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Error in the loding-screen-fact


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I recognized a mistake in this loading screen. This Class is named after the city of cologne but in German it is written as "Köln". The same applies to the ships name.

Additional it was from the German Empire so technicaly that should be an its not an her.

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While the city _is_ written as Köln, there actually were CL named Cöln (an older spelling of the city's name).

The first one was the "Kleine Kreuzer" (Germany called Light Cruisers "Small Cruisers") Cöln, build in 1909 (4,900 tons, 12 x 10.5cm guns), followed by the 1916 Cöln of 7500 tons and 8 x 15cm guns - which is the one shown here, which was ordered as part of a replacement building program for CLs after the heavy losses of CLs in 1914/15.

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