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Bug Boarding with getting Xp and Gold( big battle befor Trafalgal 21:30 08.01)


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Hello everyone.

Yesterday i attended in big battle in Plymout (GB vs USA). I'm in my bellona boarding 2 vici and 1 bellona (successfully) and leaving my bellona becouse my its preety destroyed (but not sinking) and taking to play further another bellona(players), when im dead and when time its 00:00 (battle end) I'm leaving the battle end see this :





For first: My basic bellona(this one that im starting to play in this battle) Its not sink in battle (this other bellona sink what i captured) and I'm not losing my durability but too im not getting Xp and Gold for this battle(look details battle)  I think it is not correct.


Second: Im win boarding with this 2 victory becouse they heave 0 morale, and I'm killing just half creew, and too i have just XP for killing this half creew. Why it is not counted Xp for successfully Win in boarding like 1 killed Vici or just Full creew killed(not only half, becouse I have only half Xp for boarding, then better its just sink ship then board him)



Ragnar Lodrok 2

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