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First British Mission

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Could be bug, could be intentional.

If you capture both enemy ships one of them always sinks. In one run-through I even raged-boarded both, neither had any damage (very little) but one of them still sinks.

In another run-through I was using one of them as an off-shore battery, it decided to sink. If this is intentional then the player needs to know which one is going to sink.  

Edited by Skeksis
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There is a flooding symbol above the ship.  It looks like waves.  You need a crew large enough to do damage control.  If all your crew is on damage control, you need more.  In the bottom left, it should be 2nd to the bottom, right above the idle crew.  Iirc, from the top it is sailing, cannon, damage control, and idle.  

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I’ve definitely been able to capture both ships without one sinking. I’ve found a trick is to double-team a ship when the icon starts flashing white (meaning morale is wavering) which causes surrender. Either that or take armor down a bit and grapeshot until I can Board.

I’ve done the first mission 3x and double captured twice.

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I've only ever been able to transfer min crew, so therefore...

How do you transfer more than min crew (see red circles)? and how do you know how many to transfer to cover crewed damage control and min crew for the rest of the ship, as you've pointed out "you need more"?



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You can click on any or all of the officers on the left side of that menu to have the officer and his subordinates move to the ship. If the detachments get too small then transfer minimal will be greyed out and you'll have to send an officer.

Not sure if there is a way to tell if you need more men to deal with flooding from the boarding menu. Once you've boarded, you can see where the crew are assigned in the bottom left when you select the newly captured ship. Any crew that are not needed to deal with flooding will be assigned to other roles.

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In this mission why would you transfer a troop unit? The objective of transferring crew is to capture, then as to ordinal post, one of those ships sinks, regardless!

Transferring troop units doesn't save the designated ship sinking.

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Greetings Skeksis,

In your screen capture of the game, I see that the Galga is on fire.  I can't see the ship to tell how bad is the fire...it may be too out of control to save the ship.  Nevertheless, to have any chance of saving the ship, you need to transfer an officer and sufficient crew to perform damage control.

Also, when coming alongside for boarding, I typically shift to canister shot to take out crew without causing more damage to the ship I intend to board. If you keep blasting away with round shot and cause a fire, its liable to catch your own ship on fire, as well.  I've lost ships that way before.

I can't say for certain whether your observations might represent a new "bug."  However, in previous play of this particular scenario, I have captured both enemy ships without either of them sinking.

Edited by CAPT E.
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