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Transition from an old notebook to a new pc

Red Jack Walker

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Hi captains :) !
I have not much experience with Steam Games so here is my problem: I've planned to buy a new pc as soon as possible (March probably). In the meanwhile (and after wipe and EA), I'd like to continue to play Naval Action on my current (very slow) notebook. My question is: will it be possible for me to continue to play Naval Action on my new pc without starting a brand new in game character and losing all my experience and progress?
Is there a way to continue my game on a brand new pc without losing about a couple of months of play? In that case, what steps are needed to do such a thing (copy/past some directories maybe)?

Thank you in advance for your time and answers :D!

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your data is saved on the server somewhere. you can play the game from any pc/ ip, whatever you like.

As long as you log into your own personal account you will always have your own stuff ;)

which means you dont loos any game progress at all

Thank you BungeeLemming! So I will have just to install steam on my new pc and install Naval Action on it too. Am I right?

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