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Questions - about the ? on the Worldmap and St. Andreas Mission


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like the Game so far, but i'm stucked, did soemthing wrong or are unable to understand what and how. 


OK i started the British Camaping, played the first Mission. 
Then i get to the Worldmap, i repair my ship, i hire a captain for the sloop, man up my crews.

I have a question mark and when i assign a ship to it, it's in "process".
Arent these playable Missions, but auto missions, that use my ships, because when i tried to do another one the ship i sended to the ? Mission isnt available???
Please some clarification about that. 

Ok, the first attempt i made a mistake maybe and ended up on the St. Andreas Mission. 
I choosed to do both Ship and Landbattle. But how can i beat 5 or 6 Ships with only 2 Ships?
I tried many times, i also could send my troops out in rowboats and tried to get the gold of the spaniards. 
My Ships were always lost, dont know what to do or how to do it. 
The Gold i also wasn't able to get, no matter how quick i am when i go for the small town there is a lot of infantry of the spanish coming for me. 
I maybe need to get even quicker, ok i got that, until i was busy trying to beat the ships and not lost mine. 

Ok i  thought i maybe misclickt someithing and the mission is to far ahead as if i missed missions to level up. 
I already tried with a buyed large fregatte, but no chance. 
So i restartet the campaign and even used easy mode just to test. 

Firt mission no problem. 

? on the orldmap again, locks my ship if i accept to do it. 

Next mission i first seem to have missed is a landbattle, but i have no troops.
Do i need to send my troops to reserve???

Maybe i'm missing something, maybe i understand something wrong. 

thanks for any tips in advance. 

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The ? missions, or Points of Interest, resolve when you end the stage. So you want to play through any battles that are available first to build up the number of ships you have access to. Then just before ending the stage you start the PoI and then they'll be available again in the next stage.

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