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Maintenance Costs


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Ok I'm up to US 3.5 and maintenance costs have caught up with me and now I'm trying sort them out but there's no breakdown of these costs anywhere, maintenance costs aren't even noted in the ships info tab. How are costs to be managed without any info? All maintenance costs should be listed per ship and a breakdown shown so players can determine which ships to keep and which to get rid off. 



2) Weights of upgrades aren't shown in the tech tree but adding upgrades with 'weight' is important to ships loadouts, so without knowing (while in the tech tree tab) what weight an upgrade is, it makes it harder to determine the upgrade viability. Upgrade weights should be shown and known within the tech tree tab so players can make the best economical choice, instead of purchasing one and then finding out after that the upgrade is to heavy to use for there level or there indented ship. 2A) Maintenance costs for upgrades should be known at time of purchase too, ditto when selecting an upgrade for ships (but after this cost could be added to the ship overall cost once assigned).



Edited by Skeksis
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The more experienced a crew member the more the maintenance cost. The bigger the ship, the higher the cost. While more detail is never bad, I also don't feel like it changes the overall gameflow here. If your costs are too high, sell the ships you aren't using.

The upgrade description text is already too long and needs to get cut down. The upgrade descriptions are there to give you a general idea of what the upgrade does before you buy the tech. This is mostly useful for newer players who haven't already seen them. Once you've reached the point of doing number precise number comparisons, asking the user to actually buy the tech seems a reasonable step.

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While I understand your need to help, you are actually 'talking down' the topic, none of these are pertinent…

  • The more experienced a crew member the more the maintenance cost.
  • The bigger the ship, the higher the cost.
  • If your costs are too high, sell the ships you aren't using.
  • This is mostly useful for newer players who haven't already seen them.

Maintenance costs do directly impede rewards, fleet quantity and upgrade application, economy is part of the game, all of these costs needs ‘player choices’ and management thus costs should to be displayed and made available to the player to make those choices.


The upgrade description text is already too long and needs to get cut down.

This does not take up alot of room...

Capture Weight Icon.JPG


precise number comparisons

And yet not all the values are available, the player has to guess them or do a series of buying and reversal re-loads to obtain the information, Dev’s can address ease-of-life issues, especially to stop repetitive re-loading.



Sorry for late post but I was going ignore your post but in the end... I couldn’t.  


Edited by Skeksis
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2 hours ago, Skeksis said:

While I understand your need to help, you are actually 'talking down' the topic, none of these are pertinent…

  • The more experienced a crew member the more the maintenance cost.
  • The bigger the ship, the higher the cost.
  • If your costs are too high, sell the ships you aren't using.
  • This is mostly useful for newer players who haven't already seen them.

Maintenance costs do directly impede rewards, fleet quantity and upgrade application, economy is part of the game, all of these costs needs ‘player choices’ and management thus costs should to be displayed and made available to the player to make those choices.

You asked for a breakdown, I supplied the information that I could. I'm sorry you found that information unhelpful.

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