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Is there an option somewhere to make torps more visible...?


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Hi everyone, new player here. I got the game a few days before Christmas and I am just amazed. It does so many things right in my opinion, I'm simply loving it.


So, the yellow flashing "!" sign that marks newly detected torps is lovely, would there be any option to keep it active, maybe not flashing, but as a very useful marker?

Currently, torps tend to blend in a lot. I'd wish they were more visible.

I'm having a lot of trouble keeping track of them, both the AI's and mine, especially when I'm working at low zoom levels to manage my entire fleet.


(Right now the AI went for a torp-heavy 1920 fleet, hurling fast and slow torp walls at me with wild abandon...)

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there is a warning sign popping up, when you spot a group of torp (one for each torp group), but it is easy to miss it.


Personally I also would wish for more tolls to help evade torps. A like a minimap that shows the spotted torps (including "friendly") projected travel line.

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A little clarification may be needed - by "make torpedoes more visible" I am referring to torpedoes that are already spotted. When there are many torp walls in play, it's... really a bit of a nightmare.

I am attaching a couple screenshots for clarity.

And with that kind of loadout, the AI can spam torp walls all day...

Too many torps 2.jpg

Too many torps.jpg

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I notice as well the AI will neglect torpedo loadouts for DD's but will sacrifice speed and armor to make sure it can put the as many of the largest torpedoes on cruisers and BB's Genuinely can be infuriating, I spend about 80% of my battles watching the enemy torp reload and not my own fleet so I have a snowball chance in hell to survive.  

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IMHO, this is the biggest problem with the game right now.

In the 1930 campaign, I spend half my time in battle simply looking for torpedoes and trying to thread my way through them. My eyes are not good. It is not fun. I don't mind that the enemy cruisers are packing 72 torpedoes and spamming them in walls - if I come within 8 kilometers, that's on me - but now I autoresolve pretty much any battle with more than three ships, because it is just too much micromanagement. More than once I've lost track of a salvo and tried to guesstimate where it would be, with unfortunate results. 

I'd like to see a UI overlay for torpedoes. (Maybe a little black and orange line, so you know which way they're headed.) 

Something. Anything. Please.

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I agree. Battles with more than 2 ships to manage are very complicated, especially when they start to split off. And this always happends because of swarm torpedoes dodging. Worst situation comes when your ships are separated enough so, when you follow one, the other is too far away and the little yellow sign for torpedoes detection isn't displayed. 

This happened to me last evening when I did a very hard battle (1930, Germany, hard mode, random opponent, build my own ships) 3BC + 1DD vs 1BB + 1BC + 2CA + 5CL + 4DD. My DD doesn't count (retreating from start, to prevent destruction). The management of each BC was very painful, always switching from one to another to command turns to anticipate torpedoes launchs. 
I was in the beginning of my campaign, so it took an eternity to my cadet crews to hit and sunk the ennemy. 

Paradoxically battles become easier later in the campaign, when crews become veteran. They hit the ennemy harder without necessity to come too close, so less torpedoes dodging to do, often from a greater distance (with more space between torpedoes), and ennemy ships have less time to reload. 

So, I support the idea of the option of a continuous marker for detected torpedoes. 

Edited by Lastreaumont
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