used to team up with has stopped playing due to not being ablr to team up?
  15. As admin stated the shotlogger is 1.5 yrs outdate and not to be used as a reliable source of info, it is based on the damage of model 1 we are now on model 4
  16. Love the idea, always have been on the side of tides and wind, but never no wind, to many people hate the slowness already, leaving them sitting there with nothing to do except wait for wind may very well be realistic, been there done it, all of the above chart, but there should always be a some wind. So for me as with everytime this subject gets suggested a big YES PLEASE.
  17. Very much in agreement, love it. Best single addition so far for me. Now give me some enemy forts along shore lines to bombard with the new Brig and i will be a happy chappy for sure!
  18. Only the single ship that starts the attack can join, anyone else in the circle has to leave the circle and attempt to join, if the br is then over 1.5 they can't, but at present i am unable to join any battle against ai that is not a mission with a friend who is within the circle. Yes is the answer you asked for that is correct
  19. The end of the world is nigh, repent you sinners before it is to late... oh wait a minute, game has not beeen released as a finished product yet. Amazing how many people seem to predict death and destruction before the life has even started. A lot of folk buy EA games to try then come back at full release, all this game is dying crap is just that crap. Game will live or die on what it is at release, not at a partly finished product with a lot of plans and changes ahead, stop with all this doom and gloom for gods sake, enjoy the game, if you don't then leave it try again later, and if you still don't like it then hey you bought the wrong game, go try something else.
  20. As topic states it is impossable to enter a battle if your br is over the 1.5 in pve server as a group, it will only allow the one player clicking attack into the battle anyone else has to leave the circle then be told can't join as br is to high, this has stopped any and pretty much all combined fights on the pve server unless doing missions. It will allow it if you are below the 1.5, but as most fleets are 12 first rates they are not an option for most. You would have to be sailing in pretty small ships to be able to get a frigate fight with 1 friend let alone more than one. Since the patch i have been unable to sail with anyone other than in missions and it is game breaking if you are not able to do battles with anyone else at all. I am also on the pvp 1 and pvp 2 where this is not a problem.
  21. Morter brigs were taken out of the game for a long time due to their OP nature at the time. High accuracy makes them to unbalanced, apart from the fact that historically they were not accurate at all, it would just revert back to being op, their use will become more advantages in the port battles when forts and shore batteries are introduced. Until then, keep practicing, improving ones own ability to aim will help.
  22. i just got rammed 3 times by the same pickle, he took no avoidance at all just came straight at me, not sure if captains of Rome are in command but seemed a bit wierd that they would lay down their lives in this way.
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