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AI auto join ship line/formation

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Not crazy about the AI auto joining the fleet line formation all on their own.  If I had wanted them there I would have put them there.  Not sure if this is a me only complaint or if anyone else thinks the same.  I did not send an F11 as this really couldn't qualify as a bug, in my opinion.

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17 hours ago, pandakraut said:

Do you mean at the start of a battle? Or if you enable AI mode they will try to follow other ships?

If I enable AI mode after the battle has started they try to follow.  I played through another battle and it seems this happens when I just put them in AI mode without assigning a target for them and they are left to their own devices.  I also noticed this happens only when there is another friendly ship nearby.  They never purposely move across the battle to join up, but if you are near enough...I have had to pause and un-join them on a few occasions.  I have not yet been able to pin down a pattern (i.e. vicinity, with orders, without...) that I can say 100% causes this so I wouldn't recommend this as a high priority...just a quirk that has happened enough for me to question.

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